Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO)
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Division Leader
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Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIx2FINGERS 7 (Co-Division Leader - Immortal Outlaws)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - KSIx2FINGERS 7 gets it done and can stay cool and calm under fire. The standard is and will be followed, anything short is just unacceptable, which has allowed a division to stabilize and grow successfully. KSIx2FINGERS 7 a Co-Division Leader works with in his squads and is noted for his presence in his division were other leaders might not do as much. KSIx2FINGERS 7 maintains solid squad leaders who emulates what is sought by a mature gaming division in turn allowing for little problem big results.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI CARNAGE 7 (Founder - Harmonic Destruction)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - He's canadian, cool as a cucumber and the man with the plan, KSI CARNAGE 7 is what his division needed to allow the standard to be followed. KSI CARNAGE 7 is unbiased and knows squad management like the back of his hand, which has made it possible for a division shrunk to not lose its motivation, however get turned up to move forward and do great things. This man has a discernment of people and is set to do great things in the near future.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI OhMyLanta
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Reasoning why they deserve this - OhMyLanta, whats not to say, here's a member with a solid influence over her members who's also very energetic, all over the console and forums. She loves to have fun and ensure her members are having the same, while the work and training is getting done. The level of energy motivation and dedication would seem almost unmatching, I say almost because I don't know all four thousand or so members, but its unparalleled to what i've seen from the members I've met across the community and that energy radiates well with her subordinate leaders, which makes for a very successful operation. I'd like to also note her willingness to spread that across the community by creating a topic that would allow divisions to set up game nights with IO's squads for various game types you can find that in the IO section as well as the many other topics that she's set up for her members. KSI OhMyLanta is nothing short of outstanding and has earned this!
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Steelers 7 (General - Dark Legions/Death)
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Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI Steelers 7 has set one up for success and a squad that will split by the middle of this month all the while hosting meetings, sergeants workshops on the weekly, motivated and mature members of all ages from 15 to his old age of ancient . On top of all that this month he is also responsible for setting up a head hunters team for his Black Ops II Squad as well as managing the Black Ops II Gun Crowns for the Division. KSI Steelers 7 is highly motivated, highly dedicated and has trained his replacement and other officers and sergeants to standard so much so that those officers and sergeants have volunteered to recruit and train for other squads while maintaining their standard of five recruits a week. this squad started with less than 20 with little hope at the beginning of the year and is now set to be the next black ops II squad to split. Because I didn't already just say that and now I'm repeating myself :D at anyrate there is an energy and maturity with this guy and he has done an exceptional job compared to the many others I've seen at his rank. KSI Steelers 7 knows what he his doing, and does it well.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI UnStoPPab1e
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Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI UnStoPPab1e is a very dedicated member to the community his squad and division. I believe this member to be overlooked sometimes but he goes out of his way and pushes his members to participate in clan wars, game nights, squad meetings, and Tournaments and Events. He trains well and to standard. KSI UnStoPPab1e is just that UNSTOPPABLE! His leadership skills are spot on and he in my mind has a bright future in life and within this community
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Dalek (Lieutenant- Dark Legions/Apollo)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - This is a highly motivated officer in a small squad determined to push through. KSI Dalek will run through the same thing multiple times to see that his members and everyone else has a change to see a strike or nightfall through and encourages the same to keep on keep on in a squad that is small but successful
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HAVOC 7 (Division Leader- Demonic Mayhem)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI HAVOC 7 is very dedicated to the success of his division, but just as much as the Tournaments and Events Department, through it all his proving so through various subtle changes and ways tournaments and events are planned and information disseminated. With the challenge of including multiple consoles its just another day in the office for KSI HAVOC 7 and has everyone's interest in mind offering up to two challenges a week so members on both consoles have a chance to participate and that is something to be noted for.
Writer KSI Jesi
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
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Productions Team
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GFX Artist
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad)-
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