Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Taywick 77-/-7's-/-Harmonic Destruction
Link to Forums Account:
Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Membert assistance, Mentor, Outstanding Service LvL1, Trainer
Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) A lot to say, so I wont be wasting your guys time today with any warm ups.
Member Assistance: This officer hasn't been afraid to come back down from the 7's level and get in dirty with the grunts, when and where he can he offers extensive knowledge on both the clan ops and web ops side of things from guiding new recruits along to squaring away squads and generals making sure Poop get done.
Mentor: Another great officer that has carried me along the way and helped me get where I am today in Tournaments and Events and AAP to helping me get my officers online and productive. From the resources to the on the spot knowledge, I mean we couldn't certainly award him for his grammer, but we can award him for his relentless efforts to make sure everybody knows and understand whats going on and making sure it gets done.
OUTSTANDING OFFICER LvL1: From the very beginning this guy has had the drive to achieve great things and continues to carry on his tradition and write his own history and successes here in KSI. From splitting a squad to putting up with lower level ranks bs to the point where anyone else might throw there hands in the air and give up. He has also carried for some time the responsibility of the divisions recruit tag program. This guy also had no problems working out of his assigned squads as a Co-Founder to make sure everyone everywhere was having a good time and knew what they needed to. In my eyes and ears what I don't see or hear much out of any other 7, which i feel makes him an outstanding asset to KSI Global and its members.
Trainer: The amount of training conducted by this member far exceeds the requirements of this award. But we will see what we can do about some witnesses!
Thanks and Good Luck!