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Everything posted by PANTSIR

  1. We need a witness to post in here and substantiate your claim.
  2. We need a witness to testify to the above statement in the affirmative.
  3. But we are HD so of course finding witnesses won't be easy. So here I are. I will atest to the evidence as true.
  4. Sorry guys usually I'm on top of this kind of stuff. I've been working over the road though. It's my honor to witness the testomy as factual. Nahfool has far exceeded the required standard for this nomination.
  5. Manbeast is out till Christmas I can attest for nahfool and Guthrie.
  6. Last act as a cofo I a test to Cisco167's work. It was just a matter of a nomination.
  7. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) xKSIx CARNAGE-/-WRECKAGE-/-HARMONIC DESTRUCTION Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15358-ksi-carnage/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Committed Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) xKSIx CARNAGE has achieved a gold membership in KSI for over a YEAR AND NOW has made the absolute benchmark of a year with the xKSIx prefix. In his time he has achieved multiple successes in this AND his real life. Currently CARNAGE serves WRECKAGE HD as General.
  8. OK General, since your supposed to be the witness in this circumstance, we're going to need another leader to verify. Bring 'email forth!
  9. Excellent work Lafayette 7! As the nomination stands, everything checks and is good to go: HH=Yes for KSI xINFERNALx HH=Yes for KSI GYM MONKEY HH=Yes for KSI Arn Magnus
  10. We need to validate the team roster, not the team's chat. Bring us that and that should suffice.
  11. And so I will open this round of votes with a Master Recruiter=Yes.
  12. Effin' A he's got an outstanding point! Somebody should hear this guy out!
  13. MA=YA Mentor 4/5: ONE more, YOU. CAN. DO IT!!!
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