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PANTSIR last won the day on November 28 2014

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  • Birthday 05/14/1989

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    31 JUL 2013
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    KSI PANTSIR 7#6965

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  1. Here again to verify the minimum requirement of five year KSI tag holder for NAHFOOL. Tootles.
  2. Yep. Here I am. He's had his tag for well more than three years.
  3. Yet here we are again asking for the blood of one's first born for an OS lvl 1. Well mr. Speaker, since we have to take this to Congress, I yield my time to elaborate if not filibuster a 'No vote. For far to long people in KSI Legion's circle has hesitated to bring this up for consideration, due to an insurmountable effort to prove that, beyond a reasonable doubt, this man not only deserves OS LvL 1, but is the definition of what it should be considered truly outstanding. As has been presented KSI Legion has been here for quiet some time; and in that time has stayed true to his very roots vanquish. When I met KSI Legion, back when I joined some five years ago, I was a corporal, he was the General of Vanquish HD. In between that time and now he remains in that very same squad. A man of conviction, he saw many of his own superiors climb the ranks and fall out or struggle, and knew he'd never want that for himself. KSI Legion knew he would be better served to not only the community but vanquish by remaining in place. Of course, this goes without saying, that a person can't retain such a leadership position forever, so KSI Legion recycles his way through the squad. I can't even count how many times this has happened, but rest assured he's selflessly trained, mentored, and guided many great leaders, offering his wisdom and help through, HD, WD, and KSI. KSI Legion is well versed in dealing with change and holding the line in the face of adversity. Whether we discuss the day to day dramas or large scale challenges, such as squad merges and even division merges losing his original home. KSI Legion has seen so many people come and go, and I can't put in to words how many or what kind of affect that has on a person. I can tell you this, that in five plus years you will have friends and sometimes family, blacklisted or security risked, from that you will have others that refuse to remove presumed individuals and thereby become blacklisted or security risked by association. This is to say through and through, tough decisions have to be made, especially when something you've invested in falls apart all around you. If that's not enough, then I don't know what is, and I know he at some point has been included and apart of a few of those decisions, putting the squad and communities best interest before himself and his peers that brought negativity to the same. Acting with integrity he's transparent and done the right thing time and time again. Furthermore, knowing the implications and damage to be done by opposing forces he brings those left behind together remind g them what KSI is supposed to be about. This leads me to his ability to bring people together in the good times as well. As folks have said before KSI Legion is notorious for hosting parties for various reason, and I'd also like to let the evidence show, any time of day or night as well. KSI Legion is well known for his all nighters on Call of Duty Black Ops II. KSI Legion is also a big fan of WWE wrestling and shares his passion with those who also enjoy watching it. KSI Legion has been know to host Netflix watch parties from time to time as well. KSI Legion is good at what he does and is the life of the party. I can go on and on, but then what would I have for OS level two, when with what I've presented is damn near an OS level three statement. What the panel needs to know is this man is dedicated, motivated, and outstanding at what he does, doing so without expecting this sort of recognition, but what a slap and spit in the face to say none of this is good enough. KSI Legion has spent countless hours training and workshops and out his life experience and training offered through KSI to use so successfully. KSI Legion a selfless leader, training those above and below him to standard. The glue the holds the ceramic vase from falling apart again, while maintaining the same energy bringing members together in the good time as well. Exemplifying integrity with due regard to the community over the personal interest of his family and his friends. KSI Legion is a legend in his own right, and if this is the only way in which he goes down in history for KSI, let the record show a legacy of extraordinary dedication from a man with motivation to match some of the best of the best, who wanted nothing more in clan ops than to be surrounded by his peers and have fun, and that is truly outstanding.
  4. Spider, why you so recluse? *bah dum tiss* but seriously you don't have to be a stranger!

  5. Oye and aye to all the above! For any simpleton translation. Here I am and yes to all of the above being true and accurate.
  6. I attest to the self nomination to be true that KSIXxDropShotxX has had a Gold KSI tag and been in the community for at least 36 consecutive months or three 3 years thus meeting the minimum requirements for such award.
  7. OS LvL 1(Bronze): I have worked with BMP on and off for three years. I met him when he was freshly promoted as Cofounder, I was reassigned from HD to assist DL as every other leader besides BMP had abandoned post. I'm going to repeat myself because this fact alone is outstanding in and of itself as he literally was promoted on a Thursday and by the following Monday every other division level leader abandoned their post, BMP, and the division. Against all odds, which includes but is not limited to five to six squads with no less than four game types up to six in one, all in the Xbox 360 at the time with one to two squads without gens, BMP stuck it out and stayed. BMP took part in the reorganization of DL which had resulted in the divisions survival as members back then were discouraged having had been through turmoil and being abandoned by their other leaders. We took six squads down to four, assigned those squads game types ranging from Call of Duty Black Ops 2 through CoD AW. At that time BMP was not only needed to train and operate as a cofo but was needed as a General or a squad that had no General and limited officers. If it was not for BMP stepping up Dark Legions would be in the grave yard today. I want you guys to consider one more thing, at the risk of not getting to personal, he was doing all of this while dealing with the struggles of steady living arrangements and fought through it for as long as he could. BMP would eventually have to step down, but came back and played a part in along leading DL to a new frontier the Xbox ONE. That squad is still the premier Call of Duty squad on the Xbox one for DL. Outside of what I've already mentioned, BMP is a vast wealth of experience, history, and knowledge. BMP is very aware of his divisions both DL and ES as well as the community as a whole. BMP is a very welcoming person and very socable and is open to sharing in his experiences and knowledge as well as introducing his members to his and their leaders. Through life's struggles and everyday events BMP is still here where others would have given up and has a very bright future for himself in the community. This isn't hard and he's very deserving and I think it's something to say all of that what I've said I'd submit for his helping hand nomination. I can't stress enough, when DL was at us most crucial and vulnerable moment of 85 members and abandoned in turmoil by its other leaders BMP stuck around to help and make sure DL survived and the members had somebody to rely on for help on various issues and topics. It would be too much to go into specifics and to be honest that was three years ago and I'll be honest I don't remember everything, but I do know without him DL was sketchy of me and he most definitely helped me break the ice and get where I am today, if that doesn't mean something coming from a senior director, I don't know what does. good luck and good day.
  8. Name: KSI Mpliers 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/20715-broken-pliers/ Achievement: Outstanding Service Level 2 Reason-/-Evidence: KSI Mpliers 7 continues to go above and beyond the Call of Duty in his role as a senior leader here in KSI. KSI Mpliers 7 dedicates himself to this community and is available most hours throughout day and night. KSI Mpliers 7 is a mentor and has mentor many many many members and leaders alike. KSI Mpliers 7 in recent times has even set up and assisted squads and divisions set up servers on Discord. Bottom line in addition to being the most Senior Director, is a Senior Forums Mod and Department Head for the highest speed and most employed department; Tournaments and Events, who over sees multiple events every week and helps coordinate events which includes but not limited too Spring Break and Spirit Week. There is simply no doubt, that KSI Mpliers does not deserve this award, but has with hard work and dedication earned this award, OS level 3, and is deserving of The Most Outstanding Award as well, and you can expect those nominations when the time requirements have allowed for such nominations.
  9. Name: KSI Mpliers 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/20715-broken-pliers/ Achievement: Outstanding Service Level 2 Reason-/-Evidence: KSI Mpliers 7 continues to go above and beyond the Call of Duty in his role as a senior leader here in KSI. KSI Mpliers 7 dedicates himself to this community and is available most hours throughout day and night. KSI Mpliers 7 is a mentor and has mentor many many many members and leaders alike. KSI Mpliers 7 in recent times has even set up and assisted squads and divisions set up servers on Discord. Bottom line in addition to being the most Senior Director, is a Senior Forums Mod and Department Head for the highest speed and most employed department; Tournaments and Events, who over sees multiple events every week and helps coordinate events which includes but not limited too Spring Break and Spirit Week. There is simply no doubt, that KSI Mpliers does not deserve this award, but has with hard work and dedication earned this award, OS level 3, and is deserving of The Most Outstanding Award as well, and you can expect those nominations when the time requirements have allowed for such nominations.
  10. L.E.A.D. 101 Certified KSI Jewel 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35456-ksi-jewel-7/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjM0OTQwLCJpZF8yIjo3MjA0ODN9
  11. KSI Killer 7 has that can do attitude regardless of task or trial in any situation. KSI Killer 7 has spirit and enthusiasm that radiates through the mic that motivates and inspires leaders and members alike. Relentless until whatever needs done is done and then some. KSI Killer 7 a world away from most of his members, with no less than 4 hours plus ahead in time zones and has sacrificed many of nights of sleep which is punishing and grueling in and of itself, speaking from my own experiences of much the same, and what's more doesn't have that I'm tired leave me alone I'm a seven mentality, in today's environment that's something worth noting. KSI Killer 7 has managed multiple squad tags when needed which is above and beyond his duties as they are written. Communication is key to success and there is no one group of leaders that I've witnessed that does it better than LS but Killer actively contributes his as well as making sure everyone else is on the same page. In closing KSI Killer 7 is a model leader not only for his division but what KSI aspires it's leaders to be, high speed, highly motivated, highly dedicated.
  12. Happy Birthday sir. 93 years old! (I am 5 hours ahead so it is your birthday already)

    1. PANTSIR


      Thank you young man, have a logger or a pint of stout with your tea for me today

    2. Loyalty Paradox

      Loyalty Paradox

      Indeed sir, will toast you 

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