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  • Birthday 06/22/1991

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    Salt point NY
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    Divine Reign
  • Rank/Title
    Co Founder

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  1. i can witness for o.s level one and mentor this member was my cofo when i was a general he trusted me enough to let me run valkyrie the way i wanted and in turn i was lucky enough for it to succeed whenever i needed something done or had a question he was right there for me currently on top of his cofo duties hes acting general of the squad he had created rapture he continues to teach me things to this day and is a dedicated member i belive hes exactly what a cofo should be and i can only wish to be up to his standards hes a great member and deserves these awards
  2. Director: KSI CheddarBob7 Division: DR, ES, DL Forums http://www.ksiforums...si-cheddarbob7/ Reason: This member has helped me and several other people in DR he goes out of his way to speak to anyone no matter what rank they are hes helped me on multiple occasions if you would like something done this is the person to go to not only KSI affairs but even life a pleasure to work with and speak to he deserves the of the month award and future awards to come Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI EXODUS 7 DR Div Leader Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/367-ksi-exodus-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this -This member has done nothing but be an influential member to myself and my peers hes kept this division afloat for so long.His Officer meetings were an absolute pleasure and very motivating.hes also mentored me in proper procedures this member has gone above and beyong and completely deserves this award General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI NETTERBUG72 Valkyrie DR Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/19226-ksi-netterbug72/ Reasoning why they deserve this -This member came up from under me she completly fulfilled every rank expectation and has gone out of her way to give people points their name and even buy them games so they could play together i gave her valkyrie and shes done more then i ever expected her to do as a general she holds workshops and is constantly on top of her members im very proud of her and see her as the mother i never had and i belive alot of people in DR feel the same she deserves this award LOVE YOU NETTER!!! LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI FadeZ 7 DR Judgement 1LT Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8545-ksi-fadez-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this -This member even though had left and started from the bottom again has showed how every rank hes gone through should be done.i would imagine its hard dropping down so much from cofo to SGT and is working his way up all over again ive witnessed him recruit and train with massive detail and even throws in a history leason or two about the division even him as an LT still teaches me things to this day i belive he deserves this recognition for his actions and influence on our division and remains a prime example of what a LT should be.
  3. i can witness for os lvl one and mentor This member came up under me she has proved time and time again that she is a great listener great trainer and a great friend and future leader in KSI she came when my squad had hit rock bottom she a long with a few others came to be recruited and in turn saved my squad and my place in KSI i would not be where i am right now if it wasnt for her word cant even describe how i feel about this member she deserves all these award and more my squad wouldve never split if it wasnt for her shes a great friend a great leader and mentor and i would highly recommend to any one who reads this to shoot her a message and talk to her this woman is everything that KSI stands for Knowledge Strength Integrity
  4. ​1. What is your age? 22 ​2.What is your gamer tag? KSI DESTINED 7 ​3. How long have you been in KSI? 9 months ​4. Do you have any experience with WW or any online tournament? Ive participated in past events ​5. If yes, what experience? I participated awhile back as a captain in some cod team deathmatch events ​6. Have you had any experience running a tournament at all? No ​​7. If yes, what experience? ​8. Have you ever had experience running a website?(admin, mod, etc) No but enthusiastic to learn ​9. If yes, what experience? ​10. What is your availability for tournaments and events? (days you are online, and how often you play) everyday on about 20 hours a day ​11. What side of the department would you like to be on? Call of Duty or Halo? Both host tournaments for those games, but can host tournaments that are not mainstream? I have both games and enjoy both i would be willing to do both 12. What console are you currently on?(this is directed towards people that have the xbox one, so if you are getting it soon after the release then post that you are getting it soon and the same goes with the PS4) i have both the 360 and one ​13. Being a staff member for T&E is not an easy job. You will be expected to work and have full dedication to help make Tournaments and Events a very efficient department in KSI and in the gaming community. Why would you like to become a staff member, and how would you contribute to this department? well i just moved up to co fo and really want to get into some extra activities im into competitive gaming and think this would be something perfect for me to get into i put my all into whatever i do and i think i would be a good asset to Tourneys and Events staff.
  5. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2841-ksi-thor-7/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) MENTOR:This member along with others Mentored me when i came into DR he has went above and beyond to make sure i was ready for the ranks ive went through.He has helped mentor me through general and even currently at co founder i belive he completly deserves this award. Master Recruiter:This member has 239 recruits ive personally seen him recruit and help keep our division afloat.
  6. Welcome to the forums KSI Destined :)

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