Co-Division Leader - KSI Oni 7 - Ground Zero/GZ
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Reasoning why they deserve this - With a change in leadership of GZ and the loss of our Division leader, Oni has stepped up her already great game, involving herself in every squad and officers staff throughout GZ, creating and sharing a new vision for GZ. Among the things she has introduced is a massive fluff removal, and giving support to us all throughout that process, and making sure that all officers have the same training and knowledge in all squads, by launching a training program with division wide officers workshops. Throughout this time of change, she makes sure that we're all comfortable with the ongoing changes, that we don't forget to have fun while we do this, and she embodies the GZ spirit we have. All the work she has done lately is making GZ stronger, more active and better than before, and it's an enormous task she has taken on, while still keeping up with her co-div duties.
Founder - KSI Sinister 7 - Ground Zero/GZ
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Reasoning why they deserve this - It is hard to know where to begin with Sinister. He has incredible knowledge, is always there to help anyone with anything and performs his duties with excellency. But that is not what is so remarkable about him. He does all this, and stays connected with all our members, with a calmness and kindness you seldom meet, and there are few more motivational people than Sinister. I don't know if I've ever met anyone that would be more motivational. And these qualities are much needed in the time of great change that GZ is currently ongoing. We are very lucky to have Sinister there to help us stay motivated and want to exceed the goals we have.
Co-Founder - KSI ZOMBYGaL 7 - Pride, Valiant, Justice, Ground Zero/GZ
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Reasoning why they deserve this - In the leadership of GZ we have some truly remarkable people. We have people that are incredibly knowledgeable or motivational, but none is as dedicated and hardworking as Zombie. Zombie is obviously incredibly knowledgeable as well, and she sets a remarkable example for us all, but it is her hard work and dedication that stands out the most. There is none that is online as much, there is none that lends as much help to her fellow members and leaders as Zombie, and it is amazing that she has the energy to do all this. She works as hard regardless of health or sickness, or if she is having a bad day, and she keeps up and plays with all her squads in their own time zone, despite living in another time zone herself, and she does this not once or twice, but every single day. A greater role model to look up to will be hard to find.
General - KSI Ethre - Pride GZ
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Reasoning why the deserve this - Pride is an amazing squad, that started to decline last year, with dropping numbers and activity. We are currently in the process of a massive fluff removal, and our numbers will temporarily go down quite drastically, but we have already seen that the members that stay are getting more active and involved, and the officers are all stepping up their game, and none of this would be possible without our General. Ethre is always there to deal with issues and help us out, regardless of what the issue is or what time of the day it is. He is incredibly knowledgeable, he is hard working, and he sets a great attitude for the squad. He keeps the squad going, and his motivation makes all of us want to do better and be better. The squad would not be rising and getting stronger the way we are without Ethre. Because the squad is getting stronger and better every day, even if our numbers may be low for the time being, and it is amazing to see that Ethre has gotten us all turned around the right way again.
Member - KSI Legend95 - Staff Sergeant in Pride, GZ
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Reason why they deserve this - KSI Legend95 is one of the most knowledgeable members we have in our squad, and despite his rank being a SSGT for the time being, the time, effort and responsibilities he takes on matches that of any other officer we have regardless of rank, and I couldn't ask for better help from an officer than the help and support that he gives, both with directly squad related things, but also if any of us have a bad day, feel down and need some cheering up, Legend is there with the knowledge, and a joke or silly memes, and it makes everything a little easier in the day to day routines in the squad.
All the above nominees have done an outstanding job in their respective ranks the past month, but I also think that another reason why the jobs they are so amazing is the fact that all our leaders are very much in tune and helpful for each other. The team work and spirit of GZ allows for great leaders to be born, and the great leaders we have makes that spirit grow and spread all the time. And that, the cooperation, knowledge and dedication of all these leaders set great examples for us all.