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Emmy The Boss

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Everything posted by Emmy The Boss

  1. Name/ Gamertag: KSI Doctor 7 Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Chief Department Manager (BoD) Category Nominating for: Senior Leader Forums Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/4993-asriel-dreemurr/ Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: KSI Doctor 7 is one of our newest board members, yet he is one of the members that directly or indirectly affects us all the most here in KSI, at least if you’ve spent any time at all on the forums or any other of our social media platforms. KSI Doctor 7 this year went from the department head of AAP, to basically taking care of our different social media platforms, thus helping us all get more info, more, knowledge, and more fun, out of our time in here, and is now the Chief Department Manager of KSI. What does this mean? This means that he oversees the work of all the departments within KSI, this means he does an endless load of work behind the scenes, and most of us don’t see the time and dedication he puts into the community. The CDM works closely with the department heads to ensure that all our departments are run as best they can. I know from personal experience how invaluable he is for the work of the AAP department, I know the amount of work he does on the forums as a senior moderator and I know the amount of work he puts into all our social media. To sum this short nomination up, KSI Doctor 7 exemplifies the perfect senior leader, with hard work, dedication, real impact on all our members, yet he does most of this behind the scenes, and deserves some recognition for it all. --- Name/ Gamertag: KSI Scotland 7 Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Department Head AAP Category Nominating for: Department Head Forums Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/17241-scotland/ Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: Running a department is not an easy job. Taking over running a department after a very successful and popular department head is even harder. Scotland became department head after KSI Doctor 7 became Chief Department Manager and stepped away from the department head position after a long run in the position. Scotland took this opportunity with much energy, and didn’t hesitate one second. He implemented new ideas from day one, and the new training programme for new staff members is just one of the things that he has already done to improve the department. Besides improving the department as a whole, he is a humble leader, allowing everyone in the staff the opportunity to grow in our roles, the opportunity to bring up and develop our own ideas, and he has re-energised the staff and the atmosphere among us. In a time where the department has to adapt to new conditions (with the award system down here on the forums for an unforeseeable future), a leader that can adapt to these conditions, and find new ways of improving the department as well as reaching out to our members, is crucial, and KSI Scotland 7 is that leader. --- Name/ Gamertag: KSI DUFFS 7 Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Founder, Ground Zero Category Nominating for: Captain Forums Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/16880-ksi-duffs-7/ Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: KSI DUFFS 7 was my right hand man and highest captain during my time as a general, and in this role he shone. During his time as a captain, Duffs did an exemplary job in knowing and executing the duties of a captain (now I could list them all here for you, but I believe we are all familiar with the rank structure of KSI), but he didn’t stop there. He had an endless thirst for learning more. He was full of ideas that he brought to me, and that we could discuss constructively to see if they were implementable, develop them to become implementable or scrap them without hard feelings if they couldn’t. He provided stability to an officer’s staff that for a long time had had issues with young and sometimes immature officers, and he was the rock that I finally found I could rely on to take care of the squad if I needed to go away. During his time as a captain, he laid a wonderful foundation of familiarity within the squad, and built bridges with the rest of the division to help the squad (the single European squad in an otherwise American division) to thrive once he got to take over the squad. From my humble experience, I have not come across a captain that I thought did a better job, or better impersonated the KSI spirit, and he did indeed go on to bigger things. --- Name/ Gamertag: KSI Lafayette 7 Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Director, Forum moderator Category Nominating for: Forums staff Forums Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/9279-lafayette-7/ Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: Laffy has taken KSI with storm this past year, and besides running a division, he took on the position as section moderator over the join section, oversaw the implementation of the rejoin section as a sub-forum to the join section as well as the division transfer section implementation, he became a full-fledged forum moderator, and now is also a director. Throughout this time, he has continuously been on top of the join/rejoin section, and there are many testaments to his work and dedication to the forums, always available to answer questions and give any help a member needs on the forums. He has become one of the most active and visible forums staff we have, and this deserves some recognition. --- Name/ Gamertag: KSI ImPeRiiuM 7 Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Department head, News Team Category Nominating for: Writer Forums Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/2917-president-impyyy/ Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: This guy not only took over the news department, and did a lot of hard work on the news site and the department as a whole, during the year he has continually put out articles besides running the department, articles ranging from important information to the community, to opinions, to articles showing his knowledge and experience of KSI putting this all out there for the community to read and learn from. This wide range of consistent and quality work is to lead his department by example.
  2. as the topic name says, this is solely for tournaments and events things, and a place to suggest things you want us to do. with this in mind, please refrain from posting anything else, unless you wanted to seek collaboration or help from the TnE staff, in which case I suggest you contact us directly. Thanks
  3. ‘It is not the strength of the body, but the strength of the spirit.’ – J.R.R. Tolkien

  4. Arrived in Trondheim, and ever so grateful for WiFi ::D Guess I won't be gone as easily as you may have hoped for  ;)

  5. “But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Éomund's daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.”
    J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

  6. a swirling wind of emotions, running and running, impossible to catch up to. such is life

  7. Mentor: 2/5 Please keep the witnesses coming claiming the member as their mentor, thanks
  8. Guys, it's great to see so many witnesses, but please remember that you need to witness to her having a GOLD KSI tag for the required time, and more than one witness doesn't affect the nomination also, please refrain from posting unless it is a witness statement, expression of gratitude should be taken elsewhere. Thanks Committed: yes
  9. Member assistance: 3/3 yes Helping hand: yes
  10. 'Home is behind, the world ahead, and there are many paths to tread through shadows to the edge of night, until the stars are all alight' JRR Tolkien

  11. please refrain from posting unless it's a witness statement, and once staff has started voting, even that us unnecessary. gratitude can be expressed in person. Thanks
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