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KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

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Everything posted by KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

  1. I love having these new members in WI it's awesome and makes it so much more fun to play online :)

    1. Lafayette 7
    2. KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

      KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

      Yea and now we are getting more halo members and it's awesome

  2. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating)KSI HATTER87, Crysis, Wicked Intent Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13216-ksi-hatter87/ Award-/-Achievement: Committed award Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) ksi hatter87 has been in ksi, since April 13th of 2013 and deserves the committed award for continued service
  3. Love my family of KSI even my mom, my dad and my brothers and sisters

  4. Wicked Intent! I love this division :)

  5. Congratulations everyone that won and all those that was nominated too, keep up the good work
  6. I witness for pinky 7, she has helped in some many situations, and in her division of TW , she has encourage so many of her people and helped them in anything and any issues, she was there in the times of killjoy was having problems and she didn't give up she kept going and now killjoy is growing again, she is devoted to her division so much, in all times ever since she was recruited.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

      KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

      Delta, beta, omega, gamma

    3. Anarky


      You ain't got none Punk! I steal 'em (:<

    4. KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

      KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

      Lol well at least i know where a few of them are at and who has them ;)

  8. DIVISION LEADER KSI 3OTHMIDGET( division leader, WI) Link to account- www.ksiforums.org/user/12073-ksi30thmidget/ Reason why he deserves this- 30th midget has been working hard over the last month from checking on sqauds and dealing with problems in the division, he has helped one of sqauds venom get back up and grow again, he is showing great leadership to the division of wicked intent and giving so much knowledge to our generals and other leaders of WI. FOUNDER KSI PINKY 7(founder, TW) Link to account- www.ksiforums.org/user/16558-pinkalicious/ Reason why this member deserves this- ksi pinky 7 is doing great in informing members in ksi of what is going on every week, and she has not let one sqaud meeting be cancelled, if she hears that one sqaud of hers is having trouble hosting a meeting she will go there and not let them down and tell her members everything she knows for the week and what needs done and she shows them how to achieve it, she is a outstanding founder of twisted warfare and I believe she will build TW into one of the best divisions of all time, she has great potential, strength, knowledge, and encouragement to all of TW and she has shown it everyday on xbox and on the forums. GENERALS KSI HATTER87 (GENERAL, CRYSIS, WI Link to account- www.ksiforums.org/user/13216-ksi-hatter87/ Reason why member deserves this - ever since I have met her as a captain she has shown leadership to us and now as our general she continues to to show us and doing a great job as our general of crysis, she has great spirit, dedication, potential, strength and knowledge of ksi, she is always helping us in problems and she stabilizes and informs all of us in any activities and shows us so much knowledge to the officers, she shows us how to run our duties and treats everyone there as equal.

    1. KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

      KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

      I will help sqauds rise and never fall of my halo 4 people

  10. Leave the past in the past, u must forget and attend to the future



  13. Congrats to my friends of DM, Love u all and pinky too
  14. I witness for ksi harmony 7( ksi nikki pepsi) was recruited a on the 8th of may a few days before me in may of 2013 I was recruited may 12th , I confirm her service of ksi is now one year
  15. Thank u all for the birthday wishes on May 11 and a great thank u to my sweet sister PINKY PIE I love her so much :)

  16. KSI PINKY 7 TW FOUNDER, www.ksiforums.org/pinkie pie/ Silver outstanding service lvl 2 I am witnessing for KSI PINKY 7, she is a outstanding, active and caring ksi member, she has come along way in TW, I have witnessed her here on the forums everyday talking to her great division TW keeping everybody informed in everyday events and week events going on and she tells everyone in the entire ksi from TW to DM to WI, she never leaves another ksi member behind In anything in gamenights, Weekend warfare, Twitch and meetings, even when she is nt on xbox she does her best from forums and xbox smart glass to always help out, she has great spirit, dedication to ksi and encourages and lifts the spirit in all of us in ksi even when one member is feeling down she brings them back and happier then ever, even if the gamenights is in another division she goes there and supports them all even in my division of WI, she is every where in ksi, I couldn't be more happy with her in ksi she is a great hard worker and I look forward to seeing her as a amazing and incredible leader in the future with her knowledge, strength, and great kindness that would keep us all together as the great ksi family we are.
  17. What would u guys say that here soon I will be having a halo 4 tournament soon a 1v1 slayer match and the winners get a 1 year gold membership

  18. embrace me as your king and as your god meta of halo lol jk

  19. Co-Division LeaderGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -Ksi 30thmidget, co division leader, WI Link to forums account -www.ksiforums.org/ksi30thmidget Reasoning why they deserve this - the reason why 30th midget deserves this is he is a hard working division leader of WI, he keeps everything under control in our division, helps us in anything we may have questions on in ksi, he has great knowledge of ksi, and I look forward to seeing him as our director someday and he has great dedication for ksi and has good encouragement for the generals of WI. Founder Leadergametag (rank-division/sqaud)- Ksi pinky 7, founder, Tw Link to forums account-www.ksiforums.org/ pinkie pie Reasoning why they deserve this- the reason why Ksi Pinky 7 deserves this is she is one of the most active on the forums, she does a awesome job with her division keeping their spirits high and she has shown great knowledge to her members and help them become great just like her, she is very friendly and will nt leave any member in her division behind in anything from gamenights and meetings and she has show great dedication to her division and helping them anyway she can everyday. General Leadergametag (rank-division/sqaud)-Ksi Diregaurd, general,WI, CRYSIS Link to forums account-www.ksiforums.org/ksi diregaurd Reason why he deserve this- I think diregaurd deserves general of the month, he is always online if u need him on anytihin on xbox he shows up to every meeting and game, he has the knowledge of a great general and I'm happy that he is my general of crysis and I will look forward to seeing him as a co founder, he keeps all of our teams in check like grifball and many more and in weapon crowns,. Member Leadergametag (rank-division/sqaud)- KSI LADY ARTEMIS, staff sargeant, WI, CRYSIS link to forums account-www.ksiforums.org/ksi lady artemis/ Resason why she deserves this- Ladt has been a great hard working and trustworthy member of Crysis and she has never left anyone behind in anything even in the welcome commitee, I get messages from her everyday saying we have a new member of crysis and I'm so happy she is doing a great job here, she is the captain of the forge team and I believe we will make a lot of new maps with her guiding us And great knowledge of ksi, she bes their for every member of crysis and informs them about anything we have questions on.
  20. I love my sqaud of crysis, I meet lots of fruends and I will return the favor and be there for them all

  21. good to be back in KSI i missed u guys so much, Thank u for having me WICKED INTENT

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