Here this will be better
KSI Okami Df98
KSI staticshock
KSI Alucard 484
KSI Batman 2014
KSI Clearest
KSI soe Olcott
KSI Buffalo Wing
KSI Foxie
KSI Icewolf
KSI ToxicRain
General black
- to all members make sure your privacy settings are good, ( profile sharing set to everyone, friends list to friends only)
Also when u recruit new members remember to tell them when going through the procedure.
- all recerts for teams are over for this month, if u have any questions on teams contact these members for that team, or our general KSI HATTER87,
Forge team- KSI Vonner Meta
Swat/snipers team- KSI North Dakota
Regal team- KSI Espeon
Slayer team- KSI Batman 2014
Objective team- KSI DollFace
Headhunters team- KSI Alucard 484
Race team- KSI Static Shock
Grifball team- KSI Bosheasy
- their will be a tournament coming up for halo 4, this Saturday at 7pmest ( rocket launcher) it will be 2v2, team sign ups start now to Saturday to sign up contact KSI hatter87 and KSI vonner meta.
-lock down is still in affect so every time u get online and go to a party or game make sure they are set on invite only.
-tonight after the meeting their will be a Sgt workshop meeting on recruiting procedures.
no promotions made this week
Rank Structure (Simplified)
Recruit - Get Trained
Private - Get Active
Corporal - Get Recruiting
Sergeant - Get on the Forums
Staff Sergeant - Get out there Training
Leiutenant - Vonner Meta - DollFace- Prince Ice- Lady Artemis
Captain - Static Shock- Bosheasy- Skarmory - Espeon
General- hatter87
Co-Founder - KSI Tolly 7, KSI Lafayette 7
Founder - N/A
Co-Division Leader - N/A
Division Leader - KSI 30thMidget
Director - KSI Bacchus 7