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KSI xKing 7DS

The G.O.A.T.
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Everything posted by KSI xKing 7DS

  1. Congrats on being recruited & Welcome to Caesar & LW :) I feel as you will do wonders here in LW.

    1. Im not smart

      Im not smart

      Thanks Ill Be Up The Ranks Soon

  2. I can witness this as I started my KSI career around the same time as Laffy & I have known laffy since then and I can agree that he has had his Gold KSI tag ever since. We might not have been close but i can say hes definitely dedicated
  3. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ASCEND 7 Director Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26961-vigesimation/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Ascend deserve this award more then anyone because no matter what ascend is on top of his game & is there for anyone no matter what the issue. Ascend having a wife & kids makes sure that he makes time for KSI even if he's going through hard times. Since getting promoted to Director ascend has been able to expand his knowledge & his ideas throughout other divisions. I can honestly say that no matter how much we buttheads in the past I'm always gonna look at him as my mentor. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MuddyGirl 7 LW Co-Div Leader Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30436-ksi-muddygirl-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Muddy Deserves this award because she is a very hard working women. She has been down a road to hell these past few weeks, with her internet going out for weeks, Her car breaking down multiple times & Personal life issues. Muddy is still on top of this division. No matter what she always makes sure that stuff is being done within the division makes sure everyone is doing there jobs. I wouldn't wanna call anyone else the LW CoDiva I'm proud to be her Flounder Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxBUSH 7 LW Co-Founder Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34058-ksixbush-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Reason why bush deserves this award is because bush has always been my right hand man, I'm talking all the way back to Wicked ES in 2014 until current date. Bush & I have worked side by side for years. Even when bush was moving & had no WiFi he found a way to make it so he can at least get on his 360. Right now he is the acting Gen of our XB1 Squad & he is a Huge asset to this division. Since becoming Co-Founder bush has worked harder then anyone I know to make changes, assist where he's needed, better this division. He has a lot of great ideas & that's what we need here in LW. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxCOMIC Paladin LW Gen Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35135-ksixcomic/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Since becoming Gen of Paladin Comic has completely turned that squad around. When he was first promoted Paladin had no motivation to push forward. Comic has starred fresh & I'm very impressed with his work. Also running his own squad he has assisted Me in running meetings & game nights for both Hannibal & Hypnos. Comic will some day make a great Co-Founder. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI POISON MOSS Achilles LW 4CPT Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/38772-ksi-shrillinmoss/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Moss is on top of his game 24/7, He makes sure at least 8-9 recruits from his squad are pending on that recruit tag & he makes sure there all trained off in a timely manner. Moss is on a journey to become LW's Newest General & he won't stop till he gets there. I'm very impressed with him & can't wait to see what he has up his sleeve for LW. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIx Legacie Samurai LW 3LT Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37046-ksix-legacie/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Legacie has always been a guy who I had always seen potential in, he has really stepped up since his home squad (Goliath) got shut down after we got hit bad by poaching. He is now a LT in samurai & he is pushing towards Captain. Im really looking forward to see what he can do with samurai in the future Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nukezz Hannibal LW SSGT Link to forums account http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/38934-ksi-nukezz/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Nukezz is a very motivational guy, he is all about finding new people to play with & pump people up to do the same. Even tho Hannibal isn't in the greatest spot nukezz hasn't ever given up. He has been there every step of the way & he will make a good officer sometime down the road.
  4. Division: LW Moderator: KSI Change 7 HH1: KSIxROGUE1x HH2: KSIxProframer HH3: KSIxKryptos HH4: KSI Taepark98 HH5: KSI Muerte SUB1: KSIxGRIMREAPER5 SUB2: KSIxxCYPHER6xx SUB3: KSI SKATERGIRL Sub4: KSI Alley Sub5: KSIx Legacie
  5. I can witness that Phil has trained 35+ members. I've worked with Phil side by side when I was moving up the ranks in Paladin and he was moving up the ranks in Samurai. He was on top of his game. He very much deserves this award!
  6. Name: KSI Collector 7 Link to forums:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/24092-ksi-collector-7/ Award: Helping Hands Reason: I know for a fact in Collectors 2 years in KSI he has assisted people with there name changes & helping them with live so i know he deserves this award. Award: Member Assistance Reason: Collector has helped many people in LW and in KSI as whole with ensuring KSI knowledge, making sure they understand KSI procedures. I could honestly say Collector has assisted me with understanding the role of Co-Founder better and also assisted me with making better choices for the division
  7. Name: KSI Ascend 7 Link to forums:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26961-ascendinator-siete/ Award: Die Hard Reason: There has been many times that Ascend has been out in a spot that usually any other KSI member would just give up and leave. For Example, 2 squads in LW were hit hard by poachers and we almost lost both squads, We have had multiple situations where ascend gives up time with his family to get on and be disrespected or time wasted by nonsense personally i would have left if i gave up time with my family to be treated like crap but Ascend being the kinda person he is, pushed through the hell and stood on top. he is Faithful and Loyal to this community and i cant see ascend leaving, hes a lifer like me lol.
  8. Madmax- Muddy is perfect for this award lol, Muddys like a Sour patch kid, she's sour, sweet, gone. Mostly sweet but when ya go against rules in place or you can't follow basic KSI Procedures thats when the sour comes out. I've been in multiple parties with muddy that she came in happy joyful and then something that went down in KSI make her like a flamethrower and set her Xbox on fire. She's gone insane and its kinda funny. The only thing to stop this crazy rampage is when she pulls out the coloring books. Those are her weak ness . lol love ya muddy xD
  9. I can witness that bush has held a gold KSI GT fot a year as I was the one that recruited him back in 2014 I can also witness that, even tho I recruited bush and we've always seen each other as equals bush has helped me lots along the way. He has answered questions that I didn't know, was there for me when needed. He helps pass the KSI knowledge to anyone and everyone. He definitely deserves both awards
  10. I can witness this, this member has well over 120 recruits with her time in KSI.
  11. Name: KSI Ascend 7 Link to forums:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26961-ascendinator-siete/ Award: Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)- Reason: Where should i start, Ascend is a well known member of the community. He goes above and behind to make sure that everyone in LW and KSI as a whole are having the amazing KSI experience that they deserve, Ascend is a very dedicated member of the community and always puts his members first. He makes sure he is available when you need him and he is always there to guide you. Ascend is a very straight forward dude, i've learned everything you need to know about being in this community from him. He will sit with you for hours even during the craziest times, could be 3am ascend will get on and talk to you until you feel you've needed to say what had to be said and he will find a solution to the problem right away. Honestly Ascend is the all around best Division Leader in KSI and one day he will make an amazing director. That is why Ascend Deserves this award. Keep up the amazing work bud.
  12. Name: KSIxBUSH 7 Link to Forums:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34058-ksixbush-7/ Award: Trainer Reason: Bush has trained well over 30 members. With his time in ES & LW he is way over 30.
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