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Alt last won the day on December 6 2013

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About Alt

  • Birthday 08/11/1995

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    Gwinnett, GA
  • Interests
    Hockey and Lacrosse are my top two sports, top video games would be definitely Halo (2 & 3 specifically), fable TLC II and III, CoD 4, AC, and any Tom Clancy game. I'm in the military, shout out to you if you are as well.
  • Gamertag
  • Squad
    Impulse TW
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  1. This is not your grave... but you are welcome in it...

  2. Name: KSI PROSPIN 913, Impulse TW (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7218-ksi-prospin-913/ Award/Achievement: Master Recruiter Reason/Evidence: In all his time in KSI, both in TW and in WI, he has consistently been recruiting and I have seen him recruit many people in my squad solely, about 40 or so in all. He has also aided other members and officers with recruiting.
  3. I am the general over his squad, Venom WI, and witness for these award nominations.
  4. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bacchus (Div Leader - WI) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/253-durzo-blint/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Lead the division to victory in the recruiting challenge against FI and ES and has been a big help in motivating the division and keeping the 7s and generals in line. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI N1NJA 7 (Co-Div Leader - WI) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/358-xx-ninja-7-xx/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Has mentored me personally on how to lead my squad, has motivated the division and myself and KSI SAGE in bringing my squad back to glory. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI 30thMidget (Founder - WI) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12073-ksi-30thmidget/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Acted General for my squad along with myself when Venom had no general and sent out messages and helped stabilize the squad in a desperate time with the squad tag Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - N/A Link to forums account - N/A Reasoning why the deserve this - N/A Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI SAGE (1CPT - WI/Venom) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/176-ksi-sage/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Has been a major player for Venom WI. Helped build it back from Ground Zero (pun intended ) with activity, gamenights, training new members and Sgts. Has taught me a lot about how to lead a squad and now I consider him a mentor. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sad Tempah (2LT - WI/Venom) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9280-tempah/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Left the squad after being pushed out by many of the members but came back to help in a dire situation and has helped redeem the squad. He could be considered a hero of the squad with the activity he promotes and gamenights he hosts. Has tons of motivation and shares it with others Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Brompton (3LT - WI/Venom) Link to forums account - N/A Reasoning why they deserve this - He's funny and helps boost morale. Like most of the other people I nominated, he's been a big help when Venom was failing and has helped it to make a comeback. He gets along with most everyone in the squad and makes people laugh and have a good time. He's learned a lot about how to be an officer and has shown it to us. Gets recruits and has plenty of activity with gamenights.
  5. "Chief, leave me..."

  6. You gon' learn today!

  7. stay active. talk to the lower ranking members more than your officers but still maintain sufficient communication with your fellow officers. work well with your other officers and know when to put your foot down and stop a problem from arising. set the example and lead by it by taking the initiative for squad activities and helping your general and the squad and talk to both your general and cofounder often about being a captain and even gen because thats what captains are training for. remember your duties and review them often if you need to and try not to be over bearing.
  8. "If they came to hear me beg..."

  9. "Chief, leave me..."

  10. I witness this. I have seen this guy causing drama in TW, arguing with people, or escalating arguments in parties and getting angry at others to make a point and stand his ground in parties on several occasions.
  11. Co-Division Leader: Gamertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI Jupiter 7, Co-Div. Leader - DM Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/72-ksi-jupiter-7/ Reason: I've played the 7's HH team before and you guys put up an awesome fight. She is a great team leader and has great sportsmanship as well as her team members. I don't know how she handles DM but I'm sure she does great based on her personality and my experience talking to her. Co-Founder: Gamertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI 30thMidget, Co-fo. - WI (Venom, Defile, Cyclone) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12073-ksi-30thmidget/ Reason: He knows how to talk to lower ranking members, and many of them even know him better than generals or lower rankings officers. He has a level head and a just judgement about situations and has pointed me out when I'm wrong and has shared valuable opinions which I can learn from. He is a great teacher and mentor for anyone who's been under his wing, not just me personally, and honestly the best leader in WI I've met. General: Gamertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI JBOMBshell, General - LS (Memories) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16113-ksi-jbombshell/ Reason: I've seen the general of her come out and it reflects how a true general should act. She is not afraid to stand down when she is right and gives people a chance to explain and defend themselves and handles situations nicely, but only once. If you don't understand what she is saying then she won't hesitate to do what's needed in order to have a successful squad. She is responsible, fun to hang out with, chill and nice, but she can also change that given appropriate circumstances. Captain: Gamertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI PROSPIN 913, 2CPT - WI (Venom) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7218-i-am-riff-raff/ Reason: He is a person who always realizes what is needed to be done, even if it's after the matter, and tries to redeem himself and other wrongs. He's got over 100 recruits under his belt and is still out there fishing and has his trainer award for a reason as well. He's a good, loyal friend and doesn't mind telling you "Yo, that's not how this should go" or "Hey man, don't say that here". He has made a lot of mistakes, sure, but he's also made up for them too in WI. It's not hard to talk to him on a personal or official level and get a serious honest response, even if it is jokingly. Lieutenant: Gamertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI CaRmEnIa, 1LT - TW (Killjoy) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17772-msmarie/ Reason: She is currently acting general for Killjoy and is nice and calm to others. She's the only one I know who does so much work as a LT and now even as a CPT does a lot of work having to do a general's work. Member: Gamertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI Domo, 1LT - TW (Trocity) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14634-domo/ Reason: I don't know exactly what Domo does to contribute to his squad since I'm not there, but I do know this guy makes peoples' lives in KSI funner by always telling jokes and being funny. He's always up to play with other members outside his squad and division too which makes him a great person. Productions Staff: Gamertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI Chaozzz, SGT - WI (Fierce) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15611-chaozzz/ Reason: He has some great OCEs and commentaries and always makes regular clips for us to view. He gives shout outs in his videos which is also awesome and has great technique and style. I see a lot of his videos recommended for me vs. others' on the team. T&E Staff: Gamertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI Sweetpea, 4CPT - WI (Venom) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15634-sweetpea/ Reason: I remember the first event she hosted was a major success, even though I wasn't there for it. She always has had good turnouts for the T&E Staff events that she holds and never has a bad review about them from my point of view. Sweetpea is always trying to get activity flowing and having been on this team really helped KSI as a whole.
  12. Co-Div Gamgertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI Bacchus, Co-Div Leader (WI) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/253-durzo-blint/ Reason: Bacchus is currently acting Div Leader for WI division, without him there to act for both his position and the next one up, WI would surely collapse. He is cool headed and I've actually managed to play some games with him which seems to be pretty hard to do with other higher-ups (lol). Founder: Gamertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI Protocol 7, Founder (WI) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11521-ksi-protocol-7/ Reason: You can see I give respects to him in my signature, but The real reason he deserves this award is how he does not back down and makes sure the ranks under him are doing what they are supposed to do. People think he can be mean and unreasonable, but that's only because he truly does his job properly. He can be really cool to play with and funny as well, so if you ever have a chance to play halo or CoD with him, then you will really see his personality. If you go to him with a problem, he will make sure it is resolved as quick as he can, and although he wants everyone to follow chain of command, he is all ears if you have something you want to say to him. Co-Founder Gamertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI 30thMidget, Co-Fo (WI) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12073-ksi-30thmidget/ Reason: Everyone who knows this guy, knows that he is very calm and relaxed, but then he has the serious side as well. When an issue arises, he is not afraid to tell you how it is, whether you are asking about it, or you are the accused. I can always rely on him to give me advice and point me in the right direction and give me honest answers. Great mentor, he is a future Div Leader. Captain Gamertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI PROSPIN 913, 2CPT (Venom WI) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7218-i-am-riff-raff/ Reason: Yes, he is in the same squad as me, but everytime I'm online and asking people to help me recruit, he is always first one there. He's a real jokester, too and lightens up the mood in tense situations. People think he jokes too much, but I know him as a good friend and as a captain and I see his efforts, his concerns with Venom WI, and I see him when a serious situation does involve him. He will no doubt be a general again. Lieutenant Gamertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI Wafflesauce, 1LT (Venom WI) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12215-wafflesauce/ Reason: People who know both him and me and have seen the two of us in the same party will probably be surprised, but I have to give it to him. He argues a lot, but at the same time has very valid points that everyone could probably learn from. He doesn't simply think for himself, but for others as well that a circumstance may pertain too. I have to say that he has proven me wrong a few times and I even go to him and ask advice for certain things because he is one of the few who understands and thinks for others. He may not be the best at recruiting or training or even large group interaction, but he gives great advice and tries his best in our squad. Member Gamertag/Rank/Division/Squad: KSI Scrappy v2, 4LT (Venom WI) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17406-ksi-scrappy-v2/ Reason: He doesn't have all the time in the world for gaming, but when he does get online he's chilling with KSI members and helping keep activity up. He's recently became an officer because of his superior interest in KSI and his help amongst the squad. He helps me personally with my HH team and shows concern when people do not attend practices for example, and is not afraid to tell me when I am out of line about something.
  13. I don't have a new idea, but I say change the KSI Sniper team award to the "Crackshot" award. It shows that someone is a very precise and fast shooter with a sniper rifle, also it sounds cooler. lol
  14. I witness PROSPIN's Diehard, Drama Queen, and Trainer awards. I have been in parties many times while he is training new members, probably about 20 times I've witnessed him training and have seen others he has trained from TW and WI. For Diehard and Drama Queen, I was not in TW at the time, but while he has been in WI he is always the first one there when drama starts up and always has something funny to say. I have no doubt that his time in TW does not prove him for these awards.
  15. "A fate you must abide"

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