Director of the month: KSI JIGGY 7 - Having run into him on multiple occurences, I believe that he strongly represents the foundations of KSI, which in turn flows down through his divisions.
Founder of the month: KSI iLLuSii0N 7 - He is always ready to assist, no matter what the case. Any member, any issue, any rank, any time. That's the vibe I get from him. He recognizes talent and lets someone know when they are doing a good job. It's nice to get recognition, but it's even nicer when it's coming from this leader.
Co-Founder of the month: KSI SAGE 7 - This guy has been at my side since the beginning. He is always interacting with his squads and has always lended a helping hand, regardless of whether or not it was even needed. That's just who he is. It's about the community and what is best for KSI in its entirety, with no regard of whether or not he'll be promoted. The SS (SAGE Swagger) cannot be matched, or duplicated, so he deserves to be recognized for it!
General of the month: KSI N1NJA 7 - After meeting in a friendly swat match (in which I think I single handedly owned their team), this recently former General ran one of the top squads in GZ. There is certainly a reason why he has a 7 in his name now. This one was a tough pick for me though, as I also think KSI DUBSTEP BRO has done an excellent job as General and also runs a highly successful LIBERTY squad. He too will likely have a 7 in his name at some point in the near future (in my opinion).
Captain of the month: KSI WoodBumper - As I have been progressing through KSI I have seen this cat growing into a potentially excellent leadership candidate. I've gamed with him many times and each time is just as fun as the last. If only he wasn't such a fail at CLUE, he'd probably already be a General.... lol. Again, this one was tough for me, as KSI Osiris and KSI Makepeace also do an EXCELLENT job at Captain for me and deserve recognition as well.
Top Recruiter of the month: KSI DUBSTEP BRO - Since he didn't win my General vote, he is definitely getting my vote for this one. Him and I worked together A LOT to recruit for LIBERTY and pretty much build it up from a fresh split. He not only brings in high volumes of members, but members with high potential as well. Not enough can be said for being able to come up with both.