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Everything posted by KSI PROD1GY 7

  1. Lusty, if you are going to be a witness for the nominee, please do so in the proper manner. You are not a member of the AAP and as such, you do not "vote" on awards. Thank you. Yes to all.
  2. Not at all, but I'm open to considering Cheddarbob as well. They both got mad votes and from the information I have readily available, it was a difficult decision to make, so I used the Director promotion to sway one way vs. the other. Like I said, if you guys have information that lead you to believe that Cheddarbob is the better candidate, them I'm totally cool with that.
  3. My opinion on this one? Making a clan ops thread to provide times and details is no different than sending out a weekly message to the GLB members over XBL. On the flip side, let's say that it was determined that this thread DID actually better KSI as a community. After looking at the thread, I only see ONE POST that was informational in nature, and that was the very first post made in the middle of June... Every other post was more or less spam, that only contributed to the "hot topic" title, and not to the overall purpose of the thread. My vote = No
  4. Outstanding Service - Yes Silver Outstanding Service - I would like to see one more witness statement (with supporting evidence) from a superior. Most Outstanding - Not at this time. As Para said, this is very difficult to obtain. Would need a surplus of witnesses with solid testimonies. Member Assistance - Yes
  5. So, we are still at this point then. Awaiting remaining testimonies.
  6. ^^^ I agree with Luci. Please obtain the proper witness statements, or advise thread to be postponed until such time that the proper witness statements can be provided.
  7. My vote is in line with this. Without further activity on behalf of the nominee, perhaps we should leave Grifball as option to reopen with proper witness statement. That, after this is closed and decided upon of course.
  8. 1/3 - Please get two more witnesses to post.
  9. Work smarter, not harder

  10. Working hard or hardly working???

  11. My votes for the July "of the month" awards are as follows: Senior Director - KSI QueenJess 7 Director - KSI iLLuSii0n 7 Division Leader - KSI Roman 7 Co-Division Leader - KSI Kiki 7 Founder - Biased Co-Founder - KSIxMetal 777 General - KSIxIntenseLust Major - KSI KALLI KID Captain - KSI SonOfSin v7 Lieutenant - KSI Hockey36 xx Forum Staff - KSI RiiOT 7 Writer - UR ALL FROOBS / ***Winner by default*** Member - KSI Altair 7
  12. You are absolutely right, but Roman also got a lot of votes, plus there is the consideration that he was promoted to Director, which I'm sure was for good reason If you consider their efforts equal, then I think the Director promotion almost serves as a tiebreaker, because you have to ask yourself, why didn't CheddarBob get the promotion (assuming it wasn't due to length of time serving as Div. Leader)?
  13. Hey everyone, so as to achieve as quick a response as possible, I've gone ahead and pulled all of the nominees for each position, based on my knowledge of each member's position held for the majority of July. If you see any errors, or anyone I may have missed, please let me know and I will update this post right away. Ok, there were quite a few different people nominated, so the list of nominees is as follows: Senior Director - KSI QueenJess 7, KSI CHAOS 7 Director - KSI iLLuSii0n 7, KSI Luci Lux 7, KSI Blitzer 7 Division Leader - KSI CheddarBob7, KSI Roman 7 Co-Division Leader - KSI N1NJA 7, KSI Kiki 7, KSI LAZAR 7, KSI PRIEST 77, KSI Exodus 7 Founder - KSI PROD1GY 7, KSI Mufasa 7, KSI xViciousx 7, KSI Skillz 7 , KSIxTuFFasHell7, KSI LUDACRIS 7 Co-Founder - KSI LadyRukia 7, KSI Altair 7, KSI ZEUSx7, KSIxMetal 777, KSI LaZyGaMer 7, KSI dracule, KSI iBOMBz 7, KSI DRAKE 7, KSI Imperiium 7, KSI SirSanada 7, KSI ANATOMY 7 General - KSI Zohan, KSIPsychoMantis, KSI Church, KSI Prophet 7, KSI Apollo, KSI GH3TT0VET, KSI twahl HD, KSIxIntenseLust, KSI COURAG3OUS, KSI IrishKnight, KSI WARS, KSI Seth, KSI POWERS, KSI KING CEAZAR, KSI Beeferoni, KSI Pixie Major - KSI KALLI KID, KSI Airborn 7, KSI White Trash, KSI NIGHTLOCK, KSI R3B3L4LiF3, KSI Cisco Captain - KSI Jiraiya, KSI BeheldX502, KSI SonOfSin v7, KSImonsterblood, KSI Butterz 7, KSI Payton, KSI PANTHER 94, KSIxXxAtree86Xx, KSI ESM, KSI Cole 6, KSIxLEGENDS, KSI Al Capone, KSI xTheFallenx, KSI Last Kings, KSI XLY Lieutenant - KSI Hockey36 xx, KSI SpartanGuy, KSI TAZ, KSI Mong0, KSI HUCKLEBERRY, KSI AMUSE, KSI Gwood 28, KSI Loki, KSI P0w3R, KSI xPower, KSI Munky, KSI Devastation Forum Staff - KSI RiiOT 7, KSI Luci Lux 7 Writer - UR ALL FROOBS / ***Winner by default*** Member - KSI Altair 7, KSI Cole 6, KSIEVILINMYMIND, KSI NIGHTLOCK, KSI xPower, KSI Sprinklez That should wrap up this month's nominations, so as I said, please let me know if this list needs any modifications or corrections. I will post my votes later this evening! Thanks, PROD1GY
  14. Senior Director – KSI QueenJess 7 / All of KSI Link to forums account – http://www.ksiforums...si-queenjess-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this – QueenJess this month has really been pushing our KSI members to be the best they know how to be. She has been an excellent motivator and always has KSI as a whole in mind. Although every senior can make a case for “of the month,†I feel that QueenJess excelled above and beyond to be deserving of this award for July. Director – KSI iLLuSii0n 7 / Over CE, GZ, CO, and FI Link to forums account – http://www.ksiforums...si-illusii0n-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this – I have been working directly with Illusiion for quite a while now, trying to put a division back together. He can be a bit tricky to get a hold of sometimes, but that is because he is addressing other KSI related issues. This guy is always willing to help out when he can fit you into his ridiculously busy schedule. For the effort that he puts forth, I feel that Illusiion is more than deserving of this award. Co-Division Leader – KSI N1NJA 7 / GZ Link to forums account – http://www.ksiforums...358-bboy-ninja/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Having once been in GZ, I know just how much of a powerhouse this division is. Over the past month, they have endured adversity and overcome many challenges. Without this guy in the place that he is, things may not have turned out as they have, but GZ is still as strong as ever. He has laid the groundwork for the rest of his division and promoted excellent leaders below him to create strong foundations. For this, I think that Ninja deserves July's award. Co-Founder – KSI Altair 7 / CE Link to forums account – http://www.ksiforums...2-ksi-altair-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this – I think the better question to ask for this one is, why DOESN'T this guy deserve this award. I have personally witnessed the makings of a great future leader in this member. When one of our squads went under, this guy volunteered to act as the General of the replacement squad that was created. He has been doing all of his duties as a Co-Founder, all of the duties of a General, and is still showing advancements in a squad started from scratch. Even with his hectic work schedule, he is on every single day, lending assistance in keeping our division strong and trying to do whatever is necessary to be successful in his endeavors. I know there are other great Co-Founders out there as well, but anyone who knows what this guy has done over the past month, will surely attest that there has been no effort put forth matching the extent to which Altair has exemplified. General – KSIPsychoMantis / GRAVITY CE Link to forums account – http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2977-ksipsychomantis/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Psycho, a name that implies insanity. Well, that's not TOO far from an accurate description of this guy. I've witnessed first hand some of the issues he has dealt with since taking over General of Gravity. Regardless of the challenge, this guy sure gets the job done. Upon retiring my position as General over Gravity, I asked him to take care of my baby. He assured me that Gravity would NEVER fall, and I see no evidence to suggest otherwise. The squad loses members, he gets his guys to go out and recruit replacements. Not just any replacement, but better, more involved members who are willing to take initiative. He doesn't grow the squad at ridiculously fast rates, but that's because PsychoMantis holds true to recruiting quality, not quantitiy. I know this guy has a great future in KSI as a leader and I think it would be an understatement to say that Cosmic Equinox would not be the same without him! Captain – KSI BeheldX502 / ECLIPSE CE Link to forums account – http://www.ksiforums...ksi-beheldx502/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Oh, where do I begin with Beheld? He is an awesome person in every aspect. He is kind, trustworthy, and always willing to go the extra yard to help out and be the best member of KSI he can be. He has been receiving training on multiple fronts and even when he knows something through and through, he wants to know more. I think he will eventually make a great GEN and I look forward to seeing him progress into an even better leader than the already great one that he is. LT – KSI Hockey36 xx / ECLIPSE CE Link to forums account – http://www.ksiforums...si-hockey36-xx/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Having met Hockey recently, I couldn't hear enough from his superiors as to how great of a job this guy was doing. He certainly maintains respect, camaraderie amongst the squad, and shows great potential as a future leader within KSI. I've been talking amongst officers in CE over the past few days, and Hockey had no problem showing me that he is willing to put his best foot forward in learning new things and presenting himself as an excellent role model for other members. Member – KSI Altair 7 / CE Link to forums account – http://www.ksiforums...2-ksi-altair-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this – If Altair is not awarded Co-Founder of the month, I am also nominating him for member of the month for the same reasons noted above.
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