Gamertag, DIvision, Squad,: KSI VONNER META, Crysis, Wicked Intent
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Reason: Vonner I have known for a very long time now I have heard his stories of how much work he has put in to get to where he is currently being the most active person within his squad is a heavy burden to bear alone, he doesn't even have internet of his own but he still makes it to meetings and gamenights even when someone else should be doing it. He has helped me numerous times he even helped me get some recruits for Abaddon when I was a Lieutenant and he knows I hate recruiting, He has a big hear with nothing but his squad and WI in it this division is lucky to have someone with his dedication and skill.
Gamertag, Division, Squad: KSI December, Abaddon, Wicked Intent
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Reason: December has been my right hand with me and him running the squad we have been able to get the recruits integrated into the squad and helping members in gamenights and doing the raids it really works well with people needing armor to get further in the game. He has always stuck by me and helped me make choices for the squad we sit talk out the issues and he has helped me see things that I haven't seen in my almost 2 years being in KSI. I couldn't ask for a better partner.