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Everything posted by GreendayFox

  1. July Top Recruiters (Missing tone division will post again when I have them) DL @KSIGinObiwan @KSI SnowQueen DW @Fennyishere @KSI Lightningfiber5 ES @KSIXxCODxX @Jimmie1977 SL @KSI Weed Smoker @Ajin Demiwolf @KSI FRUITY B WD @KSIXJuggernautx
  2. HSI's Spotlight awards Member spotlight winner @KSI YeetQueen 7s Spotlight Winner @KSI Jynxie 7
  3. I can witness for grifful I was a officer in FI when he joined and he has totally not left for a year! XD
  4. . Its currently not retro active and member redacted the self nom
  5. June Top recruiters DW @KSI Headshot RR LS @KSI Swaii SL @KSI DCRUNK WD @KSI Ballistic18
  6. Name: KSI Greenday 7 Link to Forums Account: @Greenday 7 Award-/-Achievement: Forums Rookie, and Forum Noob Reason-/-Evidence: I have over 5,000 posts
  7. Ahem *clears throat* ALRIGHT LISTEN UP PUNKS No im just kidding. KSI FadeZ 7 is well deserving of this award from the constant efforts he's put into this community he has stuck through clan ops and he is now a icon in department ops, if you ever have a question about anything he's the guy to ask. He can tell you the proper procedure to rejoin the community he can tell you where to find EVERYTHING need to know the last place luci licked? BOOM he's gotchu. He is currently HSI's Department head and he has been the guy to make the changes for the better he always sticks by his guns when it comes to anything he believes to be fair and right. He's going to be a great asset and IS a great asset he's helping people come up the community to fill his spot if he ever leaves (which its not likely guy is a octopus stuck on all of us and juggling all the responsibilities he has under his belt) everyone should be shaking at what this guy can do and be ready for what he has coming!
  8. Yes he was my apologies got confused with how it was being handled Thank you sir ^^
  9. May 2019 Top Recruiters DM @KSI Joe 7 ES @KSI IronAngel @KSI DIRTYMAX LS @The Boredom God WD @KSI JAM
  10. Yes he was top recruiter for May 2019 @KSI Starset 7
  11. I will claim miss yeet as my mentor! This girl lifts me up when my world is dark and she is just a great example of a future leader and she helps me learn everyday and shes doing a great job as a general right now mentoring everyone!
  12. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI YeetQueen (2nd Captain, Knights, Sovereign Legacy) Link to forums account - @KSI YeetQueen Reasoning why they deserve this - Allow me to list the ways of how she has done this month. She is constantly in parties helping new sergeants get trained for recruiting then getting their first recruit (That I have also witness in the parties) She is going above and beyond to get her division involved by getting everyone to participate in events for Div Cup and even got SL its first Weekend Warfare win! She runs many workshops for the squad she is in including training workshops, stress management, recruiting workshops, and workshops for fellow officers to get all the certifications they need. She buys people name changes to help them get more involved and guess what they are now officers!!! All in all the squad and division has been a fun place and she does nothing but try to build it up! Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI FadeZ 7 (HSI Department Head) Link to forums account - @FadeZ 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - As HSI department head he has gone above and beyond doing his work. doing most of the training and helping newer people get involved in the departments he's in he has been helping all the new Join Mods learn how to do their jobs and they are doing great from what everyone can see! Hes become a mentor figure in the community which is very inspiring you will hear nothing but positives from HSI, News and the join area on how involved he is and how much he tries to help people. A lot of new leaders are rising up and its because of him. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Arc 7 (Sergeant, Samurai, Divine Warriors) Link to forums account - @KSI Arc 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Arc has never been in departments before but hes been a huge help to the HSI family helping people get the confidence they need to ask for stuff when they need help and he keeps me on my toes to do my job haha but he has been ontop of his stuff getting all of his stats done and even doing his first spotlight interview.
  13. HSI Top recruiters for April 2019 DL @KSI Follow DW @KSI Artifice @KSI Starset 7 @KSI xKamikaze ES @KSI Banked @KSI Nezu @KSI Emeritus @KSI IronAngel SL @KSI Tigrex83 WD @KSI LinkedSiren
  14. Name: KSI YeetQueen Link to Forums Account: @KSI YeetQueen Award-/-Achievement: Capped Out Reason-/-Evidence: member of HSI as the co head I witness for it and she is in marketing as well @Nebula 7 @Mr. DropShot
  15. Spotlight winners Member @KSI Banked 7's Spotlight @FadeZ 7
  16. HSI Top Recruiters of the Month for March 2019 ES @KSI Southpark18 LS @KSI VATI SL @KSI Squishx WD @ELIJIMBOB
  17. Name: KSI YeetQueen, Sovereign Legacy, Knights 2nd Lieutenant Link to Forums Account: @KSI MagicShadow Award-/-Achievement: Member Assistance Reason-/-Evidence: She has helped many people in both Knights and Royalty. She is currently helping me move up the ranks to educate me on how to be a good officer again.
  18. I believe December deserves this award just because he does more for us than anyone else in the community. - He helped me make HSI - He runs News and all the Game Journalists - Senior Moderator - Used to be a Court Judge - Former AAP staff member - He runs all the social media's - Trial Artist for Graphics making TONS of cool stuff for the community - Performance Officer Administrator - He is a mentor to tons of people While this should be anything December was the person who helped me and give me the courage to do what I could do I have become lost without him and I am and always grateful of what he has done.
  19. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Skarzx 77 (Sovereign Legacy) Link to forums account - @Scarface 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Skarzx being our newest Division Leader he has already proven himself to us in his division but throughout all of KSI. Being the former Productions Head and a senior member of the AAP staff he has given everything he has to be a mentor to us and to be a phenomenal person making workshops with the CDC. He takes the challenge being a new dad and being our division leader! Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Grifful 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Grifful 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Grifful was THE under dog of our division he grew so much in the last few months he knew how to run his squad to split and now hes really showing his leadership by being our cofounder over Knights and he never turns his back on us by being there when we need a hand or if theres a problem he wont make us wait he will talk to us then and there on what to do if we need him. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kakashii 7 Link to forums account - @Darth Kakashii Reasoning why the deserve this - So this guy can make you feel loved, welcomed, and great to be here being the oldest general now he has already split his squad once and we are about to again! Having a fearless leader and great friend to all of us. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nighmare Link to forums account - @KSI nighmare Reasoning why they deserve this - Being the second in command in Knights he has shown he really cares about us he always includes everyone and even sits in discord voice chat if anyone wants to talk while being out or away from xbox to the point he falls asleep lol he also keeps ontop of us and helps ease some of the stuff Kakashii is having to do. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ELEMENTRIX (Knights, 3rd Lieutenant, Sovereign Legacy) Link to forums account - @KSI LMNTRIXZ96 Reasoning why they deserve this - For the last month if we needed something done he was there he keeps members interested and is on top of all the promotions this man cant stop! He has a bright future being a driving force as a officer in our squad! Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI FadeZ 7 (Sergeant, Samurai, Divine Warriors, HSI Head, Join Moderator, Senior News Writer, Court Judge) Link to forums account - @Darth FadeZ Reasoning why they deserve this - Fadez has alot that hes doing being a department head, moderator, judge and being a senior writer on the news team. Hes come into his own and grown from the years hes been here in the community and he has really proven himself with everything he has done and helped create. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Harmony 7 (Senior News Writer, Divine Warriors, Samurai Captain) Link to forums account - @Nikki Cola Reasoning why they deserve this - Harmony has been in news for over a year now and she really has been one of the strongest people doing alot of game reviews and even fun articles. She hasnt backed down to any task she has in front of her and she just recently earned senior news writer!
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