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Everything posted by KSI JBOMBshell

  1. Are You Going To Stay the Night? [;

  2. it's cold outside! yay!

  3. Honestly, I can truly say My Squad MEMORIES is the BEST!


  5. Name/Gamertag: Jessica / KSI JBOMBshell Rank (If applicable): 1CPT Time spent on the forums (Daily): 4-5 hours Everyday Experience in KSI: Overload TW- reached 2LT / Memories LS- Currently GEN 2 Different Divisions over a 4 month time span! Overload TW & Memories LS Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I feel it would be best to be picked because I am a very Active Member and I would fairly vote with the procedures given. Whenever Needed I am always willing to do work. I would love to expand my knowledge in the Forums. Working as a Team is my specialty, I love working with others. I've dedicated a lot of time and effort into KSI and I would love to continue as an AAP Staff Member. Thanks! [:
  6. I can witness for both these awards. Darth Vad3r is a wonderful role model to anyone who is looking to become a leader. When I was in TW he was definitely someone I asked many questions to help me succeed in KSI. He knows his job as a captain very well. Darth knows when to be serious when time needed, but can also be a really funny guy... RUFF RUFF.. Darth is someone we can all say will become a more important person later on. He doesn't just stay in his squad and division to help people. Many people know him from different divisions. He steps up his game in solving problems and knows how quickly extinguish fires quickly. He will continue on and hopefully remember me when he gets up there [; Darth you deserve this award and continue to help other ranking memebers!! You're a wonderful Captain -- KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!


  10. Hold my hand.. for I will continue to Follow you into this Darkness.. in the end that hint of light.. time stands still.. Time to give.. We have no fear..

  11. Hold my hand.. for I will continue to Follow you into this Darkness.. in the end that hint of light.. time stands still.. Time to give.. We have no fear..

  12. I knew you were trouble ;)

  13. Let me first start off saying this is "my lover for life" she is one of my role models in KSI. She is very determined, and does a lot of work for her squad. She maintains the best POSITIVE experience -- everytime we play or she comes and hangs out with my squad everyone has a laughing time. DJ-Sweetpea in the house.. if you have ever played with her you'll know she plays the best jams! Whenever, I have questions about certain things I ask her for help, and she always has the answer. Sweetpea has a way of speaking her mind, She will LITERALLY spam me of IMPORTANT news in KSI. & I'm super grateful she does because sometimes I forget to inform others of this news & she sends me reminders! Sweetpea deserves these awards and everyone knows it!! Keep up the amazing work love! You're so amazing!
  14. WOW, only a drama queen would want this award. I can absolutely Witness for this award. Past experiences, rumors, etc. This guy causes drama where ever he goes. Sometimes BAD, but MOSTLY GREAT drama. KSI wouldn't be as entertaining and fun without a little dama and KSI Flow 7 AKA KSI KillaFlow 7 has a perfect balance of positive and negative drama. Anyone that has Met or Heard about Flow knows he has brought some interesting drama to everyones lives. I can personally say from our past experience with this guy--- has been full of surprising drama. everything whether being bad or good.. i do not regret any second of it. meeting flow.. sticking it through thick and thin i will never forget. thanks Flow. & you absolutely deserve this award. you are a drama queen [: lol
  15. God doesn't want us to be Happy-- He wants us to be STRONG.

  16. God doesn't want us to be Happy-- He wants us to

  17. God doesn't want us to be Happy-- He wants us to

  18. I wanna Dance.. Dance.. Dance.. [;


  20. soooooo happy ---- i love my squad

  21. yay!!!!!! [: happy happy!!!

  22. The first time meeting this member he made me laugh so hard.. giving off a positive vibe. & speaking to others as a leader. i've spoken to many members in LS and so far no bad words about homicide and everyone in LS can vouch for him as well. You deserve it Homicide! (:
  23. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jezrien 7 (FOUNDER/LAST STRIKE) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1291-jezrien-%D2%82%E2%8C%A3%CC%80-%E2%8C%A3%CC%81/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Ever since joining Last Stike Jezrien has shown himself as a wonderful leader. I've witnessed him do so much work for this division. Not only is he taking care of 5 squads, but making sure they're running smoothly for all members to have fun. He is always pushing people to do better in the divison. He is very in spirational and a good role model for anyone who is looking to become a leader. Just meeting him last month I could definitely tell how dedicated he is towards KSI and Last Strike. Jezrien Deserves this Award more than anyone! Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI IceQueen 7 (CO-FOUNDER/LAST STRIKE) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12974-icequeen-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Okay, so where to begin with this girl. When getting into LS she was one of the first people I met, super sweet and assertive with getting work done. Most definitely dedicated to her squad at the time because she was General of Echo. We all know being a woman in KSI and acting as a leader is difficult, but she made it look so easy. She worked so hard and definitely deserves her spot as a co-fo. She is always checking in wih her squads making sure we are all doing our jobs and duties. She's helped me succeed in Memories, building and teaching me the ways of becoming a leader. As, for being a role model for all the women in KSI I suggest asking her for advice. "GODDESS" you DESERVE this AWARD. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI YopYop ( 2CPT - TWISTED WARFARE/RIOT) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...664-ksi-yopyop/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Back when I was in TW this guy was not only a good friend -- but an amazing Leader. He would constantly Recruit members as well as direct people in doing their duties. He always keeps his members happy and informed with everything that is going on in KSI. I know YOP YOP will go far with his KSI career and we will see so much more in the future. I believe after having a squad split in Killjoy he's been doing MAD WORK for RIOT. I know he definitely deserves this award. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sweetpea (4LT - WICKED INTENT/ VENOM) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15634-ninetales/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Let me first just say this is my love of my life right here --- but I'm not voting for her because of that. But because I know she is constantly doing work for VENOM in WI. I continually get messages from her saying she is running a gamenight and spreading important information that people probably wouldn't get on a normal basis. Sweetpea is probably the nicest and most inspirational person you'll ever meet in KSI. Although, she can't speak, She still gets her point across. And everyone can learn a thing or two from her. Meeting this lady you can make friends with her in an instant. But, also can be firm when she needs to be. We can all tell she has a Bright KSI future ahead of her and we only can see good things. OH! Not to mention the amazing Music she plays when we are in parties or gamenights together--- definitely puts a smile on everyone's faces. I still remember the First time I met this pretty little Lady, shy but super Sweet-- I suppose that's why her name is Sweetpea <3 I never regret any time with her. Very enjoyable person as well as leader. Keep up the great work!!! LOVE YOU! & you DESERVE this AWARD! xoxo Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI WhiteWolf (3LT - LAST STRIKE/ MEMORIES) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/918-ksi-white-wolf/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Oh goodness. Can I just say this guy and I have gone through so much together in MEMORIES. Wolf has been stepping up in this squad and has proven to everyone that he is a leader. Bringing in constant Recruits, and Training members almost everyday. I can Honestly say that if he weren't in the squad I don't think I could have managed running things. He is always running gamenights whenever given the chance as well as asking me if I need any help. He is a great LT and I know he can only go up from here. He has put in a lot of work in the past month and should get this award.
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