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Riegns Vii

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Everything posted by Riegns Vii

  1. 2 more witnesses claiming this member as a mentor please.
  2. "Any Idea Proposed by members that Are productive and used widely in KSI, (Does not need to be original, however any creditations must be shared Equaly)" It may be productive in the respected division it started in, but we do not know how it's doing in the 2 named divisions. I know there are several divisions that are not using them. If it does go KSI wide, we would need to see how productive it is. It would take a couple months to see how it works.
  3. Need 5 witnesses who claim this member as their mentor please.
  4. Need a witness to verify that this member has had a gold ksi tag for a year
  5. Need 5 witnesses to come forward claiming this member as their mentor 1/5
  6. Nend a witness to verify this members kind help
  7. Need a witness to who can verify this members helping hand
  8. 3/5 2 more please. Make sure when you witness you say that they have mentored you.
  9. Movement please. Please make sure you are very descriptive on your statements.
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