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Riegns Vii

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Riegns Vii last won the day on January 4 2017

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About Riegns Vii

  • Birthday 06/07/1988

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Roman Empire
  • Interests
    "I'm not a good guy, I'm not a bad guy, I'm just THE guy." *Roman Reigns*
    "As far as the hate, it makes me laugh. Everybody is a critic." *Roman Reigns *
    "Everything I do is to become better, the best ever. And I'm not going to stop." *Dolph Ziggler*
    "I think that if you go through life and no on hates you, then that means you're not good at anything." *Triple H*
    "I never thought I was a bad person. I just thought I was the one good person living in a world of bad people." *Dean Ambrose*
    "I would much rather be hated for who I am, than loved for something that I am not." *CM Punk*
    "If GOD built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world." *Mick Foley*
    "I'm not the biggest. I'm not the strongest. But I am damn sure the toughest." *Daniel Bryan*
    "You must show no mercy.. Nor have any belief whatsoever in how others judge you.. For your greatness will silence them all." *Ultimate Warrior*
    "Break the rules. Be a fighter. Any dream is possible if you are brave enough to do it YOUR way." *AJ Lee*
    "I'm trying to find a place with peace. And if not, lets fill it with mayhem." *Rowdy Roddy Piper*
  • Gamertag
    Reigns VII
  • Date Recruited
    Does it matter?
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Contact Methods

  • Twitch
    Prize Fighter
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    Legit Boss
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    Apex Predator

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  1. Beartooth "Hated"

    "Who knew you’d be hated for being who you are
    And be a big target for all the insecure

    All alone in a wall-less prison
    Didn’t forget and you’re not forgiven
    Live every day with the pain in the back of my mind
    Torture doesn’t begin to describe it

    I won’t forget, I won’t forgive, I won’t forget

    Who knew you’d be hated for being who you are
    And be a big target for all the insecure
    There’s a bullseye painted on our chests
    In the crosshairs of the ignorant
    But I am not your scapegoat anymore

    All alone with my own decisions
    I try to scream but you never will listen
    It took a while but you’re finally out of my life
    And I swear there’s no better feeling

    I won’t forget, I won’t forgive, I won’t forget

    Who knew you’d be hated for being who you are
    And be a big target for all the insecure
    There’s a bullseye painted on our chests
    In the crosshairs of the ignorant
    But I am not your scapegoat anymore

    Try to scream but you never will listen
    Didn’t forget and you’re not forgiven
    You're not forgiven
    Didn’t forget and you’re not forgiven, no

    Who knew you’d be hated for being who you are
    And be a big target for all the insecure
    Who knew you’d be hated for being who you are
    And be a big target for all the insecure
    There’s a bullseye painted on our chests
    In the crosshairs of the ignorant
    But I am not your scapegoat anymore"

  2. "Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error."

    -Marcus Tullius Cicero

  3. When you're not even in and you pick up the slack of the people who fail at helping. Haha! It's what I do. 

  4. I know things that no one thinks I know. 

  5. "There were days these child eyes
    Would overlook the ugliness and fantasize
    I found my heart for the first time and I awakened in me
    I left myself to navigate, and oh I felt control
    (It seems these sheep have quite an appetite)"

    -Avenged Sevenfold "The Stage"

  6. "I would much rather be hated for who I am, than loved for something that I am not." *CM Punk*

  7. "You don't tell people who disagree with you they'd be better off somewhere else. And you don't reduce them to stereotypes; you address them as fully formed people worthy of respect. You try to persuade them."

    -Peggy Noonan

  8. "I can't give you a sure-fire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time."

    -Herbert Bayard Swope

  9. "You live your life recklessly
    It's hard to hide jealousy
    You talk a mile a minute
    You take the truth and spin it
    You took it to the limit (don't blame me)
    Survival of the fittest
    You cut my fuse and lit it
    And I'm a psycho menace (don't blame me)
    I don't wanna have to do this again

    I pray for peace but I'm ready for war
    I pray for change 'cause I've been here before
    I pray for peace but I'm ready for war
    I pray for peace but I'm ready for war
    I pray for peace but I'm ready for war

    My heart and soul is tempting me (To waste your place in history)
    You start to fall bend and break, (Your weak disease is your misery)
    You talk a mile a minute
    You take the truth and spin it
    You took it to the limit (don't blame me)
    Survival of the fittest
    You cut my fuse and lit it
    And I'm a psycho menace (don't blame me)
    I don't wanna have to do this again

    I pray for peace but I'm ready for war
    I pray for change 'cause I've been here before
    I pray for peace but I'm ready for war
    I pray for peace but I'm ready for war
    I pray for peace but I'm ready for war"

  10. I gave it my all. I was dedicated and loyal. I was always honest when I spoke. I always thought that's how things were supposed to be. I guess I was wrong. I put so much time into trying to do my best to make things better. But it doesn't matter now. It has never mattered. All I wanted was to be a respected member and leader, and I got the opposite. Trying my best was never enough. My opinions never mattered. I, never mattered. 

    1. Lafayette 7

      Lafayette 7

      Whats your email? Kik never seems to work when i'm at work.

    2. Riegns Vii

      Riegns Vii


    3. Lafayette 7
  11. When people are criticized because they share their opinions because someone doesn't like them, that's what causes problems and causes people to leave. 

  12. "Be patient, work hard and consistently, have faith in your writing, and don't be afraid to listen to constructive criticism."

    Jonathan Galassi

  13. I'm not sorry if you don't like my opinions. 

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