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KSI Samsquanch

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About KSI Samsquanch

  • Birthday January 11

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  • Gender
  • Gamertag
    KSI Samsquanch
  • Squad
    Overload and Twisted Warfare
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Newbie (1/4)



  1. dude it's been a while. wb

  2. General KSI NicoDollaz / Overload General Link-http://www.ksiforums...ksi-nicodollaz/ Reasoning: Nico is always there helping people and giving advice. He knows a lot about KSI and is active on the forums and in the game. He is always around and values everyones’ opinion which makes him a respected leader. Captain KSI Turbo Jesus / Overload 3rd Captain Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15436-adamcoughlin/ Reasoning: KSI Turbo Jesus has taught me a lot as far as recruiting and training people effectively which is why I look to him as a mentor. He is a very active Captain and hosts game nights a couple nights a week as well as being a Captain for a Headhunters Griftball Squad. He is always there to help people out. Lieutenant KSI JBOMBshell / Overload 3rd Lieutenant Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16113-ksi-jbombshell/ Reasoning: KSI JBOMBshell is one of the most active Lieutenants I know. She recruits people non-stop and trains people non-stop as well as hosting game nights every weekend. She is willing to spend time with the old members as well as getting to know the new members in KSI.
  3. I like all kinds of music but my favorite band of all time is Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
  4. Welcome to the forums KSI Samsquanch :)

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