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Everything posted by KSI VALI 7

  1. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI VALI 7 Award: New members certified Workshop Evidence: WD activity log Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSIChewbacca
  2. I can witness for KSIxxr3b3l has had the same tag for atleast a yr
  3. Name: KSI The BMP , REAPERS DL GEN Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17020-general-bumper/ Award-/-Achievement: COMMITTED Reason-/-Evidence: 5 HIS PERSON HAS BEEN IN KSI LONGER THEN ONE YR WITH XBOX LIVE GOLD GAMERTAG
  4. I witnessed this member being in KSI with the same gamertag for over a yr
  5. KSIxxr3b3l 1CPT WARLORD DL http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17849-ksixxr3b3l/ KSIxxr3b3l has some exceptional knowledge within ksi since being promoted. He had done wonders working with me making sure that our squad flourishes. He has taken over our head hunters without question and has be running It wonderfully. Has not thought twice about helping out in anyway shape or form when I am not online. He shown exceptional ability and i am very happy to have him as my 1cpt
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