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Everything posted by KSI CARNAGE 7

  1. Division-HD Xbox one Cpt:KSI Nahfool Teammate-KSI Unstoppable Teammate- Skynex Teammate- KSI Itsfades Alt 1-KSIxMsDeathx Alt 2-KSI AP3X PR3DTR Alt 3-KSI Coder Xbox 360 Cpt- KSI CDNBACN Teammate- KSI xJayC52 Teammate- KSI JamesJr Teammate- KSI KarmaAntrax
  2. Division- Harmonic Destruction Representative- KSI Coder Representatives Skype-ksicoder2 Song- Best friends forever
  3. Division-HD Cpt- KSI Joegrizz Member- KSI Azure27 Alternate- AR 1in7TWIST Xbox one team^ Xbox 360 CPT-KSI XJKrawler Teammate-KSI FuzzyMeep7
  5. Unstoppable has been a power house trainer in HD and he more than deserves this awarding he's a very hardworking officer
  6. Founder KSI DC SNIPER77 Reason: Through the rollercoaster we call HD with all its ups and downs he has stood strong and always put in his best foot forward and worked hard to get HD to where it is today. He has made difficult decisions but in every way possible has shown how much he can do and shown that he is the true leader that HD needs. General KSI XJKrawler Reason: Through a lot of time spent running over many members he is by far one of the most proffesional members out their. He makes the correct decisions and leads his squads to constant growth and proffesionalism on all fronts. His maturity and wisdom with age allows him to take control when he needs to and teach those who are coming under his wing with a true and proper form. He builds his squad to perfection and leads them on the path of success.
  7. As sad as it is to say I will still support them til the end and that's the Edmonton Oilers
  8. I can say for sure that KSI CDNBACON and KSI Juggalo22 have been here for over as members of KSI
  9. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) OIC: xKSIx CARNAGE-/-WRECKAGE-/-HARMONIC DESTRUCTION OIC: KSI XJKrawler -/-WRECKAGE-/-HARMONIC DESTRUCTION Team Captain: KSI Qual a Bear-/-WRECKAGE-/-HARMONIC DESTRUCTION Team Co-Captain KSI Qual-/-WRECKAGE-/-HARMONIC DESTRUCTION KSI DaGeR35-/-WRECKAGE-/-HARMONIC DESTRUCTION KSI PANTSIR 66-/-WRECKAGE-/-HARMONIC DESTRUCTION KSI Kalashin-/-WRECKAGE-/-HARMONIC DESTRUCTION KSI XxSHADYxX92-/-WRECKAGE-/-HARMONIC DESTRUCTION KSI Ktutts2323-/-WRECKAGE-/-HARMONIC DESTRUCTION KSI MANBEAST-/-WRECKAGE-/-HARMONIC DESTRUCTION Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...58-ksi-carnage/ http://www.ksiforums...1752-xjkrawler/ http://www.ksiforums...si-qual-a-bear/ http://www.ksiforums...19263-ksi-qual/ http://www.ksiforums.../20353-dager35/ http://www.ksiforums...ksi-pantsir-66/ http://www.ksiforums...6-ksi-kalashin/ http://www.ksiforums...si-xxshadyxx92/ http://www.ksiforums...ksi-ktutts2323/ http://www.ksiforums...2-ksi-manbeast/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Headhuters Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) These members are active participants in practice and competition in a rotating bench
  10. Pantsir deserves this award completely he has done so much to, one make people in KSI feeling welcome to talk to him, Two to create such an open and inviting space for new recruits to come into, and three create a group where everyone one feels invited and always gets there voices heard by him and his officers. This guy has worked harder than anyone I know in KSI, I've rolled with him ever since we were both SGT's and he has absolutely done all he could for any member in KSI no matter what the situation to do the best for the member and the group as a whole. He is an outstanding general, person and deserves all the praise he gets.
  11. Well what can I say I have ran with this man my whole KSI career, from a little recruit to the officer I am today an he has been a huge reason as to why I am so successful in my position. I've heard many stories of what Wolf has done in his time in wreckage of turning it around and helping out a struggling squad when they needed it, I have also witnessed my own little bits of why Wolf deserves and has earned the title he has today. He is a strong leader who can make decisions when necessary and can make sure he enforces all his rulings. He takes care of all of his members and is a key reason as to why wreckage is what it is today. He's very loyal and trustworthy and I've never seen him do anything to disgrace his fellow members or to disgrace the members of the other team we are playing against. He has always been there to do his job to the best of his potential an even when he had to be gone for a few days he would keep in touch with his officers to make sure everything ran smooth. Wolf is a great leader, an outstanding person and I couldn't think of anybody who deserves the award even more than he does.
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