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ItsMe last won the day on December 31 2014

ItsMe had the most liked content!

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    Shh Can't Tell
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    KSI Retired

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  1. http://youtu.be/84CPo4bVkMk Just Because...
  2. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIx2Fingers 7 ( Immortal Outlaws/ Founder) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20810-ksix2fingers-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Fingers is amazing at his job! No job is to big for him. He is always willing to take the hardest challenges head on. He has a love for this division and the people in it. He brought a division back from the dead all by himself. He makes sure that things always run smooth and that we have a door always open for us if we need him. From rct to cofo he puts the same effort and time into us all. He is the power house that keeps IO so strong. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI OhMyLanta 7 ( Immortal Outlaws/CoFo) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22393-ksi-ohmylanta-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This chick! She is so motivated to do anything and everything! She has been a 7 for a short amount of time and has shown time and time again why she deserves it. She not only goes out of her way for her own division but will stop and take time to help other division. She goes out of her way to get to know the members under her. Very active in game nights and trainings. She has a heart of gold. She gets to know her members on a personal level and not just KSI related. She is a great example for the people under her to strive to get things done and great things will happen. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this - Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Teaxsmade (Immortal Outlaws/Cronus) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/26188-ksi-texasmade/ Reasoning why they deserve this - With the recent step down of his General he is showing what he is made of. He is so eager to learn and grab all the knowledge he can from anyone that will give it. He is stepping up to the plate and taking the workload of his squad and trying to get everyone active again and save the squad they have. He is fully prepared to become a General when its time and accept all the responsibility that will come with it. He is bringing his activity back up and taking the bull by the horns and getting his squad to go along with him and be active again. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI x Tretzy Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/26237-ksi-x-tretzy/ Reasoning why they deserve this -oh goodness! He works extremely hard at his job all day and gives KSI his night! Always at meetings hosting game nights and just being a great friend to other members. He takes time and helps other squad members understand things and make sure things are getting done by the book. He loves getting to know people 1on1 or in a group setting. There is never a time I've asked something of him and he said no or i dont know how. If he didn't know he would ask the correct way to do it and get it done. He is amazing with training. Trying for his own squad and other squads if no one else is on to do so.
  3. I have the pleasure of knowing Doctor and all his awesomeness. When Doctor does something he truly puts his heart into it. He is an amazing forums staff member that is willing to lead his helping hand whenever the time is needed.From the more difficult things to simply hosting a forums workshop getting people set up and active on the forums. He did an amazing job at running the AAP and getting members the awards they deserve. He stays on top of all of KSI social media to make sure we have the freshest news coming out during our big events. I see him as a SGT actively hosting game nights and trainings trying to pass on as much knowledge as he can.He is now a Board member and takes on a whole new work load and is ready to jump head first into it. He truly has a deep down love for KSI and the members. Doctor does so much for KSI and wants nothing back in return. That alone deserves this award.
  4. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Paratroop 7 (IO) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/108-ksi-paratroop-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Even tho he can parayou out of a party or a game the min he joins he is truly a hard worker. He is constantly on top of things for IO. He goes above and beyond for our division. He makes sure we always have necessary tools and knowledge to get our jobs as 7s done. He shows up to game nights and will just sit in a party to talk. He doesn't see himself better just because he holds a higher rank than us. He will laugh and hang out with the other 7s the same as he would a recruit. He works hard at his Director spot and being the Head of IA. Both are two VERY important jobs that he does amazing at. He is never to busy to take time to answer questions even tho he has a huge work load. Co Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIx2Fingers 7 (IO) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20810-ksix2fingers-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - From the min Fingers got cofo he kicked butt! I had to take a leave for personal reasons and the min i came back the division had a done a total transformation! He stayed up all hours of the night working with the squads and making sure everyone had their crap in order. Going to meetings hosting meetings holding tags. This guy did it all in such a short amount of time. He was all around amazing at what he did. He helped bring IO out of a really bad place. IO would not still be standing here today if it wasn't for his hard work. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Not A Guy (Paradox IO) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22393-ksi-ohmylanta-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This is one of the most amazing Generals that I have met. She never says no to anyone. She is always willing to help and give a hand where it is needed. She worked extremely hard for her squad and brought it back from the verge of death many times. She is extremely full of KSI knowledge. She took the time to get to know each one of her squad members. Not just on a KSI level but on a personal level also. We all know that sometimes you need a listening ear and she is that ear. She is an outstanding member and will always have the heart of her squad. She is extremely active! Always hosting a meeting, workshop, or a game night. She not only gives the extra helping hand for her squad or the other squads of IO but ANY squad or member that needs her help. She is was outstanding General and deserves this.
  5. Huck is one of the most amazing people I know. He is so willing to help at all times. He is a open book full of KSI knowledge that he wants to share to better this community. I've know Huck since I joined KSI. He has been there for me when I needed to complain about the smallest things or answer my toughest questions. He is the prefect example for leadership and a role model. He is so giving willing to help with name changes, Xbox live cards, etc. I'm honored to call him a mentor and friend.
  6. I just recently lost my Father and this has became one of my new favorite songs. I usually end in tears but its a good song.
  7. I shall witness I met Mr. Laffayette and knew right away he was awesome! He was super active with his squad while in the General position. From game nights to just late night game play he was there. His squad could come to him for anything. Personal at home problems or KSI community issues. He is always willing to take time to help ANYONE. He is my go to guy to take in the 15 year olds He is an outstanding member from clan ops to web ops. Anytime you get on the forums he is here with a bright face ready to help or just joke around. Now as a co founder he is even a harder worker ready to bring his division to the top. It would be a shame to see an amazing member not get this award.
  8. i will witness!! I not only have had the pleasure of meeting this man but also I have been able to call him friend! Brutus is a very respectable person. He (as a GEN) was very active with his squad. I have been to many of their game nights and he was always welcoming and willing to have anyone join at anytime. I have witnessed first hand Brutus dealing with issues in the division and he will never at any given time turn someone that needs help away. He never leaves a question unanswered, he will go to great links to find out who, what, where, when, and why. He is ready and willing to help at anytime day or night and makes himself available through many forms of communication! Now as a 7 he is an amazing leader going above and beyond for his division daily! He is a valuable member to the KSI community!
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