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About Winterfeuer91

  • Birthday 01/28/1991

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  • Gamertag
  • Squad
    KSI Overload TW
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Newbie (1/4)



  1. I am now KSI Charizard 9

  2. hope Minecraft Skyrim Edition comes out soon

  3. so since gta 5 came up and other games halo 4 has become almost dead.

  4. how is it that no one is even telling me how to work this site.

  5. i am having some trouble with finishing up my Halo 4 maps and i was wondering if anyone knew how to work on Dominion maps and Game Types. My gamertag is Winterfeuer91.

  6. okay so sorry for not posting lately guys have been busy with sister and niece, and trying to get a new job also.

  7. Okay so i still don't know how to use the shout box at all but yeah i will play any halo with anyone i'm from Overload

  8. Okay some my facebook page is doing okay not really out for the most likes and all but i use it to get maps from halo that i make and if you need me you can find me mainly on there.

  9. I have gotten back from Mayhem Fest last night it was awesome. I got new pics with some bandans that i bought from there also.

  10. I will be off-line for a week. Dog sitting for my sister while she is on vacation until Monday Night.

  11. hello how is everyone.

  12. I have a fb page not big but i have halo screen shots. The page is Winterfeuer. I am not saying to like the page but i update both pics and multiplayer maps that i make.

  13. Welcome to the forums Winterfeuer91 :)

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