Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI xSTATICx 7/SSGT very recently stepped down from founder/IO/KRAKEN
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Reasoning why they deserve this -STATIC has been a staple of our old Div(FG just merged into IO) for a long time and has been around the block so to speak,I don't think that there is a single person who dosen't know who he is,he has been nothing but helpful and passionate toward our Div,I have seen this guy in almost every situation there is and he has always dealt with it in a professional level headed manner,he has helped me on many occasions with problems i have had within KSI,This guy is and will always be one of the greatest members our Div will ever see KSI xSTATICx 7 keep on rockin bro!!!!
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI POWERS 7/co-fo/IO
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Reasoning why they deserve this -Powers is well a power house his name says it all lol but in all seriousness powers is an amazing member and has been ever since his return,as a co-fo he hasn't stopped rockin he has taken a great chunk out of his life for KSI and i applaud him for it,his dedication to us is unbreaking and i believe he had a great role to play in keeping our old Div alive as long as it did,this guys hasn't stopped putting in "work" he knows everyone and everyone knows him he is quick to act and tries to get things resolved or dealt with asap,powers is a force to reckon with and he is only going up from here. Ya Baby! ya!