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About KSI CODY864

  • Birthday 04/11/1997

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Middle of nowhere, SC
  • Interests
    KSI, Baseball, Football, COD, Battlefield, Halo,
  • Gamertag
    KSI CODY864
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Contact Methods

  • Kik

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  1. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI CODY864 Infrared CO Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14898-ksi-cody864/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) GAMERSCORE HOARDER Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) I have 20,335 Gamer Score Link to profile- https://live.xbox.com/en-US/Profile?gamertag=KSI%20CODY864
  2. Through the time that winner has been in KSI he has helped everyone anytime he could if someone had a question at any time or needed help with anything winner would always be there to help them and teach them what he knows whether it be in CO or DR.
  3. Gamer tag- KSI BUBBLEZ 7 Division-CO Squads-Infrared, Stealth, Liberty, Phantom Rank-Division Leader Link-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2472-♥bubblez-7♥/ Reasoning-I don't even know where to start with his person all I can say is wow she is by far the best Div Leader I have seen she is always trying to make sure everyone in her division is happy whether it is buying Microsoft points to help someone get their name changed or helping any one that has a question for her whether or not it would be a question for her or not she is the most committed person I have ever seen she makes it her point to go above and beyond her job description and play with with everyone and make sure everything in her division is running perfectly and gets to know everyone on a personal level with her nobody is just a number they are all individuals and she makes sure that they all feel welcome and encourages everyone to be the best that they can be there is an endless amount of things I could say about this person and honestly i am at a loss of words because there is just so much that this person does on a daily basis that she does not have to do this person has made our community so much better and does so every day I strive to be like this person every day and she deserves every award and every thing that she has achieved and so much more this is a person everyone should strive to be like and whether you know it or not bubblez I believe I can speak for everyone on this and say that this is how everyone feels and I would like to thank you for everything you have done to make this community so much better for everyone.
  4. Game tag-KSI Winner907 Division-CO Squad-Infrared Rank-2CPT Link-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14063-ksi-winner907/ Reasoning- Well where do I start he is one of the most hard working people I know he always makes it his point to go above and beyond his job description he always has new ideas to better our squad and the community and is one of the nicest people I know he is one of the best captains I have seen and puts more time and effort into everything he does from being the first to volunteer for everything that need to be done to playing with everyone and making sure they feel welcome he is just overall a great member and a great captain and if anyone deserves this award it is definitely him.
  5. Gamertag-KSIxHONESTYx77 Division-CO Squads-Infrared, Stealth Rank-Cofounder Link-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7470-ksixhonestyx77/ Resoning-KSIxHONESTYx77 all I can say is wow this guy right here is one of the most committed members I have met he is a joy to be around and even with all of the things he has to do he still finds time to play with everyone no matter of what rank they are he always is active and online to help anyone and everyone that need it overall he is a great person to be around and one of the best cofounders I have seen I think that he deserves everything he has been given and much more and I know he is going to go far.
  6. Predator has been a huge help to me in so many ways anytime that i needed help or I had a question he was always there to give me the help that I needed
  7. Welcome to the forums KSI CODY864 :)

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