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Toasty last won the day on January 3 2015

Toasty had the most liked content!

About Toasty

  • Birthday 02/19/1993

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  1. Founder Gamertag (Rank- Division/squad)- KSI Predator 7 Founder Elite Forces Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/3188-ksi-pr3dator-7/ Reason why they deserver this: Predator over the last month has working his hardest to make sure the only Xbox one division stays alive and operating smoothly all while having to worry about not only streaming matches during spirit week but also talking to the seniors and other staff to make sure that his division can participate in the biggest yearly event in KSI. CoFounder Gamertag(Rank- Division/squad)- KSI Muramasa 7 Co Founder Shogun/Legion Elite Forces Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5200-ksi-muramasa-7/ Reasons why they deserve this: Muramasa like Predator wants Elite Forces to be the best XB1 division to ever exist in KSI and he does this any way he can. Even though he's a CoFo and is busy with other KSI related priorities he'll refer a new recruit to one of his squads, not only that he'll come to squad meetings and even attend game nights. He also has the generals come to him about promotions so that he can make sure they are making the right decision. So even though he has a 7 after his name and has a lot more responsibilities being a CoFo he still has time to make sure his squads are working efficiently and the members are having fun. General Gamertag (Rank- Division/squad)- KSI FuzzyFinS General Legion Elite Forces Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15157-ksi-fuzzyfins/ Reasons why they deserve this: Fuzzy (Fins not Meep) has worked non-stop to make sure his squad is not only growing and working fluently but also having fun. Fuzzy has gone through some difficult times by having to replace officers and dealing with low amount of new recruits last month but knowing that if he wanted his squad to start prospering that he would have to lead by example and that's exactly what he did even though its not his job to go out and recruit he would still get a group together a couple days this month and bring in some new faces. His squad numbers at the beginning of the month was around 30 members and now that number is almost at 45 and still climbing as we speak all because he showed his squad that if we try our hardest at something only good things can come out as a result. Also with the growing numbers he has gained new officers that are willing to follow Fuzzy and lead Legion to being a great squad in Elite Forces. Lieutenant Gamertag (Rank- Division/squad)- KSI Dopeyx 1st Lieutenant Legion Elite Forces Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9553-dopey/ Reasons why they deserve this: Dopey deserves this because he knows the way a lieutenant needs to do his job. Dopey was promoted to 1st Lieutenant only a couple weeks ago and not only has he been a wrecking force on the recruiting as soon as he was promoted and a recruit joined the recruit tag he's right there to train them and make sure they are comfortable and are having fun in the squad even after they've been added to the squad tag and he does this with all recruits even if he didn't train or recruit them. He also has the mindset of a leader because he is always trying to motivate the squad and tries to make sure the squad is operating smoothly and everyone is having fun.
  2. EF going to have the early lead after tonight.
  3. Kevin Hart is definitely my favorite. If you haven't seen him live I suggest you do, he's funnier live then he is on TV or his movies. But to round out my top 3 would be #2 Blue collar #3 Jeff Dunham
  4. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI TOASTY Venom WI Link to Forums Account: www.ksiforums.org/user/14822-toasty/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Headhunter, Swat, Snipers, Grifball Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) I am deserving of these awards because I am currently on these teams for Venom.
  5. I witness for this award mainly because I've been friends with instakill ever since he's had an Xbox so I've been there with him through his ups and downs and his inevitable insanity. I started to notice a change when we were playing on express on Black Ops 2 when he would run into the train on purpose to get a laugh out of it. This threw me off because every game he plays he tries his hardest to win at every game he plays cause he hates to lose and seeing him being counter effective to the team got me confused. I asked him why he did this and he said he got demoted from 2nd captain when he was in recoil (he did not specify why) and he was depressed cause he thought he did nothing wrong. He left to take a break and get his mindset back again and he was going good and thought he was ready to join back. So I joined with him into Phantom and all was going good and he even got on Tourney staff and he was truly happy yet again. He was so happy that he got on the Tourney staff that he resigned from being a 3rd Lt. so he could focus strictly on being part of the staff. He contributed everything he had to the staff but got kicked out for again reasons he didn't describe and this is what really killed him. He left KSI again and didn't play Xbox for a couple weeks to a month but when he got back on he went from jolly ole Stephen to raged and depressed Stephen when we play any game together. But even though he has gone through being mad a depressed from being in KSI he is looking to join back with his mentality in question.
  6. Ignore the hot topic nomination I just saw Hot Topic and didn't read the description for it. My apologies still getting used to the forums.
  7. http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/20311-what-game-are-you0anticipating-the-most-in-2014-360xb1/'> http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/20311-what-game-are-you0anticipating-the-most-in-2014-360xb1/
  8. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Toasty Shogun IO Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksifforums.org/user/14822-toasty/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Hot Topic, Gamer Score Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) I am nominating myself for Hot Topic because I have recently started a topic under the general chat that has reached Hot Topic status. I am also nominating myself for Gamer Score Hoarder because I have 26757 Gamerscore under the gamertag KSI TOASTY.
  9. the halo soundtrack but definitely the monks for the title screen
  10. Going through all the seasons of Top Gear(US Edition) and then The Big Bang Theory
  11. Welcome to the forums KSI TOASTY37 :)

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