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  • Birthday 07/05/1980

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  1. I can vouch for Geno since with his help CO has grown since splitting from DR in to a flagship division. I watched. This man do beyond and out of his way to help his fellow KSI members in CO and other division.
  2. I am here to be a witness this, i have seen this GENERAL do great work in HOSTILE CO from recruiting, to training and informing people of the forums. I have seen and felt that i can go to him with any issues i have. He has been a great role model to his junior peers and has respect for all KSI members. I can see that he will make an even greater leader in the future, since he puts his squad before himself. He is not selfish in any way and knows when to draw the line. I'm glad he is my GENERAL and proud to back him up, that's why i give my witness vote for OUTSANDING work since i have seen it first hand. Will try to talk to CO DIV so they can come here and attest to this actions. . Thank You for your time.
  3. Senior director of the month- KSI CHAOS 7 - Just cause I dont know anyone else lol Director of the month- KSI APOCALYPSE 7 - my former director who made everything run smoothly Co-div of the month- KSI SHAOLIN 7 - he always knows how to run everything perfec, t hes helped me with alot threw my career in KSI co founder of the month- KSI HOP OFF 7 - :D general of the month- KSI PARATROOP 7 Third Best General I've had the pleasure to work with (#1 ShaolinJhew #2 Veilsix) major of the month- KSI SPIRIT 7 Captain of the month - KSI HOMCIDE Lieutenant of the month- KSI xTipitlaterx - Has made so many fun night with his microsoft donations member of the month- KSI ALTER - for being young he has proven time after time to have the training capabilities to run with the big boys forum staff of the month-
  4. how about award for 50 trophies on arcade, havent came up with a name for award yet.
  5. CHUCK NORRIS APPROVES THIS MESSAGE so let it be written so let it be done.
  6. WOW im really lost for word i feel humble that VEILSIX 7 im very greatful and respects his words and that of fellow members. I am but an ant carrying his pebble to his queen for the greater of the COLONY and thats the way i see myself in KSI and i will continue to carry my pebble were it needs me to GO. I am always here for advice no matter the situation and i wanna see everyone be successful and have fun at it to.
  7. Director of the Month: KSi QueenJess 7 Division leader of the month: KSIxApocalypse 7 Co-Division leader of the month: KSI Shaolin 7 Co-founder of the month:KSI Airborn 7 Top Recruiter of the Month: KSI LAZAR28 Founder of the month: KSI Shadow 7 General of the month: KSI VEILSIX Captain of the month: KSI GETTOTHECHOPPA LT of the Month: KSI SYSTEMA MEMBER OF THE MONTH: KSI VEILSIX
  8. Welcome to the forums KSI CHUCKNORR1S :)

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