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KSI Winner 7

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KSI Winner 7 last won the day on May 10 2014

KSI Winner 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI Winner 7

  • Birthday 02/11/1997

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Anchorage, Alaska
  • Interests
    US Marine Corps, Girls, football, paintball, food,and KSI
  • Gamertag
    KSI Winner 7
  • Squad
    Infrared, Instinct, Stealth, Enigma
  • Division
    Covert Ops
  • Rank/Title
    Co Founder

Contact Methods

  • Kik

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KSI Winner 7's Achievements


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  1. Name: KSI Winner 7 ( Co-founder in CO) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14063-ksi-winner-7/ Award-/-Achievement: helping hand Reason-/-Evidence: when I was general I bought multiple name changes and as Cofo, I have also bought like 2 for Cpls who have shown great willingness to learn and progress through KSI
  2. Name: KSI Winner 7 ( Co Founder in Covert ops) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14063-ksi-winner-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Horder Reason-/-Evidence: I currectly have 22,815 Gamerscore with my KSI tag (gamertag is KSI Winner 7)
  3. Name: KSI RoYALMoNKEY (General of Instinct CO) Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/24303-ksi-royalmonkey/ Award-/-Achievement: Trainer Reason-/-Evidence: I have witnessed this member properly train over 30 members Within her time here in CO.
  4. I have witness this number on multiple occasions giveaway points for name changes as well as Xbox live to people who either needed it or couldn't afford it.
  5. Im not real good at writing but She is a out standing div leader she goes so far beyond the call from talking with each person on a personal level and getting to know them to personally. She always is there for everyone and gives chances for people when others have given up on them. And always puts her people before herself and specially for there happyness. This is why i think she has with out a doubt earned this award
  6. Here to make a difference!¡!¡! :)

  7. Division leader Gamer tag- KSI BUBBLEZ 7 Division is- Covert ops Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2472-♥bubblez-7♥/ Reasons- she is a great lady, she loves here division and KSI more then anyone i have problay ever seen. She is a great caring person and will do what ever it takes to make you feel welcome and apart of the family. She games with litterly like every member in her great divison, she is so forgiving with people and is always there to help you through hard times. She is just a great person to be around and always will bring a smile to your face. I believe she deserves has Demonstrated amazing mangement skills, pride, Commitment to KSI and her division that is why i beleave she has earned this Prestigious award.
  8. Co founder KSIxHONESTYx77 / Covert ops / infrared and stealth Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7470-ksixhonestyx77/ Reasoning - when i got a transfer to CO he welcomed me and hes been making me feel so welcome here. He always is talking with any member and every member wether there a rct or a gen. He has done his job far better then i have ever seen and specially for a 7 which in his case has so much on his plate and still taking the time to play with members, to go recruit, and on top of being a acting gen of a squad on top of other things. he is a true example of the a natural born leader and he is a true role model for me. Writing has never been a strong suit of mind but in simple words i truly believe he should be awarded for his out standing work as co founder in this out standing division and family we have here in CO.
  9. If anyone needs help or just wants to hang out message me

  10. I havnt been in KSI for long but he has been a huge help to me to figure out my forums account and helped me with my rank.
  11. Welcome to the forums KSI Winner907 :)

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