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KSI Igan o7

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KSI Igan o7 last won the day on July 24 2017

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About KSI Igan o7

  • Birthday 06/06/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bundaberg, QLD, Australia
  • Gamertag
    KSI Igan o7
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
    Hellborn / Insanity
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  1. I've seen ShadowFoxx help out countless members during her time in KSI. I mean, hey, she got member of the year for a reason, right? She's literally known throughout all of KSI as a helpful person that can be relied upon to give good advice or have questions brought to. She always deals with people nicely, and tries to find ways to assist them if they are struggling with something, as she recognises that all people learn differently. I see her constantly trying to give 110% for her squad, and she is still always available to help with T&E events when a host drops or an extra is needed. I've even seen her regularly doing things for her squad from her phone while she is at work, as if she is needed for something, she generally won't hesitate to do anything she can.
  2. I'll Witness to this. I see her helping people pretty much constantly.
  3. I can attest to Bryan having a KSI gamertag for over a year now, with constant gold membership.
  4. I can attest to Kyle having a KSI gamertag for over a year now, with constant gold membership.
  5. Team Name: Division: Demonic Mayhem Team Manager: KSI Igan o7 Team Captain: KSI Blood Team members by rank: 1. KSI Blood 2. KSI God Zeus 3. KSI Oddba11 4. KSI FluffyPuppr 5. KSI King Larz Team Alternates: 6. KSI Igan o7 7. KSI Deadshot13 8. KSI Bananaman99
  6. Category: Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI BadKitty 7 Forums Account Link / @: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40631-ksi-badkitty-7/ Reasons they deserve this award: Kitty went above and beyond in her several months as Co-Founder this year. During most of the time she was in this rank she was over every squad in the division, due to continuous leadership changes and she did a tremendous job of managing all of the squads. She attended or hosted multiple games nights with every squad, every week, sometimes jumping into multiple game lobbies across 1 night if scheduling permitted it. She dealt with any and all issues that came up in the squads she was over incredibly quickly and efficiently, never allowing an issue to sit any longer than was absolutely necessary, and was still able to remain an active member of T&E, where she has now risen to Co-Head. I have never seen a better, more efficient Co-Founder in my KSI history.
  7. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI FluffyPuppr DM/Discord Link to forums account - @KSI FluffyPuppr Reasoning why they deserve this - Kyle has been doing a tremendous job of running things as a Captain. He's constantly in parties with all of the members of the squad keeping activity up and organizing impromptu events. Kyle has also put quite a bit into promoting things within the squad, sponsoring several gamertag changes, helping a squad member buy a game to play with the squad and putting in prize-money for squad activities such as a question of the week. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kiht 7 - DM/Discord Link to forums account - @#Team69 Dragons Reasoning why they deserve this - Dragons has been doing a great job helping out his squad in the last month. When he isn't recruiting, which is every day, he's in parties keeping everyone active, despite having constant internet issues. At the same time as all of this, he's also an incredibly active member of the graphics team, to the point that most of his squads forum signatures have actually come from him. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HarleyQ8995 - DM/Discord Link to forums account - @KSI HarleyQuinn Reasoning why they deserve this - Harley has been working her butt off to try to help out her squad over the past month. She helps with every game night she can make it to, to the point where she's practically hosting them herself, and she is constantly trying to find good new recruits for the squad, as well as constantly keeping people together and active with each other outside of our gamenights, constantly organizing raids or Trials runs or anything else people might need.
  8. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI God Zeus (3CPT - DM / Discord) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41363-ksi-god-zeus/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Bryan has really stepped up over the past month, doing his best to make sure things have been getting done around the squad and encouraging others. Lieutenant Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI FluffyPuppr (2LT - DM / Discord) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40633-ksi-fluffypuppr/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Kyle has continues his efforts from last month into this month, continuing to excel around the squad and put in effort to keep everything flowing smoothly. Every time I see him in a party it's almost always with someone that he's trying to keep active, and he's been doing a great job of it. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Dragons 7 (SSGT - DM / Discord) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/18-i-am-dragon™/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Dragons has stepped up over the last month in a massive way. He went from being fairly quiet to pulling in recruits left and right and has made a fantastic officer after his promotion to SSGT.
  9. Name: KSI ShadowFoxxLink to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40861-ksi-shadowfoxx/Award-/-Achievement: TrainerReason-/-Evidence: Trained over 30+ people.
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