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Everything posted by Tavie

  1. Fleet Foxes, Jose Gonzalez, Gregory & the Hawk, Com Truise, Toro Y Moi, Washed Out, Phantogram, Teebs, Nujabes, Beach House, Blackbird Blackbird, The Postal Service, M83.
  2. Heck yes I can witness for Nico. I met Nico when he was a General, and he did an awesome job training/recruiting/helping members, finally getting to a Co-Founder. When I met him, I was actually surprised that he wasn't already a 7. He's not only a great Co-Founder, but a wonderful person to go to for advice, whether it's life advice or just KSI situations. Nico is awesome at what he does, making sure his members are in check and also playing with them consistently. This Co-Fo is always around when a member needs assistance, and 99% of the time, he'll have the answer. He's an awesome person to have a conversation with. I can literally talk to him about anything, because he's not one to judge and he knows how to listen and he knows what to say at the right time. He knows when to be professional and when to just be laid back. Nico shows a lot of commitment and leadership towards KSI which is why I look up to him, as he is one of my mentors. He knows how to put feelings aside when making a decision and is very understanding. He's always up for having game nights with my squad and my division, and we've actually had some amazing game nights with more than 30 people in the attendance. He's a cool dude, and deserves these awards for the hard work that he's put in to this community.
  3. I can witness for Carmenia. She is one of the most amazing members I've ever had the privilege to meet. Carmenia is a very loving person, and she cares a lot about her squad and division. She's a wonderful recruiter, and does a great job welcoming those new recruits as well. I get messages from her weekly, reminding her squad about game nights and meetings. She does a great job getting to know her fellow KSI members and gets along with everyone. Carmenia is a great officer, she's extremely active both on Xbox and the forums. Seeing as though I am in a different division, I still notice that this girl has been working her butt off. She definitely deserves this award more than ever.
  4. Bullet Train (feat. Joni Fatora) - Stephen Swartz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkime9M4z34 Heard this in the stream from last night. Lol.
  5. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Purge | Lethal DM Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9453-rapture/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Purge has been doing a wonderful job being a General. He recently got promoted about two to three weeks ago, and has been doing a lot of work for his squad non-stop; organizing events, hosting meetings, hosting game nights, training the newly promoted officers, making the new schedule for the squad, and always being around for assistance. He's really active, plays with the members, gets to know them personally, and works well with them. We recently just got through a squad split, and it went extremely well. Without Purge, the squad split would have been a mess. He worked extremely hard for a long period amount of time to get where he's at now. Lieutenant Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sweetpea | 2LT | Venom WI Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15634-sweetpea/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Not only has Sweetpea been extremely active with her squad, she has been very involved with members outside of her division, including myself. She's attended my game nights and has invited me many times to her own. I believe she's been showing a great amount of leadership and commitment to KSI. I get messages from her at least once a day, getting reminders (that are extremely helpful, by the way) and welcoming new members. This lady is ALL about motivation, always cheering on and supporting her fellow members. She's also been doing a wonderful job as a new member of the Tournaments & Events staff. She's doing things that a Captain should be doing as a Lieutenant. She's has a great spirit and is one of the sweetest girls I've met in KSI, hence her name, SWEETPea. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI SwiftFox | 4CPT | Despair DM Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16751-ksi-swiftfox/ Reasoning why they deserve this - SwiftFox, SwiftFox, SwiftFox. This member joined in early August and he is almost the same rank as me already. He's shown SO much commitment to KSI from dealing with drama to funding the little tournaments. He's held a Corporal Showdown and has hosted many game nights, making it really fun for the members. He's gotten to know many of the lower ranking members personally by inviting them to parties and playing with them constantly. SwiftFox does a phenomenal job recruiting for his squad and is always looking out for his fellow members. The dude's a beast at recruiting/helping, actually. He gets a lot of stuff done in a short amount of time. He's a wonderful asset to his squad.
  6. UPDATED! Squad/Division - Lethal, Demonic Mayhem Game Platform - Halo 4, Xbox 360 Gametype(s) - v4/Team Throwdown, Infinity Slayer, Capture the Flag, Ricochet Contact(s) - KSI Huntress (Team Captain), KSI x Ice x (Co-Captain) Extra Comments - We are the Lethal Head Hunters team. We are currently 1-0. Looking for scrimmages/challenges!
  7. Currently about to do a Studio Ghibli marathon. Watching Spirited Away first. :3
  8. Only Girl In The World (Rihanna Cover) - JENI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfozQBUge7U I'm obsessed with this version. It's very different from the original. It's a lot more relaxed and "chill."
  9. I'm cool. You cool. We cool. I'm a little cooler, though.

  10. I'm cool. You cool. We cool. I'm cooler though.

  11. I'm cool. You cool. We cool.

  12. Game of Thrones, tho.

  13. Yay, early morning classes.

  14. Hi, I like cereal.

  15. Back into that school grind.

  16. I lurk the Forums.

  17. Squad Team W-L: 1-0 Type of Squad Team: Head Hunters Squad Name: Lethal Game We Play: Halo 4 Captain: KSI Huntress Co-Captain: KSI Para
  18. What an honor. I'm currently crying inside; tears of joy. Thanks so much! Congratulations to everyone who was awarded! You guys/gals are awesome and hardworking. Keep it up!
  19. UPDATED! I'm Team Captain of Lethal DM's Head Hunters. We're a Halo squad though! Contact me or KSI x Ice x who is my Co-Captain if you'd like to challenge us or run scrimmages. We play the following gametypes: v4/Team Throwdown Infinity Slayer Capture the Flag Ricochet
  20. Name: KSI Huntress - Lethal, Demonic Mayhem Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13721-huntress/ Award-/-Achievement: Head Hunters Award Reason-/-Evidence: I have been in the Lethal DM Head Hunters team for over 2 months and I'm now Team Captain of it.
  21. Founder Gamertag - KSI L10N 7 Division - Demonic Mayhem Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6581-ksi-l10n-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI L10N 7 has been doing an extraordinary job this month with spending time getting to know new members and attending as many Game Nights as he can. He's put in much effort into planning DM's Spirit Weekend w/ KSI HAVOC 7 and KSI Jupiter 7 and making sure it was fun and exciting for the members. He also established our division's Training Committee, making training a lot more organized and formal. Not only does he get a lot of things done, but he finds time to talk with members and show that he is not only their Founder, but their friend. I admire him for his ability to balance work and school with what he does in KSI. L10N truly deserves this award for all of the work, love, and effort that he's put into his division this month. Co-Founder Gamertag - KSI HAVOC 7 Division - Demonic Mayhem Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8645-ksi-havoc-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - HAVOC has been working his butt off this month. Being the head of DM's Welcoming Committee and a staff member of the Tourneys & Events Staff, he's also been spending a large amount of his time getting to know members, hosting meetings, being at Game Nights, and dealing with drama in a proper manner. He's extremely motivational and gives out great advice about anything, whether it's KSI business or simply just life. HAVOC helped a great amount during DM's Spirit Weekend, by hosting the Halo tournaments and even spending money out of his own wallet for prizes. He puts great effort and passion into his division. He is a wonderful leader, and I admire him greatly for his organization, patience and understanding. He deserves this award like no other.
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