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KSI BlackHorse

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About KSI BlackHorse

  • Birthday 01/26/1998

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Florida, USA
  • Interests
    Contact me if you want to ever talk! Open arms policy with everyone; no one gets left behind.
  • Gamertag
    KSI BlackHorse
  • Squad
  • Division
    Demonic Mayhem
  • Rank/Title

Contact Methods

  • Kik
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  1. Name: KSI BlackHorse Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/13675-ksi-blackhorse/ Award-/-Gamerscore Master Reason-/-Evidence I currently have 56,711 gamerscore on my Xbox Live account through KSI BlackHorse, and it is a Gold account.
  2. Some of my favourite music from games has to be from the early Mega Man games for NES, and also from the early Final Fantasy games, especially IV.
  3. I have too many bands that I truly love, but I have always loved Iron Maiden. Another favourite of mine is Queensryche, to the point that I have a tattoo of their logo from their Operation: Mindcrime album on my upper right shoulder.
  4. One of my favourite films is Miyazaki's Spirited Away. It is just such a beautiful film to me, and I have always really loved the Studio Ghibli films since I was very young. I remember losing one of my baby teeth while I was sick, and watching My Neighbor Totoro, waiting for my Mom to come home from work. Another favourite is the 1986 Animated Transformers film. Definitely one of my favourite movie soundtracks of ALL time.
  5. I've been listening to Holy Grail Radio through Pandora! One of the songs that has been really lovely is Warrior of the Road by Saxon.
  6. I witness this award with the following; KSI Direguard deserves this more than anyone I can possibly think of off the top of my head. This guy does it all; he makes sure everything runs smoothly as possible, keeps squad activity as high as he can in his power, keeps every team running smoothly, answers any and all questions brought to him, etc. In the time I have known him since I first joined last year, when I was in Malice and he in Venom, he was doing his best even back then! He taught me a LOT of what I know and how to be a great officer and I would have to say 110% that I wouldn't be where I am today if not for him. He is an amazing guy, does everything he can for everyone and puts his heart and soul on the line for Wicked Intent, and all of KSI to make it the most memorable, most enjoyable, and most productive place you could possibly be. He has taught me all I know and continues to teach me each and every day and some day, I hope I can possibly be even half the General and LEADER this man is. He is a great friend, a great leader, a great mentor, and a great guy all around.
  7. Starting to feel a bit better finally and extremely proud of Crysis WI for getting that squad split and being a part of the newly formed Fury WI!! :D

  8. Wishing this injury would get better faster... :/

  9. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI BlackHorse-/-Crysis-/-WI Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13675-ksi-blackhorse/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Gamer Score Hoarder, SWAT Team, Snipers Team, Member Assistance, and Outstanding Service Lvl. 1. Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) Gamer Score Hoarder - My gamertag is KSI BlackHorse and I have 29,997 for my gamer score. SWAT Team and Snipers Team - I am currently the Captain of the SWAT/Snipers team for Crysis WI. Member Assistance - I am always willing to answer any questions any KSI member brings to me and I always do my very best to verify my sources and make sure the answer I am giving them is the truth. I have always done so and will continue to be of as much help to my fellow KSI members as I can and will try my best to answer any question thrown at me. If i don't know the answer, I'll do my best to find out the answer. Outstanding Service Lvl. 1 - Ever since I was recruited into Malice WI back in April of 2013, I have done my very best to benefit my squad, division and KSI as a whole. I've helped when problems arouse, I help my best when questions are asked my way and I do my best to do everything in my power. I have helped motivate members to be more active in their squads, on the forums, to join teams, to host game nights etc. I have been in three different squads in WI; Malice, Venom, and currently Crysis. Each squad I was in, I did my very best to help all and benefit. I've been on teams, co-captained teams, captained teams, helped make weekly schedules, be active in hosting game nights when able, recruiting when able, etc. When issues surface, I do my best to work with my fellow officers to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently. I participated in Spirit Week to represent Crysis, the newly founded squad at the time and to represent WI and all the wonderful people in WI that I have the pleasure of calling my squadmates. I will continue to do my very best to benefit Crysis and KSI, until I cannot do so any longer.
  10. Thanks man!! And of course we can't forget the Misfits c:
  11. It's an honour to receive Lieutenant of the Month and I am thankful of everyone who nominated me c: Congrats to everyone else who received an award and congrats to everyone who was nominated for an award as well c: Keep up the good work everyone!! :D
  12. Black Flag and Bad Religion are pretty freaking awesome too man \m/ c:
  13. So, really in love with the the Essential Blue Oyster Cult album right now <3 XD
  14. Finally getting better :

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