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Everything posted by KSI Z-Ro

  1. I won a Sticker!!! in the tiebraker between DM and WI
  2. -/- Name/Gamertag: KSI GrimmReaper -/- Rank: General -/- Time Spent On The Forums Daily: 3 Hours (Monday - Thursday) - 6 Or More (Friday - Sunday) -/- Experience: Currently General, Longevity is 6 Month's -/- Reason: Well, I really want to be apart of something bigger in KSI and meet some new people. I think it would be pretty cool to learn how to do something as well and for me to contribute to KSI beyond what I do in Clan Ops. Thanks For Considering Me.
  3. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Greg 7 Director Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/109-ksi-greg-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this – Greg is by far the best Director ever! He not only goes above and beyond what is asked of him he takes the time to talk to officers and generals and even ssgt, giving them advise on what to do to help them get promoted. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Heero 7 (Co-Division Leader- TW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7261-ksi-heero-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Heero is my mentor. I learn alot from him and everyday i get tons of help from him and gain knowledge on how to not only become a better officer, but better leader. Our Div leader stepped down and he picked up right where he left off, taking charge and rebuilding TW. We have even had to squad splits because of him. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) –KSI Sworn 7 Founder TW Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7662-%E2%99%A6%E2%99%A6-sworn-7%C2%AE-%E2%99%A6%E2%99%A6/ Reasoning why he deserve this- He is a great founder with out a doubt. He helps me through every twist and turn. He is a great leader and everyone i know looks up to him and has the utmost respect for him. Plus he balances KSI with his army career so what more could you ask for from a Founder!
  4. Name: KSI BRAV0 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15052-ksi-brav0/ Award-/-Achievement: Head Hunter Award Reason-/-Evidence: This person is on the head hunters team in my squad (Recoil TW). I am his general and i am a witness to this.
  5. Name: KSI BrawlyMov1e-/- 2CPT-/-IMPULSE-/-TW Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11422-ksi-brawlymov1e/ Award-/-Achievement:Trainer Award Reason-/-Evidence: Has trained 40 Members in KSI succsesfully and corectly. I am a witness to theese 40 recruits.
  6. i apologize for this misunderstanding and will follow the rules i have read and understood them. I am sorry AAP staff members
  7. Name: KSI SouthSide -/-Recoil-/-Twisted Warfare Link to Forums Account: Trainer Award Reason-/-Evidence: I have succesfully trained 30 members into KSI
  8. orishas there cuban and really good i would suggest there 517 cuba song
  9. i think everyone thats an officers song is started from the bottom by drake
  10. zelda music or the cool calm and collective music from the jak series
  11. oh cool so do i get a cool orange award like you samurai 7? :3
  12. cool so thanks to everyone who did this for me<3
  13. thank you for the nomination guys much appreciated
  14. Heero 7 is a great leader he always knows whats best. I can always come to him with a problem and he will help me and i can also just talk and hang out and have him woop your butt in 3D Ultra Mini Golf. He's very respected in our Division and also is going to be the best darn Div leader that TW has ever seen.
  15. haha just to piss you guys off im going with D12 but no really i like maroon 5 or 3 doors down
  16. i can vouch for all these awards i am there general (Recoil) and these guys are on my head hunters team and sniper team
  17. thank you for an awesome match 7's! queen jess also thank you for the forums points. and PLEASE read your message on xbox live thanks:)
  18. Gamer Tag-KSI SoutH51dE General-KSI SoutH51de Division/Squad-Recoil/Twisted Warfare Division/Squad wish to challenge- 7's Team Game Platform-Black Ops 2 Gametype- any
  19. This man is super awesome, not only is he the best general in TW and doing an amazing job keeping a hard squad together on mw3, he is also a great leader and and great mentor and a great general. Good luck and cant wait for you to get that well deserved 7 in his name!
  20. HEY! These people placed second in the Saturday night fights! KSI South51dE JJ THE NOOB KSI InstaKill51 KSI xDaddyxAcex KSI XxFatalxX KSI BRAV0
  21. KSI Heero 7/Twisted Warfare/Founder http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7261-ksi-heero-7/ Account:Founder of the Month Heero is an amazi leader. Plain and simple. He's always there for you weither you need advce, need help with a problem,you need someone there for you, or just want someone to hang out with, hes always there.
  22. KSI Instakill51: (Recoil/ Twisted Warfare Mister Burke Training award Trained over 30 People
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