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KSI Hurikane

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KSI Hurikane last won the day on August 31 2013

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About KSI Hurikane

  • Birthday 02/18/1993

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  • Gender
  • Gamertag
    KSI Hurikane
  • Squad
    Phantom Covert Ops
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Newbie (1/4)



  1. ​1. What is your age? About to turn 21. ​2.What is your gamer tag? KSI Hurikane ​3. How long have you been in KSI? Almost one year. ​4. Do you have any experience with WW or any online tournament? Yes. ​5. If yes, what experience? I have participated in WW a couple of times during my time in KSI. ​6. Have you had any experience running a tournament at all? Yes. ​​7. If yes, what experience? I used to run Starcraft Tournements when I was young for a now defunct clan, and I've had mini tournements with friends in a variety of games my whole life. E.g. Super Smah Bros, Pokemon Stadium, CoD series, and many others. ​8. Have you ever had experience running a website?(admin, mod, etc) Yes. ​9. If yes, what experience? I was a forum mod a long time ago in a far away place. ​10. What is your availability for tournaments and events? (days you are online, and how often you play) I'm online pretty much every day, and I play at least a few hours everyday. ​11. What side of the department would you like to be on? Call of Duty or Halo? Both host tournaments for those games, but can host tournaments that are not mainstream? Call of Duty. 12. What console are you currently on?(this is directed towards people that have the xbox one, so if you are getting it soon after the release then post that you are getting it soon and the same goes with the PS4) I have the XBox 360 and the PS4, but I still use the 360 mainly. ​13. Being a staff member for T&E is not an easy job. You will be expected to work and have full dedication to help make Tournaments and Events a very efficient department in KSI and in the gaming community. Why would you like to become a staff member, and how would you contribute to this department? I have a decent amount of experience in areas like this and I would love to add that to the team. I'm looking to become even more involved in the KSI Community, even though I am already a General. I understand T&E takes a lot of time, but with the exception of my upcoming birthday, time is pretty much all I have. I would love to work with this team and lend my abilities.
  2. Member Assistance: Absolutely witness. Vitul was my general when I joined and has been a huge help whenever he was needed along the way. I have also seen him work very closely with other members and conduct himself in a manner deserving of recognition. OS: Again, definitely witness. He has done a great job from the time I joined up until and including now.
  3. Welcome to the forums KSI Hurikane :)

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