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Hatter 77

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Everything posted by Hatter 77

  1. I can witness this, as I was his captain when he was recruited into Crysis WI.
  2. Captain KSI GreendayFox ( 2ndCaptain - Wicked Intent/Abaddon) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...45-foxy-minion/ Reason: Since Greenday has come into Abaddon she has shown nothing but love for the squad. As her prior Acting Gen as well as her CoFounder over the squad, I've been there to see her flourish from the quiet individual she was, to the hard working, straight edged Captain she is today. She has asserted herself as an all around, incredible asset over here, taking over situations where people tend to give up. She has worked on keeping this squad on the straight and narrow, always volunteering to run game nights, help out members with any issue, and assist in any ordeal that comes in Abaddon's way. I have to say, I'm very proud to call her a friend as well as an officer and look forward to seeing her grow and lead this squad, as we all know she is very capable of doing! Lieutenant Gamertag, Division, Squad: KSI December, Abaddon, Wicked Intent Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums...7-ksi-december/ Reason: Much like Greenday, I have been with December since he has entered into KSI. He has become an amazing asset to Abaddon. Whenever an issue arises, he is right there to help defuse and make the situation right. He works hard with running game nights and making sure that every member is involved within the squad. December has a strong dedication to his squad that one wants to see in every single member within KSI, but doesn't. Members like him are far and few in between, and with everything he does, I look forward to seeing him moving up throughout the squad and division as well. I couldn't ask for a better LT.
  3. We need a Destiny award in the shop since we have a lot of hardcore gamers on there, and ya know it is a gaem we support lol
  4. As this members acting General and CoFounder of Abaddon, I have seen her go above and beyond the call of duty. She has faithfully given her time and extreme effort within her squad. Since day one of her transfer to Abaddon, she has given members help on anything and everything they have needed, whether it be to just talk about the day, give instruction on squad related issues, or to just hang out and play and spend time with people. Whenever a need arises, I know that we can count on her to be the first there and last to leave, whether asked or not, so I vote YES!
  5. I am THE Mad Hatter. All others are obsolete.

    1. KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

      KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

      And she fears one enemy, THE META LOL

    2. Hatter 77

      Hatter 77

      Pshht. The ONLY thing I fear is running out of coffee

    3. KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

      KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

      Haha coffee u can survive without it ;)

  6. I can definitely attest to this as I was the one who sponsored his name change!
  7. I will be the first to say that KSI WISCONSIN has had a gold KSI account for a year. I have been a fellow squad mate, his General, and now his cofounder. He has done nothing but work extremely hard in his year with us. He has run through the ranks showing extraordinary leadership, a love and dedication for his squad, as well as an amazing knack for making things work. So here here to this witness!
  8. I shall be a witness. As his previous General in Crysis I have seen him hand out live memberships to people in need as well as prizes for tournaments that we have ran. Vonner does this out of a good heart with no expectations of anything in return. I highly recommend him for this award.
  9. I shall be a witness. As his previous General in Crysis I have seen him hand out live memberships to people in need as well as prizes for tournaments that we have ran. Vonner does this out of a good heart with no expectations of anything in return. I highly recommend him for this award.
  10. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Vonner Meta Ssgt Crysis WI Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16509-ksi-vonner-meta/ Reasoning why they deserve this - There are many reasons as to why I believe Meta deserves this award. For anyone who knows him, knows that he is a very passionate person when it comes to KSI in general, but when it comes to our squad, his gives his all plus some. He has done nothing but go above and beyond what anyone is asked to do, and as his General, he amazes me daily. He helps run game nights, sponsors tournaments and live for members who run out, makes sure that everyone is up to date on things that arise within the squad, he runs sgt and recruiting workshops just to make sure that no one is left behind. Meta also has a soft spot when it comes to new recruits. He attempts to play with them daily and make them feel welcome and at home within Crysis. KSI Vonner Meta is the poster boy of how a KSI member should be. I am very proud to call him a member of Crysis and see nothing but shining potential when it comes to a higher officer position within us.
  11. I completely stand by as a witness on this one. As his 2nd captain I see everything he's done past and present. Hes always lending a helping g hand, making things run smoothly, and bringing fresh new ideas of activity throughout the squad. He has my admiration not just as a friend or squad member, but as a mentor and is what I strive to be.
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