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Hatter 77

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Hatter 77 last won the day on May 26 2023

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About Hatter 77

  • Birthday May 4

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Michigan, USA
  • Interests
    Family time, cooking, winter & summer sports, reading, gaming, Scotland
  • Gamertag
    KSI Hatter77
  • Date Recruited
    4-8-13 & 4-28-18
  • Squad
    All of em
  • Division
  • Rank/Title
    Co-Fo / News Head

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  1. 5/15/23 Basic Training Workshop Hosted by: KSI Hatter77 Attendance: KSI BLITZ11 KSI Dragon86 - @KSI Dragon86 (only guy who needs it) KSI JaxyBoi KSI Nugget65 KSI xSmitty KSIYoshi1656 KSI Sasuke08 Evidence: I hosted the workshop 😂
  2. My favorite thing about Star Wars is Star Wars day is my birthday! I absolutely love this franchise, so it's hard to pick a favorite movie. I can say though, without a doubt, that Ewoks are my favorite characters!!! MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!
  3. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Tea 7 CDM BoD Link to forums account - @KSI Tea 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Plain and simple Tea is freaking amazing. She’s also under valued throughout the community, which is seriously a damned shame. The amount of work that Tea puts into Departments to make sure EVERYTHING runs as smoothly as possible is ridiculous. This woman is EVERYWHERE. When issues arise, she fixes them, when we need something pushed out, she pushes them. When we have ideas, she makes them happen while expanding on it to make it 10 times better. Tea has got to be the absolute best CDM KSI has had since the Scotland era (IYKYK), hands down. Her amount of love for all of us brats is never ending, even if we irritate the ever loving hell out of her. She’s always here for the members, and for that, I will forever be grateful. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI StarFire, Abaddon/WD GEN Link to forums account - @KSI StarFire Reasoning why the deserve this - Not to sound ridiculous, but Star is Star studded. She is the epitome of what a General should be within the community. She is loving, caring, and dependable, while still being able to be a hardass. She’s always putting in the OT with her squad and staff. She’s conquered mountains and obstacles that have been thrown in her way when it comes to staff, or a lack thereof. Shes honestly why Abaddon works so blasted well. The time and effort she puts in, while being a full time college student, and a stay at home mom, is unreal. There’s never a moment that I have to worry about anything really dealing with her squad, because I know 99.999999999% of the time, she’s already got it handled. Did I mention she’s stupidly smart too? This woman can train with the best of them. She’s just all around, well, phenomenal. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xSmitty, Carnage/WD CPT Link to forums account - @KSI xSmitty Reasoning why they deserve this - Holy flippin bad mitten grandma where do I start? Smitty is why, when it comes to Carnage, this squad is still open. Plain and simple. His love for our members, and this community vies mine. He’s stubborn, hard headed, and doesn’t take no for an answer. And he loves a challenge…. (Who does this sound like?????) Smit rejoined KSI back in Jan of 23. Ever since, he’s been like Speed Racer within WD. He trains, he hosts stuff, he trains some more. He pulls morale to a high I havent seen in Carnage since before they came over here from SL and rebranded. He’s always thinking outside of the box too. We try to make WD a well rounded Division, to do that, you need to incorporate everyone, and he does just that. He reaches out to other squads and gets them involved in whatever shenanigans we have going on at that point in time. I could honestly write a small novella about why Smitty deserves this award, and much much more, but I’ll save the space for someone else to do it. Just know, he will be a force to be reckoned with within KSI. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI JaxyBoi, Vanquish/WD LT Link to forums account - @KSI JaxyBoi Reasoning why they deserve this - Jaxy is an amazement. To see where he came from to what he is now, and to know I had a huge hand in it, utterly amazes me. I have watched this man grow and flourish within the community, and have loved every waking minute of it. Jax loves his squad, and it shows in everything he does. He never backs down or says he doesn’t have time. He will ALWAYS make the time for these guys. He has a huge following of respect from his members, which is why he continues to drive and show a dedication that honestly brings a smile to my face. Jax is knowledgeable, and it shows in his training sessions. He’s got a wicked sense of humor, and can make the tightest lipped person smile on the gloomiest of days. He is a big reason why Vanquish still works well, and I’m hella proud of what he continues to do. SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Rouge 77, Carnage/WD SSGT Link to forums account - @KSI Rogue 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Rogue, she's a special kind of staff member. To be honest, she didn't even want to really be on the staff. But alas, help was needed and she stepped up to the plate. Rogue is a quiet closed off kind of person. It takes a lot to break through that turtle tough style shell. She did it though! In the time she's been here, she's become an outgoing, loving person who just wants what's best for Carnage. Whether that be someone to hangout with on crappy Among Us, or we need a PO trained, she's right there. Rogue has been a hella good help with everyone, and keeps the staff together and on their toes. I love what she's done, and she absolutely has a bright future within WD. SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI BLITZ11, Carnage /WD SSGT Link to forums account - @KSI Blitz11 Reasoning why they deserve this - Man, Blitz is all over the place. Between Web and Clan Ops this man is NON-FREAKING-STOP. I swear he NEVER slows down. Even before he hit the staff, he was exceptionally helpful to Carnage. No matter the situation, Blitz is ALWAYS willing to help. He's working 60+ hours a week, STILL hosts gamenights, actively recruits, runs the join/rejoin section, and does whatever we need him to do. Honestly, I'm really happy he's back to what he does best, even if he's already got a full plate. He's an asset to the Carnage staff, and WD as a whole and absolutely deserves this award. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Assualt1, Carnage/WD, SGT Link to forums account - @assaultman1 Reasoning why they deserve this - Oh man, Assault is such a sweetheart. Whenever he is on, he doesn't hesitate to jump into a party with any member. He's always cheery and outgoing, and definitely can bring a smile to your face. He doesn't mind hopping off whatever he's playing to come and hang out with the squad either, which is a fantastic trait to have. He's also exceptionally helpful to the staff. Primo example right here. During Spring Break we have the infamous Forums Challenge. This man was in the thick of it with the staff pulling members in the party jumping around to remind and take members through how to vote and post for everything. He obviously didn't have to do this, but his love for Carnage pushed him to go above and beyond to help and make sure that we got the votes. He is a huge asset to Carnage, and WD, and we are very thankful to have him. Admins/Senior Mods/Department Heads/Senior Forums Staff Gamertag (Rank - Area) - KSI Path 7, Discord Mod Link to forums account - @KSI Path 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - It's really hard to talk about a discord mod because people don't see what they really do for our community. Path is a huge asset to KSI, and does a whole lot of work behind the scenes. He's a General in WD, the LC Administrative guy, and a Senior Discord Mod, while also working full time, and being a father and husband. All of these things together doesn't stop him from being damned good at what he does. When it comes to the discord side of things, being a past IT guy in the military helps. He's RIDICULOUSLY smart with the program, and is always available.It Doesn't matter if he's in the middle of anything either, he's always at our beck and call. He's taken several of our servers to a new level and has some amazing ideas for future usage. I know that many people in KSI don't get to see the work that Path does like some of us do, but he is valuable in all aspects. Without him, I dare say many things wouldn't work correctly or at least get fixed as quickly as possible, insert the Annual Event server. Thank you for what you do around here Pathy.
  4. Host: KSI Hatter77 Award: CAPS Certified Attendance: KSI xSmitty @KSI xSmitty KSI Rogue 77 @KSI Rogue 77 Evidence: I hosted the workshop 4/25/23
  5. We usually just do dinner honestly. Big fam get together and all.
  6. Yes. Batman has been a SGT since 11/29/21
  7. With 1/6 of the year behind us, we welcome in time change and the release of our "Inner Irish". Since Valentines was full of fun and excitement, March brings us a two for one SYTYCW Event! You can answer both questions, as there will be TWO winners for the month of March! 1. What is your favorite St. Patrick's Day celebration/event that you participate in? 2. What are your plans for the upcoming Spring Break time away from school? Everyone within KSI is encouraged to participate in the monthly SYTYCW, as the member's Division that wins earns Div Cup points! Please be detailed, but don't feel you have to write a novel! A paragraph or two will be sufficient to count as a submission. This topic will also be found in the KSI Community Discord server, but only 1 submission per person is allowed! This Topic will be opened until March 29, 2023!
  8. I absolutely love the Prince and Lady Gaga shows. They were AMAZING!
  9. Workshop: Leadership Aspects Host: KSI Hatter77 Date: 2/6/23 Attendance: KSI Alucard#4275 - @KSI Alucard KSI JaxyBoi - @KSI JaxyBoi KSI Rita 7 - @Rita KSI Nugget65 - @KSI Nugget65 KSI Tiger 77 - @KSI Tiger 77 KSI xSmitty - @KSI xSmitty KSIxFryed420 - @KSIxFryed420 Evidence: https://www.ksiforums.org/topic/55286-wd-activity-log/?do=findComment&comment=941225
  10. Sure. The member has been here for more than 36 months CONSECUTIVELY without leaving.
  11. I can confirm that shooter did join KSI via the omega july 26 2019
  12. Gamertag: KSI Hatter77 Forums: @Hatter 77 Award: Only Phans Evidence: I have over 100 followers here. Paradox has the pic.
  13. Workshop: Basic Training Hosted by: KSI Hatter77 Attendance: Basic Training Workshop 1/8/22 Hosted by: KSI Hatter77 Attendance: KSI Tiger 77 @KSI Tiger 77 KSI UNBORN 7 - @KSI UNB0RN 7 KSI xGAMBIT - @KSI xGAMBIT KSI xK1ngtut - @KSI x K1ngtut98 KSI xSmitty - @KSI xSmitty Evidence: I hosted workshop
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