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Everything posted by Prophet

  1. google is a wonderful resource
  2. Have you ever been rank suspended or dnh'd? And for what rank were you Most Outstanding?
  3. Don't make a topic if you haven't fulfilled the requirements for the award
  4. link to profiles and have someone confirm
  5. edited mine. Elite is blacklisted. cant get the award
  6. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=a0774945e6&view=att&th=1362e08fc311383b&attid=0.1&disp=thd&zw Not sure how well you can read that but 1600 point card for $20. I can't find the receipt for the $30 dollars i spent on the 800 point pack but maybe Riiot or sungazer can confirm the recruiting competition where i gave 2 cards to KSI x JALAPENO and KSI x GABRIEL
  7. January is pinned but you did not win (if you were nominated). February is coming out this month soon, probably around the time nominations for march of the month go up
  8. Get him in here to confirm it
  9. Sage, stop voting on awards. You are not AAP
  10. I can witness to some of these. For of the month, depending on which month you were nominated, you dont know if you won. He created FN with Warrior after the split with Lost Empire. As a result of this split the other 2 are a given. I'm very surprised and happy with how well Gogeta has handled himself over the past few months.
  11. No. You havent been in that long and what you're describing is doing your job. This isn't an award for doing a good job, this is an award for going above and beyond the call of duty.
  12. Buck, you aren't on the AAP. Only aap members vote
  13. bright idea, you have to be more specific. You werent the first to come up with the idea you listed. There is no award called strongest gen and if there was, that wouldnt be enough. I got my squad from 10 to almost 60 in a month and i'm not even considered the best. For mentor, get 5 members to post in here that you are their mentor
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