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Everything posted by Prophet

  1. Thats a yes from me. I think the Div leader, founder and cofounder over him is enough.
  2. I can give that a yes. Yes for both
  3. There's that for the 101 class portion of it
  4. Awards are given at the discretion of the aap. Whether you feel you meet the requirements is irrelevant.
  5. we can't award squads or divisions awards on the website and giving awards to everyone in the squad/division would be too much.
  6. Most Outstanding is an award given to those who are the best at their rank. If you are going for codiv, we need higher ups to witness that you are the best codiv in KSI.
  7. Not to sound rude but "i try hard" is not exactly evidence towards outstanding service. Neither is time served. Can you please be more specific with your accomplishments and also have witnesses post. As a LT, there are certain things we would be looking for to validate OS, seeing as it is not a frequent occurrence that a LT get outstanding service. Witnesses preferably higher ups in your division and squad.
  8. For many of the awards there are set rules (i.e. Hot Topic, Head Hunters, Wasted Life, etc) but some fall under a "including but not limited to" category. We cannot forsee every possible thing a person can do to get an award (like outstanding service) so we leave it vague and then allow the awards to be given at our discretion.
  9. The fact of the matter is you are claiming that something that is being used widely in KSI is a result of you using it in your squad and in TW. Interpreting the award in the way that you are is a slippery slope and awarding you for sniper teams and meetings would mean having to award people who "came up with" game nights for their squad
  10. Also when it comes to the bright idea award, many squads have sniper teams. That's why there is an award for it. I also know of squads that have 2 meetings on the weekends. While no one may have influenced you to come up with it, it has been thought of before.
  11. Member OTM: KSI PROD1GY http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1643-ksi-prod1gy-7/ As a member of the AAP and a leader in KSI, I have witnessed Prodigy accomplish things I have only attempted. He is a fantastic role model on the forums and can give, defend, and prove his point all in a respectful and logical manner. In just reading his posts, i feel i have become a better member. Its strange. I never nominate anyone for OTM at risk of offending people who have done incredible jobs but i can't let Prodigy go without recognition. He is an asset and a gem to KSI as a whole and i believe members should strive to be more like him.
  12. Yes for Member Assistance No for OS atm.
  13. I've said it before about IA awards. That gives one person the ability to decide who they think deserves each award based on opinion. Most of the decisions of who is in each group is based on potential or reputation. The only group that is based on earning a place is graphics and they have their award. I, and others like me, did nothing specifically that got us into the aap, courts, marketing, etc. I filled out an application and they assumed i could do the job. Being apart of the group is its own reward for being a good member seeing as thats pretty much the only basis to get in one these days.
  14. If Luci was your cofo, that would mean this happened last year or the year before. Most Outstanding is given to the person who performed the rank the best and if it was that long ago, the person was already awarded. It would be almost like giving you an "of the year" for the year you are speaking of.
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