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KSI Jezrien 7

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Everything posted by KSI Jezrien 7

  1. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Paratroop 7/ DR LS WI Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/108-kίરίτθ-kuɴ/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Para has been there for LS through thick and thin and I mean quite frankly we all know LS has hit some rough patches lol. He is always there offering his guidance and support to the divisional leadership but he also is always willing to except constructive criticism about himself as well. He leads with a calm and open mind and finds the best way to help without crushing toes. We all know Para is one hell of a leader and quite frankly this is a long time coming. Para I know we have not always seen eye to eye but know that I have always respected you as a leader and always will. You gave me a second chance when other may not of, I won't let you down and neither will Last Strike. We hope to make you as proud to be our Director as we are proud to have you. Thanks. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxGODDESS Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12974-icequeen/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Goddess has been served the short end of the stick most of her career in KSI but did she give up? No. Did she want to? Maybe.... Lol She started out in a dying squad and was almost right away running it and a LT then a CPT this member is truly outstanding She transferred to Echo where she became General. Echo is a Halo Reach squad people.... Halo Reach! You tried running a Halo Readh squad lately? She is kicking it in the butt. Echo was in the rebuilding process when she took over, now they are borderline splitting with no visible end to the butt kicking going in there. Hosting 2 lobby meetings and game night consecutively over and over their activity and dedication could not be higher. Goddess, you have more then won this award and I am proud to be your Co Founder. Some of you may know me. In the past I have been known for being a little stubborn.... Or a lot... Lol this women stands up to me on a daily basis. Now I can say right now that every time she does it, it makes me smile. Your growing Goddess, your leading, your mentoring, you succeeding! Echo is successful because of YOU. My last statement is to you Goddess, you are the type of leader I would enjoy being under. Don't stop growing, but don't change. You have all my respect.
  2. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSIxARCHANG3L/Echo/LS Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11519-archang3l/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Trainer/Member Assistance/Comitted Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) Archangel started in Threat which was a dying squad for a long time but he never gave up on it until the day it was shut down. He then moved to Echo in which he became General. he now sits at 2CPT. Now this member will assist ANYONE who needs or asks for it. Not only in his squad or division. There is no end to the level of kindness this members shows to all. I was his general in Echo then his Co Founder then Founder. So I can say with 100% accuracy that he has trained well over 30 members. Whether its new recruits or LT's or even a Captain he has train well over the requirement. As for Comitted this member was recruited in January of 2012 of which he has had a year and a half of a gold KSI tag.
  3. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Zanimus 7/Memories/LS Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9752-zanimus-7/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) OS Lvl 1 & Committed. Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) Alright, well this guy started his long KSI journey in Halo 3, running a forge team and training a HH team as a SGT. Later on his squad/division was shut down and he got lost. Now did this man give up on KSI? No! He met me and started talking to me about the community. Well, needless to say, I was interested. I located the forums in October of 2010 and then joined into Legacy. I proceeded to recruiting Zan a week later. Within that time, during halo reach, he was a major contributor in the splitting of Legacy into Wrath LS, Legacy’s one and only squad split! He moved off into the role of 1CPT in Wrath. About a month later he had to resign for college. He returned to KSI with me last year and once again was a main contributor in fixing the broken and dying squad of Echo, which he ended up becoming General of. He then moved to Co Founder in LS over Sinister, Echo, and Fallen. Now keep in mind Sinister was dying at the time and he brought it back to life in his time as Co Founder, which was the first and only blops squad he has ever been over or in! Now, this man has always been dedicated to KSI and his responsibilities within the community. So much so that he refuses to be a leader who cannot perform his job. That’s why when his personal life sped up and he lost time for KSI, he stepped out of the Co Founder position and into a SGT rank in Echo. When he made time for KSI again he began his rise back up to 1CPT, then moved over to be General of Memories, where he currently resides. It was in danger of being shut down at the time. Since then, Memories has been completely defluffed and now sits at around fifty real members! Let me tell you guys, this guy knows how to fix a broken squad and is hands down one of the most dedicated and talented leaders I have ever worked with. Point and case? A week before he was promoted to Co Founder for the first time, his house was struck by lightning, resulting in his router and brand new, limited edition Halo 4 Xbox being fried. Left with no internet or Xbox, did he give up? No. He began the tedious phone calls, bought a new Xbox while his old one was sent in, jumped right back into his duties, and earned his promotion to Co Founder! Now sitting at General, his house was struck by lightning recently, yet again frying his router. This man called up his internet provider and used the leadership skills he has honed in KSI to get a new router and fix his internet in the same day! Nothing can hold him back from KSI and his duties. Success is all that can be achieved by this member.
  4. Ironically I have heard quite a bit about both of these members even from LS. They are obviously willing to assist anyone who needs it based on accounts from their fellow SH members I can easily witness for them both.
  5. Name/Gamertag: KSI Jezrien 7 Rank (If applicable): Co Founder LS Time spend on the forums Daily: anywhere between 2-5 hours every day Experience in KSI: I have been in ksi for over three years now. Been around the AAP Staff since before we were on this site. Luci and riiot mostly here. My rank history is in my signature. I have never been demoted. I am typing this on the iPad by the way which is why it's so ugly... Which is killing me. Lol usually use my computer. Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I know how the AAP works. I have a good history in KSI. I have experience on the forums as well as section mod and news team.. And know the importance of activity, consistently, and impartial decision making. I hope I am considered as I have been waiting for this topic for quite a while. Lol thanks.
  6. Three out of five generals, all of my divisional leadership, and one member (2nd CPT) have posted. All I could do now is ask the other generals and some officers as well as varying divisional leadership to witness if they felt I deserved it. I most likely cannot get my director or any of the seniors to witness on my behalf. If you feel this will not be enough then please feel free to close the topic. I won't be bothering my director or the seniors with witnessing. Thank you for considering this.
  7. The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell us how to think or act, but to give us things to think upon.

  8. I couldn't really be much more proud of you LS than i am right now.

  9. I couldn't really be much more proud of you LS than i am right now.

  10. Well this was a pretty good first General meeting.

  11. Keep rocking socks Echo!

  12. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Paratroop 7, Director over CO, DR, LS Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/108-k%CE%AF%E0%AA%B0%CE%AF%CF%84%CE%B8-ku%C9%B4/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Paratroop is a great Director because of the fact that he goes above and beyond what is necessary for his job. If you have an issue he has a solution. You rarely get the chance to even really meet your Director in my experience let alone one as dedicated to his job as Para. He is always willing to help and just all around goof off with his members. However this does not at all effect his work output. He balances work and play with near perfection. He is the just the kind of person that will search every possible side of things to find the right solution. Even if it might have just been easier to pick the fast one. He will not take the easy way if it is not the right way. Which is why i believe he has earned his rank, and this award. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Ares 7000, Founder over LS Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/604-god-of-war/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Ares is no nonsense. You have an issue? He is already fixing it. Your thinking about asking him a question? He has already sent a message with the answer. The only thing that exceeds this guys love for his Division is the efficiency that he works in it. I have meet plenty of leaders in KSI in my time, watched them come and go. Now this guy has earned my respect time and time again. How do you earn someones respect more than once? I couldn't tell you. Ask Ares... Actually he is already sending you a message. Nuff said. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Anatomy 7, Co-Founder in LS over Echo, Fallen, Threat, and Legend Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2435-ksi-anatomy-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Anatomy has been through a whole lot with LS. Its ups and its downs. He has seen leadership come and go and has always stayed positive. You really couldn't ask for a better Co-Founder. His commitment to LS is borderline romantic. He is always on the ball. If you need info or guidance, your staring Anatomy in the face. He works closely with all of his squads and makes sure that everyone's needs are met and overcame. He has been a Co-Founder for a long time and has not lost his interest or commitment now i believe that is truly impressive. In my opinion this kid deserves more than this award. He deserves a promotion.
  13. Name: KSI Zantetzuken/ Echo LS Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9752-zantetzuken/ Award-/-Achievement/ Reason-/-Evidence: I Was Zan's General back in Wrath and now i am his General in Echo. I have personally watched(sometimes forced) him to train well over 30 members. Zan is always ready to assist any member that has an issue. He is a problem solver and works very closely with any member in our squad or old squads in dealing with problems. Rarely does a day go by that this kid is not assisting members. Zan was in the forge team back in Legacy for a while before he joined the HH team. He then went on to be the Forge team supervisor in both Legacy and Wrath LS. Zan left the forge team to join the HH team in Legacy which i was supervising as a Captain. Zan is currently Swat 1 or Swat captain.(whichever you prefer) I am his General and can confirm. This one needs no explaination. He has 54,695 gamerscore. Check his gamertag or you can look at his signature here on the forums which has his XBL account attached to it.
  14. I can witness member assistance. Both here on the forums and within clan ops. I have personally watched him offer his assistance to anyone who needs it. I would also like to point out that he has the donor award. Which means he has donated in assistance to KSI.
  15. The sacrifice of hiding in a lie. The sacrifice is never knowing why.

  16. I understand that now. It makes sense. Though the issue i am having is as shown above. More then enough people/superiors will witness on my behalf saying that i deserve the award. Though getting them to write testimony is a different situation. So far i have 3 superiors and 2 squad mate witnesses. (Just trying to make sure everyone is up to date.) Luci: My Cofo-Codiv Shido: My Cofo-Founder Badfur: My Upper CPT-Gen-Cofo Tyrant-Ulquiorra: Fellow CPT Jar Jar: My SGT now Cofo
  17. Four days without a computer makes Jezrien very antsy.

  18. Offline until sunday. Computer being sent in.

  19. May i ask how many more? I asked metal to post. I could also ask jess and chaos i suppose.
  20. Don't mind me... I am just a seasoned Dragon Slayer. -sniff-

  21. My girlfriend with my help is going to make a forums account and use it. =D

  22. Much needed nap. Great meeting. Good job everyone.

  23. I can witness both of these. I have personally watched him recruit well over 30 people as he was an LS trainer on the tag with me and spent a large amount of time going out of his way to train for other squads. I also have been in KSI over a year (Though not active clan ops) So, i know he has been in far longer then required with a gold tag.
  24. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Ragnarok/Legacy-Wrath at the time/ LS Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.../1291-jezrien☠/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) OS OS Silver Most Outstanding Member Assistance Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) When i originally joined KSI last year i was from the beggining active in making my squad better. My first squad meeting was Chaos 7 coming in and telling everyone Legacy might get shut down if we don't pick it up. My motivation. I changed my name my second day in. I recruited 10+ people my second day in. I memorized the CoC and rank structure+requirements of the ranks and duties before i even joined. I went out of my way to join by posting in the join area. I worked hard for every rank i earned. Any of my leaders or peers can vouche for this. While in KSI i commanded not by rank but by the respect of the squad and division. As a sgt i was preforming the rank of LT recruiting, Training, and leading.(i was on the LS trainer tag as a SGT Luci should be able to confirm this.) As a LT i was doing the job of a CPT and earned the respect of one. As a second captain i was running Legacy with a first captain ahead of me and even after the general postion was filled. When anyone needed anything they knew to come to me. Because i was the one with the answers and the solutions. Even the first captain differed to me. I trained every single recruit to the pinnacle of knowlegde(Which arguabley was one of my greater talents) I trained them to an extent in which they could properly recruit and train themselves. I also trained all of my members in respect not only for their leaders but for eachother. No one spoke over someone else despite any rank. My squad was very well mannered, Mature, and professinal. 90% of my members were active. One of my greatest accomplishments was having a squad meeting with 2 full partys and half of a 3rd one. Most of our meetings were at LEAST 1 full party. I organised the first and ONLY squad split of Legacy into Wrath. I became General of Wrath. I brought over 22 members. Brought that to 66 members in two weeks. All active. No bs. Two CPT's and two LT's. As a general i was a role model not only for my squad but for others as well. I personally helped train two captains in Forsaken for their split into Siege due to the fact that they had no general and needed training to become Generals. I did this at the request of KSI Metalhead 7 My cofo at the time. (He was testing me.) My squad quickly became the role model squad of LS. Training and recruiting for other squads not only ourselves. Training other officers. This was one of the "glory days" of LS. Other squad members came to my squad when they wanted real answers and legitement information on KSI and issues and problems. I can't even count how many times i had to tell people that i am General of Wrath i can't do anything about "blah blah" I am not even in that squad. You will have to go to your leaders. I will talk to your General about it. If you have any problems you can come back to me and i will help where i can. So on so forth. This is just to give you a very small idea of what i have done for KSI. I would not change a second of it. KSI is my life and it always will be. As for whether or not i actually deserve these awards is up to you all. I am sure though you will ask for witnesses. I can't speak for others though you could probably ask. Luci(He was my cofo-founder-co-div) Templar/Jar Jar(He was a SGT in Legacy and Wrath i personally asked for his promotion to LT before i had to leave KSI for College) Metalhead(He was my first general-cofo-founder though he does not seem to be active on the forums he is currently in DM) Zantetzuken(Also not active on the forums anymore though he was my second in command through all of this) Karizma/Tyrant(If he is trolling around here lol He was in Legacy with me) Badfur(May or may not agree with this. Though he was in Legacy with me and was my general in Legacy right before it split) Chaos(Whether or not he remembers any of this i do not know he was Director and doing alot of things though he may recall it) DoubleJ(He was a cofo through most of my time in KSI general when i joined he may also remember) Trauma(No longer in KSI i believe though he was my cofo and good friend could have attested to this) Rebellion(May remember some of this. Though maybe not. As with Chaos alot going on.) Well, i don't really know what else to add. If you have any specific questions regarding anything i am more then happy to answer.
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