Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Zanimus 7/Memories/LS
Link to Forums Account:
Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) OS Lvl 1 & Committed.
Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for)
Alright, well this guy started his long KSI journey in Halo 3, running a forge team and training a HH team as a SGT. Later on his squad/division was shut down and he got lost. Now did this man give up on KSI? No! He met me and started talking to me about the community. Well, needless to say, I was interested. I located the forums in October of 2010 and then joined into Legacy.
I proceeded to recruiting Zan a week later. Within that time, during halo reach, he was a major contributor in the splitting of Legacy into Wrath LS, Legacy’s one and only squad split! He moved off into the role of 1CPT in Wrath. About a month later he had to resign for college. He returned to KSI with me last year and once again was a main contributor in fixing the broken and dying squad of Echo, which he ended up becoming General of. He then moved to Co Founder in LS over Sinister, Echo, and Fallen. Now keep in mind Sinister was dying at the time and he brought it back to life in his time as Co Founder, which was the first and only blops squad he has ever been over or in!
Now, this man has always been dedicated to KSI and his responsibilities within the community. So much so that he refuses to be a leader who cannot perform his job. That’s why when his personal life sped up and he lost time for KSI, he stepped out of the Co Founder position and into a SGT rank in Echo. When he made time for KSI again he began his rise back up to 1CPT, then moved over to be General of Memories, where he currently resides. It was in danger of being shut down at the time. Since then, Memories has been completely defluffed and now sits at around fifty real members!
Let me tell you guys, this guy knows how to fix a broken squad and is hands down one of the most dedicated and talented leaders I have ever worked with. Point and case? A week before he was promoted to Co Founder for the first time, his house was struck by lightning, resulting in his router and brand new, limited edition Halo 4 Xbox being fried. Left with no internet or Xbox, did he give up? No. He began the tedious phone calls, bought a new Xbox while his old one was sent in, jumped right back into his duties, and earned his promotion to Co Founder!
Now sitting at General, his house was struck by lightning recently, yet again frying his router. This man called up his internet provider and used the leadership skills he has honed in KSI to get a new router and fix his internet in the same day! Nothing can hold him back from KSI and his duties. Success is all that can be achieved by this member.