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About KSISpoiledSpark

  • Birthday 06/05/1996

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    Canada Alberta
  • Interests
    Video games music and sports
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    Menace Demonic Mayhem
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  1. general Gamer tag KSI DarthVad3r reasoning Vad3r should get the AAP of the month because he has been a really good gen and he has help out a lot of people and he gets to know every one on a first name basics and gets every one that he can help out if they need it both personal and KSI wise he should also Captain Gamer tag KSIThundrStruck reasoning Thundr should get the AAP because he will go out of his a way to help out his squad and others that are not in his squad and just in TW in general and that he is also like Vad3r he gets to help the people with other issues even if its not KSI related and he also has a way of cheering up people when there not in the best mood for talking.
  2. I think daddy domo should get the award becuase he is a very good at what he does in halo he is one of the hardest people to kill in halo and never dies in halo I would like to see daddy domo win the award because he is my KSI daddy lol
  3. Nico has help a lot of people and got them back up on there feet and looked for a hope when there was none he has helped a lot of people and made sure that they have no problems and got them dealt with and if it can't get solved and he will do anything in his power to help a person out he is a really amazing person and a great 7 I on would be proud to see him to get the award
  4. I have to say the recruiter of madball he has earned every award that he has I have watched him grow and I always love to see people get awards that represent them in there one personal ways I am so proud of madball on what he has done and I would like to see him get the award because he really deserves it and I would love to see him go father
  5. Ii think he should get it because he has put in a lot of work and rebuild a squid 3 time and has helped a lot of people and to get where he is now is truly amanzng with 74 recuits and 57 trains he should be getting an award that show that and with that being said that's why I think he should get it
  6. Co-Divison leader KSI Heero / TW Link to account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7261-ksi-heero-7/ Reason: Heero has put more than enuff time and effort in to KSI he will help if you ask him he will talk to people that you are having problems with and he makes sure that you are having the KSI career you have dreamed of having and you can talk to him about anything and he is a good friend and I would be proud to see him get AAP of the month
  7. Founder KSI Sworn 7 / TW founder Link to account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7662-swornxenemy13/ Reason: Sworn has been the coolest founder I have had he is willing to help any one with there problems if it was with another division or with a other gen he will get to the bottom the situation he has been great to talk to and to have as a great to talk to and that's why I thing he should get it Co-founder KSI Nico 7/ TW Co-Fo Link to account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13110-ksinicodollaz-7/ Reason: I think Nico deserves the aap of the month is because he is currently in charge of 3 squids and he is still managing to still keep up with his other duets and I don't think anyone has put as much work as him and it would be nice to see Nico win the Co-Fo of the month General KSI legalD / Nemesis TW gen Link to account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9487-ksi-legald/ Reason: I think legalD deserves the aap of the month is because he has put up with small stuff for a long time and the he is the oldest gen in TW for having gens spot I think it would be great for him and his reputation. Captain KSI ASAP MVC / Overload TW 3CPT Line to account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16251-ksi-asap-mvc/ Reason: ASAP MVC has put the time and effort and he has been on top of his game any problem you have and if none of the 7's are on line people go to ASAP and if he has a problem with some one he will tell it to there face and he will not lie to any one and try to help the situation in anyway he can and that's why I think he deserves it Lieutenant KSI Inazuma OG / nemesis TW 2Lt Reason: the work and time he has put in to recruit and to train people is great he can fix any problem you through at him and he will help you with any thing you have a problem he will jump in and help you out and fix it and still keep up with his recruiting and training he will help any one and that is why I think he should get the aap of the month
  8. General Gamertag- KSI TURBO JESUS Division/Squid- Overload TW Link to account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15436-turbo-jesus/ Reson I have known turbo ever since he was a cpl I watch him grow and I think he deserves it because he has worked hard to get to where he is now and now I am proud to call him my gen Lt Gamertag- KSI ASAP MVC Division/Squid rank - 2 Lt Overload TW Link to account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16251-ksi-asap-mvc/ Reason ASAP has put a lot of time and affort to ward KSI and I would love to see him win the AAP award and it would make him soo happy to get it I am proud to call him my fello Lt
  9. Director Gamertag-KSI Greg 7 Division/squid-DM,FG and TW Link to account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/109-ksi-greg-7/ Reason The little time I have known him I know for a fact that he is a hard worker in KSI and I think he is the best Director that I will ever had and that he deserves the AAP award Co-division leader Gamertag- KSI Heero 7 Division/squid-TW Link to account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7261-ksi-heero-7/ Reason I have know Heero for a good 6 months and he loves dealing with KSI it doesn't matter what it is he will help you with anything yeah people may get him mad but he will still have time to talk to everyone on what ever the case my be he will alway help in Amy way he can Founder Gamertag- KSI Sworn 7 Division/Squid-TW Link to account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7662-swornxenemy13/ Reason I have know sworn for 6 months and he is really cool when he means business he means it and I love talking to home it's such an honor and it's like you know when he is in the party his presents are so strong Co-Founder Gamertag- KSI Nico 7 Division/Squid-Nememsis and Recoil TW Reason I think Nico should get it because he has helped me at in when I was at my darkest time he picked me up and help me back on my feet when I though I couldn't get back up and he has helped me out ever since
  10. Gamer tags KSISpoiledSpark Division TW Game halo 4 Approve by KSI Heero 7
  11. Twisted warfare yeah aka TW yeah
  12. Welcome to the forums Chelsea.pag10 :)

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