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Guardian Zoroark

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Guardian Zoroark last won the day on March 12 2014

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About Guardian Zoroark

  • Birthday 08/10/1994

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Soccer, Gaming, hanging out, food, Being somewhat creative sometimes.
  • Gamertag
    KSI FenrirsFury
  • Squad
    Echo Last Strike
  • Rank/Title
    1st Captain

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  • Kik
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  1. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shivah 7 (Last Strike, Founder) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12974-trainer-shivah/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Shivah has always done a great job as within every rank as she moved up through KSI. As a Founder she stays active with the squads within the division, keeping tabs on us all. Even when she is stuck in bed being sick with multiple illnesses, she continues to show dedication to her role as Founder. The amount of work, and dedication she shows, is inspiring to all, and she has earned the support of all those below her. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Prophet 7 (CoFounder, Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...-sxe-prophet-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this -Prophet has been an amazing co founder since he has joined LS, he does not run my squad, but is still actively helpful, towards us as well as the squads he is over. Though he's not on xbox constantly, he uses the time he has in the best way he can with his self-coined "B.A.B.Y" workshops, for all members who are interested in bettering themselves in KSI. He always has positive motivational things to say, and is a great leader as a whole. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Scotland (General, Echo Last Strike) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17241-shivahs-flareon/ Reasoning why the deserve this -Scotland has dedicated much of his time and effort to running his squad, despite his time zone difference he stays quite active within his squad, making sure it runs smoothly and grows each day. He is a great model of a general, and his squad enjoys him as their leader. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Tohdoh v2 ( 4th Captain, Memories Last Strike) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/19772-ksi-tohdoh-v2/ Reasoning why they deserve this -Tohdoh is rather new to the Captain's position, but he has always been striving to learn his ranks more thoroughly. Since being a Captain he has taken over the HeadHunters team for the squad, and done what he can to learn all that he would need as a Captain. He stays active with the squad, and always is helping with what he can. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Goblin210 (4th Lieutenant, Memories Last Strike) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/19791-ksi-goblin/ Reasoning why they deserve this -Since hitting the rank of Lieutenant he has done all that he can to excell at his position.He took control of the Forge Team, and runs it smoothly, each member is happy at his leadership, and he has led them up to time in the Most Downloaded list. Always willing to do and learn more, he is an active member of the squad, and shows great leadership.
  2. 1. Have you ever participated in a weekend warfare tournament or a tournament hosted by T&E? Yes 2. When you did participate in the tournament, how did you hear about it? Was it via messaging on xbox, or from looking it up on the WW web site? Via my General telling me at a squad meeting 3. Do you like the current WW site or do you think the site is confusing to use? It's a little confusing at first but I have gotten used to using it now. 4. Do you think T&E should host more tournaments on the weekends with WW or should there be more tournaments on the weekdays? I think Weekends work best around a majority of the peoples work and school schedules. 5. What types of tournaments do you like to play in? The fun type tournaments or the competitive MLG tournaments? I enjoy the fun type a bit more as a way to kinda relax yet still be a bit competitive. 6. What games would you like to see be played in tournaments for WW or for T&E? Battlefield 4 would be a good one i think 7. What types of prizes would you like to see introduced into WW or T&E tournaments? I think the current range of prizes is actually adequate.
  3. Welcome to the Forums!

    1. Guardian Zoroark

      Guardian Zoroark

      Here is our Div Chat:

      Here is our Squad Chat:

  4. General KSI JBombshell (Gen - Memories / LS) - Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16113-ksi-jbombshell/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Where to begin. Jbombshell has been an amazing leader, she has been acting Gen for Memories, since before i joined, when she was a Second Captain. Memories has grown into one giant family because of her, and we all love her as our leader. She has earned the admiration of us all especially from her officers for all her hard work that she does for our squad. She goes above and beyond to make sure that her Squad stays how it has supposed to, and knows everything that we need to for our jobs within the squad. She puts everyone in Memories, and in KSI before herself, and even her family and friends sometimes routinely losing sleep to the point of causing insomnia to make sure her Squad enjoys themselves. Of all the generals I have seen, and the few I have been under, I have not seen any more dedicated and worthy of the position. Captain KSI TheSicilian (3CPT - Memories / LS) - Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/18077-thesiciliankid/ Reasoning why they deserve this - I believe Sicilian deserves Captain of the Year for all the work he has thrown into Memories. He has always helped our General, KSI Jbombshell, to the best he can, and also takes the initiative for recruiting, as well as training new members. When Bombshell was on leave for her surgery he stepped up and helped run the squad, making sure that everything continued to run smoothly and we continued to reach our goals. He has done so much for our squad and I'm sure all of Memories can attest to that. LT KSI Mikuhatsune (4LT - Memories / LS) - Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/18026-ksi-mikuhatsune/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Miku joined KSI a little skeptical at first but shortly after seeing how much fun we were having in Memories, he quickly changed his name and wanted to be an officer. He was promoted to Staff Sergeant shortly after, and since then has excelled at recruiting as well as anything else we ask him to do. He never says no, and always is able to complete all his tasks especially when recruiting. When asked "Miku can you get us 3 recruits?" he simply replies "this lobster sure can, just give me a bit." He is an amazing and dedicated Lieutenant, and i am glad he is ours, and believe he truly deserves this medal Member KSI Wayne(Sergeant - Memories / LS) Link to Forums Account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/19359-ksi-wayne/ Since joining Memories Wayne has always been interested in moving further up and taking on more responsibilities. He is always asking questions to improve on his knowledge of KSI, He has performed well, and has great officer potential.
  5. I will also vouch for Bombshell, since returning to Memories, and KSI from a long break i have enjoyed every minute of it. I think this has to do with what the squad has become, and after knowing what it was a short while ago, i can say it has changed alot and all for the better.
  6. stalking... stalking... stalking...stalking everywhere!

  7. stalking stalking stalking...stalking everywhere!

  8. Off to work now, just 24hrs from now, KSI Late Night Party Hosting! xD

  9. So bored without my Xbox xD

  10. Welcome to the forums KSI Sutoka :)

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