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BloodShot 7

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    KSI Lokii 7
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  1. I can witness for this, I have been in KSI for close to a year now and he is one of the very few people that have always been there for anything. We may not agree on things all the time but he will help me or anyone who needs it. He was one of 2 people to re-train me because I was gen and knew as much as a SSG. He was told to demote me but he didn't he stuck through it and mentored me. He was even training me and giving me advice when he wasn't even in KSI. He left for a good month for good reason everyone hated him for it but if you went to him and asked him he was there just like he was when he was founder the first time. I was founder of last strike when he got Co-Founder again and he had to even give me advice on my rank he deserves his founder position and he deserves this award.
  2. Writer KSI Jezrien 7 (Last Strike Co-Founder) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1291-jezrien-%D2%82%E2%8C%A3%CC%80-%E2%8C%A3%CC%81/ Reasoning- He deserves this award due to the fact that his first articles i think it was didn't even need to be edited, He has posted articles that I was interested in reading and so was others. He also already has another story ready. He is one of the few committed members to the news team and, I cant wait to read some more interesting articles from him in the near future. General KSIxGODDESS(General- Last Strike- ECHO) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12974-icequeen/ Reasoning- Goddess has really earned this award she has worked really hard in ECHO and now all that hard work and commitment that she has with her squad is now paying off. They are gonna be splitting soon they have a hard working officer staff and the one who is running that all is her. She came into ECHO as a 1CP and was working as hard as she could from then on, she came from a squad that was dead and she had 1 thing in mind when she got here "I will not let what happened there happen again here". She took that and blew it out of the water, Killed it, that is not even something that is possible anymore. She has made this squad such a great place and a fun place to be that every single custom game, meeting, Matchmaking night she has is always a full lobby or even 2. She has divisional leadership all they way up to our director (KSI Paratroop 7) showing up and wanting to be in all of their customs, Matchmaking nights. Oh yeah did I not say ECHO is a HALO REACH SQUAD!!! The only Halo Reach squad and THEY ARE ABOUT TO SPLIT, they are the best squad at this point in time in our division. I cant wait to see where she goes in KSI, I have nothing bad to say about her. I am the current founder in LS and I do not see another person in this division that cares as much as she does about every single member in this whole division not only her squad. I as her founder can say i would love to even be under her and learn how she does all of this with her real life involved as well. (I am sorry for any mistakes or anything like that)
  3. I can witness for arch I have been over Arch for awhile when i was Cofo he was that officer that the members getting trained wanted to be trained by him and him only. He has made many successful officers in KSI and even turned officer that were complete disrespectful pains into being a great and hard working officer. I have seen him run multiple teams and now a H.H team. He still today is giving training everyday. Im in his parties sometimes and the main conversation of that party is him training someone in his squad without even realizing it. Its now second nature for him to just help and give everyone from people in his squad to others in the division advise. He has done so much for this division and it doesn't look like he will stop anytime soon!
  4. i can speak for Zan i joined KSI on 12-10-12 and i never meet him till i was Gen he was my cofo at the time. He was that guy that would go above and beyond to help anyone, he trained me and taught me so much. He is one of the few people who helped me get to where i am today (im the founder of LS now) he taught me everything and i was a really big pain and he was here to help me at any time. After being a cofo here and helping me and 2 other squad rebuild and grow really well, he had stepped out of his co-founder position because of real life issues and stress coming from upper leadership but he didn't stop helping this division. As he was not in KSI a week before he rejoined as a SGT he trained me to be a co-founder because i was being promoted and nobody in upper leadership was doing so. He trained me and told me everything i needed to know to be a Co-founder and i then ended up being the only co-founder in LS for about 4 month it was 2 days before it hit 4 months. I was over the 5 squads in this division there was 2 dying squads (memories and legend). I had no CPT, Gen, in memories,there was no one there they we at 60 members. but that was nowhere near true they were dropping 5 to 10 members a day. At this time i asked for 2 leaders a old founder (Jez) and him to please come back they were in echo as SGTs they worked really hard and legit i had no worries in echo i really was able to look away and worry about the dying squads. when Jezrien was at gen and Zan was his CPT with 1 other person they both got really busy in their real life zan was working and jez just got a promotion at his work and was really not able to do there jobs but jezrien was about to be promoted to a co-founder position and zan was about to be Gen when this all happened. divisional leadership voted to put them both into the advisor positions, they were there for about 3 weeks and they made the time because they both care about this div. we asked Zan to go into the squad memories which at the time i was told to shut down 2 weeks earlier but i was working as hard as i could to keep it alive they really were at maybe 10 member and the rest was fluff. He went into that squad and within a week they were kicking some a** they were at 25 real member they had no officers when zan took over and he trained up 2 Lt and had 3 SSG in mid training they started with working on activity which rose to a amazing amount. Within 3 weeks they are now in the 50's a really great officer staff and doing amazing, they went from being shut down to being a boss squad and the whole divisional staff couldn't ask for anything else for him! He deserves both these awards and i cant wait to see what else he does for this division! (sorry for any spelling errors or like run on sentences typed this on a computer that has half keys ripped off and not there and its pretty hard lol)
  5. I can witness for him from day one of me meeting him and him having to retrain me and my whole officer staff with the help of a few people while him and 1 other person working with me 1 on 1. To when not even in KSI and people coming to him from squads asking him for advise and just help, when this division was only being ran by me and he started out at a SGT after rejoining working and fixing 1 squad to a Gen of it and having to step into a ADVISOR rank because real life caught up to him and one thing that he trys his hardest to not do and something that he always says is that he wants to be the best that he can be and not be a leader that has to be demoted for being inactive so he did the best thing for the division and that was an ADVISOR rank. He them was able to make time and it was right about the time when we were dropping by the day we went from flagship to fleet and there was only a Co-div and a single Co-Fo (me) this was the time that in mid training of 4 different Gens to take mying and the other Co-Fo position they all were not ready and most ended up demoted. I was really stressed and was about to say im done and just leave but he came in took 3 squads off my back started rebuilding a squad that i was the only one who thought it could be okay also taking a squad that was full of drama and was able to lay down the law and already see a huge improvement and now for the first time i dont have all the squads needing so much work done and me to not be left alone and i was able to go on a week leave and really focus on finding my drive and the success that i want to see the div get to and so sunday when im get back the next thing on our list is getting Flagship back and spliting a squad after months of multi squad being shut down, so in a few month and LS is a flagship, also at more than 5 squads in the division and when we think that were doing great we can start working for LS to 1 day being able to be on the top and always working to get better and to be a great and loyal group of members we have to give a huge piece of credit to him! and he is one of the most loyal and hard working people to come around and he alway teaching myself and others something new everyday. hes a big mentor and leader for alot of people but everyone wont give him another chance they just look at the 3 marks on him and thats when he left KSI and not all of his success that he has brought and his great leadership.
  6. I as CO-FOUNDER can witness for him. Wolves has been one of the most active and friendly person in the whole division he has been demoted from position the he 100% earned from running his squad at 4CPT for his GEN then being Promoted up to GEN and get it takin from him for the 2nd time for his age and still wanted to be here but to still being in a 1CPT position while i would have to train up his replacement from 1LT slowly move him up and just be promoted over him for him to do as much as he did before saying im done see ya in 6 months when im 16. It was outstanding and unreal and now after he said im done he sat a SGT for about 2 weeks he sees the squad starts killing itself he came back full effort not looking behind just a TRAINING and RECRUITING MONSTER he was back to a 4LT in no time and at that 4LT spot ran the whole squad from Recruiting,Training not lower rank but officers above him,dealing with issue that was brought to the CP,and pullng me into partys telling me whos messing up, Promotion, demotions, Helping me fix that squad. I cant wait for him to be 16 he would be a great "7" and i wouldnt mind being a Rank below him bc i know that he has gone through so much and is stll completely committed! THANK YOU Wolves for doing such a great job not just in the squad in the division as a whole!
  7. Gamertags: KSI Lokii 7 and KSI Wolves div: Last Strike Game: Bo2 Approval: me (MY XBOX STOPPED READING MY GAMES SO Wolves is gonna be in the lobby and he wiill inv me when its our turn)
  8. Welcome to the forums KSIMariiijuana :)

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