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Everything posted by KSI BRUINS 7

  1. Im back baby time to make KSI up to the best

  2. well im in 2 and rebellion has signed us up for anything or contacted us so can i join 1?
  3. Name: KSI BRUINS 7/ Co-Founder Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1210-ksi-bruins-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Mentor Reason-/-Evidence: i have 5 people who can vouch for me being their mentor
  4. Name: KSI BRUINS FAN Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1210-ksi-bruins-fan/ Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service Reason-/-Evidence: I have done alot for my squad ( Exalted ) in the past couple months Witnesses: KSI Paratroop 7, KSI H0P OFF, KSI CHUCKNORR1S
  5. I can vouch for sungazer he gave general back then 110% and he was perfect in alot of ways
  6. Yes thank ou very much guys
  7. He told me he verified me but i receieved no award
  8. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI BRUINS FAN Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1210-ksi-bruins-fan/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for)Platinum Donor Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) KSI Ace 7 or odin I donate $30
  9. Division Leader: KSI Coden 777- a great leader and always helping out. Makes sure he has time for everybody.
  10. Prophet the rest of my squad is in United or they left
  11. Co-Division Leader of the Month - KSI Shaolin 7: always around when needed nd a really good mentor Co-Founder of the Month - KSI HOP OFF 7: one of the biggest helper since day 1 of me rejoining ksi, looked out for me always General of the month - KSI Paratroop 7: he was a huge help with anything needed, friendly, help make our squad grow from 10 to 95 in the matter of 3 weeks Captain of the Month -KSI BRUINS FAN : yes it is me but i believe i gave it 110% and made Exalted not only a squad but a family Lieutenant of the Month -KSI Voodoo: hes my right hand man when it comes down to bussiness
  12. im pretty sure most of those members are in KSI UNITED
  13. Shaolin i was in a halo 3 clan that collapsed around 2 years ago so i forgot wat clan i was in but i found 2 of my members from that division and one is sungazer and the other is KSI ManualMist and i have had this gt ever since
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