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KSI 30thMidget

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About KSI 30thMidget

  • Birthday 12/30/1992

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  • Interests
    Music, Sound, Technology, Hiking, Sports, Gaming
  • Gamertag
    KSI 30thMidget
  • Date Recruited
    Feb. 21, 2013
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    KSI 30thMidget #7153

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  1. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI 30thMidget Award: New Member Certified Evidence: KSI Celebi Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Celebi
  2. Welcome back, stranger. :rolleyes:

    1. KSI 30thMidget

      KSI 30thMidget

      Stranger? I believe we have always been friends! 8) Good to see you again! :)

  3. I give my FULL witness of both awards to the nominated individual...a lot...like, REALLY a lot. I say this because I was literally recruited into KSI little over a week before hatter was recruited in, which is nearly "duo" years ago (see what I did there?) coming February, and time and time and time AND time again I have had dealings with hatter since we first met, even up until my last days of being her boss before I stepped down. First and foremost I'll start with an analogy before going into detail on how it will pertain to my descriptive explanation of my witness proposal. The norm of humans is to reside within an untouched picture or painting canvas. With this, these individuals are to compose a product within their own sanctity. When the product is done, it's usually within the same borders of the canvas. When one goes outside of the canvas, these kind of people are classified as either geniuses, bright and gifted, insane, rebels, or a combination of either of these few listed attributes. Of course any of it is up for constructive argument and debate but to put it, while seeing it, simply is that this is the general description. Hatter lies beyond the canvas borders and she does it flawlessly. Now back to subject at hand. To this day, since we both were first recruited into KSI, I do not see much of hatter as being insane or anything related to insane, just has a tough character attached to herself. Of course I can see how some people can look at her character differently than I do but just remember, we are all different and unique in our own way. Hatter has hers and it is definitely something to be admirably feared AND feared admirably. While I may have gone up the ranks faster than she because of my more calm and understanding character, this still posed situations and opportunities to lookout and teach those to be more tolerable people. Hatter was one of those people. To be honest, I have had more encounters with her that involved a problem or multiple problems than I can recall. But with all of those problems, WE were able to work it out, learn from it, and then use that knowledge to teach others from making the same mistake(s). The tough mind and bold personality of hers is definitely a double-edged sword. While it may rub things the wrong way (and it has very much at times), it also has the greatest potential to present oneself as a great teacher and leader (and it has shown itself very, very, VERY much all most all the time). And I can honestly say that appointing her to be a leader, especially a 7, was one of the best things I could have done to have by my side as a leader, a good friend, and most of all, someone I can call my sister (though we are not related by blood, just the level of respect and care I have for her). She’s definitely the type of person one should keep an eye on so she doesn’t cause any trouble but more carefully keep and hold onto in order to help each other make a beautiful "masterpiece.†I hope my explanation through a simplified version of the Iceberg Theory was not too confusing but I prefer to explain myself in a much more deeper understanding than the norm. Through this is the true understanding of walking through life where the earth beneath one’s feet is soft. With much warm regards, Chad M. KSI 30thMidget
  4. I was a Co-Founder of WI during the time when Lafayette was recruited in. Though I was not over the squad he was in, I do remember receiving information on the latest recruits for WI with Lafayette being one of them. It was also, too, that I started a connection with him shortly after being recruited in. I give my witness for this award to the following member
  5. YO! I'm so grateful and honored to be receiving this award. Never in my wildest KSI dreams I thought I would be nominated for something grand such as this. Thank you so much but most of all a huge congratulations to all of the other members who won as well. Stay safe and happy gaming KSI 8)
  6. WI Ghosts Representatives KSI Z Ro KSI Nobody23 KSI Stricken FREAKESNORMAL1 ALTERNATES: KSI UnD34d KSI Ninjahawk osfighta
  7. WI Karaoke Representatives KSI Ninjahawk Ms DerpyFox ALTERNATES: KSI SKARMORY
  8. WI Halo Representatives TEAM 1: KSI Sad Tempah KSI Buffalowing KSI VONNER META TEAM 2: KSI Torch096 KSI Batman 2014 KSI Faze ALTERNATES: KSI Killzone665 KSI CloutLoud KSI Index
  9. Name: KSI Grumpy 7 (WI Co-Founder) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14052-ksi-grumpy-7/ Award-/-Achievement: 7's HH Award Reason-/-Evidence: I am the captain of the 7's Halo 4 HH Team and this member is an active player on the team Name: KSI Harmony 7 (DM Co-Founder) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14082-nikki-cola/ Award-/-Achievement: 7's HH Award Reason-/-Evidence: I am the captain of the 7's Halo 4 HH Team and this member is an active player on the team
  10. Member Assistance: For as long as I have known this member, especially back in the days when Prospin used to be in my division, I have experienced from time to time that he always gives out tips and tricks and help and advice of any sort, whether it be guidance, motivation, resolving a dispute, this guy always has something to say to help out. It doesn't matter if the member coming to him is within his squad or from a totally different division, he gladly helps out Mentor: Once again, even back in the day when this member was in my division up to now, giving advice and help in a general and open-minded sense does not stop this member from going a step further to helping people. He has the experience and can easily teach members that are under his wing to become the best they can be for KSI and even become successful future leaders. I admire him for teaching and helping those who ask to want to become a great member of KSI O.S. Lvl 1: When you add it all up, beside him being a bonehead and comedian, this guy never gives up on a fight: the drive to complete a task that needs attention based on what he was told by leadership or being a leader himself and solving the problem himself to the best of his ability. You have to give him credit for being passionate about KSI and continuing to give more and more, no matter how much and how many problems are thrown at him. I applaud him for being such a great member. He is the very definition of what a great member can be in KSI. Problem solving, building connections, giving advice, spreading news and alike, and then some. Truly an all-rounded individual. The work this member has done in my division and now in Twisted Warfare, he has earned my respect. I give my full witness to this award for the nominated member
  11. Want to challenge us to a match? Feel free to contact one of us and hopefully we can work something out Roster KSI 30thMidget (Captain) KSI Havoc 7 (Co-Captain) KSI Flux 7 KSI Grumpy 7 KSI Harmony 7 KSI Jupiter 7 KSI Oni 7 KSI Ryu 7 KSI Shivah 7 KSI Sinister 7 KSI ZOMBYGaL 7
  12. I hereby give my full witness of this award to the following nominated member. I have known KSI Direguard for almost all of my KSI career and not once have I been disappointed in what he could provide to the table of KSI. Probably one of the most mature, most responsible, and most outgoing member I know all around. Willing to work with people no matter the situation and what it will take to complete it. A very bright member too at that. If I could, I would award this member for Outstanding Service 10x over because of the level of respect I have for him. Even to me it is unfathomable. Now and then I learn a thing or two about leadership and organization from this member. There is never a hiccup or dull moment working with KSI Direguard, even creating and strengthening a relationship with him can never be argued against. He does not let things get to him whether it is good or bad. He thinks it through and when it is done, he'll move on to something that needs attention without giving himself too much credit for the accomplishments completed. If I had it my way, I would let him take my place but that may be a bit exaggerating. But even so, I couldn't be more appreciative of what he has done, is doing, and is going to do for his squad Crysis, his division Wicked Intent, and KSI as a whole.
  13. I witness both of these awards to the following member. Reason for both the Mad Max and Drama Queen awards is because I have personally seen my fair share (countless) times of him coming to me about problems and complaints he wants to address (since I am his Mentor) and I try to help in every way possible and him sitting in chats/lobbies/parties where he continues the (silly, non-sense) drama or sit through drama, heck even come to me about drama as well, which sometimes ties into the problems he brings with the Mad Max. For as long as I have known him (since he was first recruited and trained by me) I have seen my fair share of just about everything from him
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