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Deadly last won the day on November 10 2014

Deadly had the most liked content!

About Deadly

  • Birthday 09/03/1997

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  • Gamertag
    KSI Deadly 7
  • Squad
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    Wicked Intent
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  1. Squad/Division- MAXIMUM PUNISHMENT Game Platform- Xbox360: Advanced Warfare & Black ops 2 Gametype- Any Contacts- KSI OSIRIS 7(Div-lead) KSI DeadlyAngel(CPT) Extra comments- Were the new guys.
  2. Name: KSI DeadlyAngel, xUTOPIAx, DR Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11852-alsor12345/ Award-/-Achievement: Commited and Trainer Reason-/-Evidence: I have had a KSI gold Gamertag for 1+ year, and i have trained 30+ members.
  3. Izzy has been my pal for over 3 years. He has done exceedingly well work with doing his job as a COFO, examples are his ability to be a COFO and still run a squad when there was no active gen and recruit for said squad. He also has peoples skills for example, can convince his subordinates to do, not just there jobs, but also make them go above and beyond. he gets along with everyone in his div and all other divs and is easily accessible to be communicated with all ranking members.
  4. This gen has helped while I was under him and then when I was his like rank. He has mentored me through my rising ranks in KSI. He succefully prepared his squad to split and help mine with new recruits because his squad is FULL.
  5. -I can verify that KSI COMMAND0 has had a gold gamer tag with KSI prefix in it for over a year. -I am also the leader of the current HeadHunter team, and can verify that he is a member.
  6. Name: KSI DeadlyAngel/xUTOPIAx/DR Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11852-ksi-deadlyangel/ Award-/-Achievement: GAMERSCORE HOARDER, HeadHunter Reason-/-Evidence: - I have a the required gamerscore - I run the Div. HH team for DR on advanced warfare
  7. -General of the YEAR -KSI COMMAND0 (General - DR/NIRVANA) -Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/996-ksi-command0/ -I not only nominate this man for this year's award, but for every year to come, because he has put in more effort in these past few months than some have in their respective KSI career. He has shown knowledge, determination, and charm. His intellectual aptitude of of KSI has proven useful in several scenarios. For example, in the squad he is currently governing, a typical training for him was to elaborate on the duties in detail for the designated rank and provide background info to help encourage and promote leadership building in the squad. His commitment to KSI is one of the best seen compared to the gaming community as a whole. He has achieved the rank general twice, and both times he was top of the line as he is now. Lastly, his charisma helps make KSI a friendly community. He can turn a boring meeting of info to an exciting moment of potential with just the tone and word usage.
  8. Squad/Division- Divine Reign Game Platform- Advanced Warfare Gametype- Any Contacts - KSI DeadlyAngel(CPT) KSI THOR 7(ADMIN) Extra comments- Any match for AW is accepted.
  9. Gamer Tag: KSI DeadlyAngel Moderator or Generals Gamer Tag: KSI DeadlyAngel Division and Squad: Divine Reign(Divisional Team) Division-/-Squad-/-Team you wish to Challenge?: Any Advanced Warfare Game Platform: Advanced Warfare Gametype-/-any special conditions: Any
  10. Name: KSI COMMAND0-xUTOPIAx-Divine Reign Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/996-ksi-command0/ Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service -(Level 1)- Reason-/-Evidence: This member has done exceedingly well work such as setting up Snipe Ops, took role of general when there was no one else who could maintain the squad and produce leadership, and lastly, helped maintain his own squad while helping assist and revive the others in his division, as in recruiting and assisting in extra activities.
  11. Gamer Tag: KSI DeadlyAngel Moderator or Generals Gamer Tag: KSI DeadlyAngel Division and Squad: DR xUTOPIAx Division-/-Squad-/-Team you wish to Challenge?: Any Game Platform: xbox 360 Gametype-/-any special conditions: Prefer a 4 V. 4 anything else goes.
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