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Chocobo Breeder
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Everything posted by Kalakoi

  1. So, I currently have something in the works that may change how the shop awards are given out so be on the lookout for future announcements regarding them. As far as donation drives go, that would be more a question for the board and seniors. AAP would not be responsible for putting on donation drives. The last full-blown donation drive was last spring so there may be one coming up soon.
  2. Closed for inactivity
  3. I'm trying to gauge interest in a KSI Fight Club on different fighting games and want your input! Please answer the poll with any and all fighting games you would be interested in playing against your fellow KSI members and be on the lookout for future announcements and sign-ups for the Fight Club within the Community Events Section! If I've missed any games that you would like to see please feel free to post it up as a suggestion on this topic.
  4. 24 hour warning @Jimmie1977
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