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Chocobo Breeder
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Everything posted by Kalakoi

  1. Sounds like a great idea but Tuesday's are a no-go for me.
  2. Here is the relevant evidence from the DR Meeting Notes topic which is only accessible to VIPs. Please take this into consideration along with the witness statement above. It is very unconventional that an award is nominated for this far away from when it happened but seeing as Airborne has not left KSI since this split has happened he would still be eligible to receive this award. Showing Airborne's rank as Major of Sacrifice DR before the split: Showing Airborne's rank as General of Archangel DR after the split: Showing Archangel's original numbers from split as 30: Showing Archangel at 71 members around a month after the split:
  3. You cannot until after they are awarded
  4. @KSI Siggy you are able to request a staff award for each tier of meta award. Which 2 staff awards would you like?
  5. Name: KSI Kalakoi 77 Link to Forums Account: @Kalakoi Award-/-Achievement: I <3 Awards Staff Award: Tavioli's Ravioli Reason-/-Evidence: I have 60 awards on my profile
  6. Thank you, awarded Awarded
  7. I am unable to award a Guest account. @KSI nighmare please get with this member and make sure they are properly signed into the forums and have them repost for this award. Awarded @KSI nighmare You do not have to post on here verifying that you did host the workshop, however if you notice someone posting saying you did host a workshop for them when you didn't then please send me a private message. @KSI SenseiLeo You already have this award, you do not need to post every time you take the workshop
  8. Unfortunately for Committed, Dedicated, and Devoted the member must have been active in KSI with a gold KSI tag during the entire 1, 3, and 5 year periods respectively. Due to you being re-recruited in May of last year you would not be eligible for Devoted at this time. @KSI MFLSwagg 7
  9. Witness movement? @Jimmie1977 We need a picture that shows your Twitch name and that you are subscribed in the same picture
  10. Awarded and Closed @KSI RiiOT 7
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