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Chocobo Breeder
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Everything posted by Kalakoi

  1. @KSI Follow What staff award would you like with the meta award?
  2. Awarded @KSI STR8WRONG94 You already have this award Awarded
  3. Awarded Awarded @KSIfiremomma7 I believe you posted this in the wrong topic, please post this in the Multi-Department Award Notification topic. Thank you.
  4. Awarded @KSI Athydian91 You cannot self-nominate for this award. It needs to be posted for by the person who hosted the workshop. Awarded
  5. Outstanding Service Level 1: Awarded Outstanding Service Level 2: Denied We look forward to seeing your nominations for higher tiers of Outstanding Service in the future! Closed
  6. Witness movement? @KSI Jynxie @KSI M3NTALIST 7
  7. Closed due to lack of witnesses. We look forward to seeing another nomination for you in the future.
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