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Everything posted by Flischeintopf

  1. Name: KSI BEEFARONI MENACE DM Link to forums account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1160-ksi-beefaroni-3/ Award-/-Achievement:Icebreaker Reason-/-Evidence: i dont know if this counts but i nominated 2 whole teams for awards. http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/topic/3878-ksi-menace-dm-forge-team/ http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/topic/3724-ksi-menace-dm-swat-team-awarded/
  2. he has an account but i havent been able to add or find him
  3. Sammich award: award for members who make the most sammichs(flareon) :3
  4. panda doesnt have internet currently could i get jupiter?
  5. KSIBEEFARONI is my gamebattles account if you still need a fourth member :3
  6. Name:KSI BEEFARONI, KSI Panderen, Slice n Dice 365, KSI No Swag 8, KSI Gearskull(xbl) All MENACE DM Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...0-ksi-pandaren/ , http://www.ksiforums...-ksi-no-swag-8/ , http://www.ksiforums...0-slice-n-dice/ ,http://www.ksiforums...1-gearskull117/ Award/Achievement: Forge Reason/Evidence: all of these people are current members of the forge team and Panderen is the captain
  7. Name:KSI Panderen, KSI BEEFARONI, KSI No Swag8, slice n dice All DM MENACE Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...-ksi-beefaroni/ , http://www.ksiforums...0-ksi-pandaren/ , http://www.ksiforums...0-slice-n-dice/ , http://www.ksiforums...-ksi-no-swag-8/ Award-/-Achievement: Swat team Reason-/-Evidence: theses members are part of the swat team in meance and im the captain as well
  8. 1 greg= awesome 2 greg= best mentor ever 3 he encourages and helps everyone as much as he can 4 he actually knows when to put his foot down and tell people to be quiet when they are being annoying or rude 5 i could go on for hours so im gonna stop with 5. :3
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