Gamertag KSI Tiger 77
Link @KSI T1GER 77
reasoning-she has done a outstanding job she is allays working to improve the div.She will host game night once a week on different game so that everyone in the div can come. She is also has the first split in wd history . She love asking question to learn more if she dont know the answer she will find the answer for you. she make everyone feel welcome by always staying in open party so that people can join.She also has this drive to be better and learn more there no stop in her she is bond to be a great ksi leader.
gamer tag KSI xRoguex
link @KSI x Rogue
reasoning she does a lot of work in the time that she has. she make all her member feel welcome by gaming and just talking to them. She even help with wd first squad split by making sure that everyone got move over to where they was supposed to go and not gt left be hide.