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TALON 775 last won the day on April 4 2014

TALON 775 had the most liked content!

About TALON 775

  • Birthday 01/25/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Armed Forces, Parachuting, Airsoft, Professional paintball, Target shooting, Soccer, Football, Free running, snow boarding, surfing, driving, xbox 360, drinking, eating, Call of Duty (all), Halo (all), GTA IV and V, HH, Recruiting for KSI and being with my family
  • Gamertag
  • Squad
  • Rank/Title
    Free Agent

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TALON 775's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Command and Conquer

  2. Angels can wait for moment

  3. General Gamertag (Rank/Squad,Division) - General. KSI ItS SmOoTh, Velocity Forced Induction Link to their forums account - http://ksiforums.org/user/15541-ksi-its-smooth/ Reason why they deserve this - Because he motivates the squad to complete present and future tasks and goal and does what's best for the squad and discuses to his officers what needs to be done in the correct standards and terms and tells the whole squad to enforce the KSI Code Of Conduct.
  4. 4th Captain. KSI TALON SFTF > VELOCITY FI

  5. Para..Paradise everytime she closed her eyes,..

  6. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI FuzzyFinS - FI / Intake Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15157-ksi-fuzzyfins/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Because of the hard work he has put in the squad and has always kept us on our feet and always motivating to everyone and always keep is on the role makes us work hard for we want to achieve and he makes sure that we are doing our job properly and to see how well everyone is doing with the roles with the squad and he provides all the information in Detail
  7. Name/Gamertag: KSI KRYTHOON Rank (If applicable): 4TH Lieutenant Time spent on the forums (Daily): 24/7 Experience in KSI: I use to be a 7 a while ago, over 6 months when I was in DL back at the start of 2013 I have a large sum of experience. Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): Because Im a really hard worker and I wanna see more experience in KSI and because I don't give up on tasks that's been set, I like getting results and to make sure it's 100% to my higher ups standard.
  8. Never give up, Never show a weakness and work to your maxium limit and to always carry on with what you do best and do it with pride and honor.

  9. Recruiting like a boss

  10. Welcome to the forums KSI x Veteran x :)

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